Wayne Roelke’s site on ancestry.com
Author | Roelke, Wayne |
Abbreviation | PAF5 |
Publication information | http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/13376977/family/pedigree |
Number | Title | Type | Call number |
1 | ancestry.com | Book |
- Death, Bursley, John
- Death, Crocker, Eleazer
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, John and Hinckley, Mary
- Childs, Benjamin
- Birth, Faunce, Mercy
- Whittemore, Mary Ann
- Crocker, Orrin A
- Crocker, Henry J
- Crocker, Benjamin
- (Surname), Anna
- Lancaster, Permelia
- McLaughlin, Moses
- Birth, Childs, Richard
- Death, Hull, Benjamin
- Birth, Childs, Mercy
- Birth, Goddard, Gardner
- Goddard, Asenath
- Birth, Clapp, Charity
- Birth, Athearn, Samuel
- Birth, Hatch, Thomas
- Birth, Crocker, George A
- Marriage, Family of Clapp, Increase and Bursley, Elizabeth
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- Birth, Crocker, Benjamin Jr.
- Death, Crocker, Levi B
- McLaughlin, Laughlin
- Athearn, Samuel
- Birth, Scott, Catherine J
- Death, Coffin, Christian
- Birth, Bursley, John
- Death, Hall, Bathsheba
- Coffin, Peter
- "Being a fortnight old"
- Death, Crocker, Timothy Esq.
- Birth, Crocker, James H.
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, William and Cobb, Patience
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Nathaniel and Lewis, Mehitable
- Birth, Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Crocker, Otis Lawson
- Davis, Samuel
- Crocker, George A
- Birth, Crocker, William
- Birth, (Surname), Bridget
- Marriage, Family of Kember, Robert and (Surname), Anna
- Death, Crocker, Solomon B
- Birth, Crocker, Timothy Esq.
- Birth, Crocker, Mary
- Scott, William Perry Jr
- Birth, Bursley, Temperance
- Lewis, Ruth
- Fish, Zaccheus
- Birth, Hall, Joseph
- Birth, Crocker, Hannah
- Birth, Faunce, John
- Bursley, John
- McLaughlin, Hiram
- Childs, Hannah
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Hull, Thomas
- Birth, Crocker, Martha
- Birth, Childs, Hannah
- unmarried
- Birth, Hall, Daniel
- Birth, Crocker, Frederic W
- Crocker, Robert Davis
- (Surname), Bridget
- Birth, Crocker, Henry M
- Birth, Clapp, John
- Cathcart, Phebe
- Birth, Hall, John
- Cathcart, Miriam
- Birth, Kettells, Hazel L
- Crocker, Eleazer
- Crocker, Seth
- Goddard, Lydia
- Birth, Faunce, Benjamin
- Birth, Crocker, Cora B
- Birth, Crocker, Henry
- Death, Bearse, Joseph
- Birth, Crocker, Isaiah
- Birth, Coffin, James
- Crocker, Benjamin II
- Marriage, Family of Athearn, Samuel and Coleman, Phebe
- Faunce, Benjamin
- Birth, Hall, John III
- McLaughlin, Thomas
- Death, Lane, Cordelia
- Birth, Wendell, Rebecca
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- McLaughlin, Moses
- Crocker, Lillian
- Crocker, Melatiah
- Birth, Cathcart, Robert Gershom
- Death, Crocker, Benjamin
- Death, Crocker, Joseph
- Coffin, Christian
- McLaughlin, James Albert
- "Beginning of December"
- Birth, Crocker, Abigail
- Crocker, Temperance
- Kettells, Ruby Lucille
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Birth, Scott, John Sanford
- Birth, McLaughlin, Roy Smith
- Birth, Crocker, Caroline
- Birth, Hull, Joanna
- Hall, Hester
- Hall, Peter
- Hall, (Given name)
- Scott, Catherine J
- Marriage, Family of McLaughlin, James and Scott, Catherine J
- McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes
- Death, Hoyt, Alice Foster
- McLaughlin, Laughlin M
- Hatch, Thomas
- Death, Crocker, George A
- Birth, Currier, Anna E
- Birth, Hull, Samuel
- Residence, Bursley, John
- Marriage, Family of Goddard, Josiah and Ball, Lydia
- Cathcart, Hugh
- Birth, Crocker, Alice
- Birth, Kettells, Ruby Lucille
- Death, Davis, Samuel
- Childs, Samuel
- Birth, Crocker, Arden
- Maybe 1873
- Census, Crocker, George Washington
- Crocker, Calvin H
- Birth, Childs, James
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Crocker, Mercy
- Birth, Cathcart, Miriam
- Hunter, William
- Death, Bursley, Temperance
- Dexter, Lucy Anna
- Marriage, Family of Hull, Thomas and Peson, Joan
- Childs, Thomas
- Birth, Kember, Joanna
- Death, Taylor, Martha
- Birth, Crocker, Mary
- Birth, Fish, Zaccheus
- Crocker, Remember
- Birth, Crocker, Nathaniel
- Birth, Crocker, Jerusha
- Birth, Crocker, Bathsheba
- Birth, Peson, Joan
- Birth, Hull, Elizabeth
- Bearse, Austin Augustine
- Crocker, Ebenezer
- Childs, Deliverance
- Crocker, Abigail
- Hamblin, Deliverance
- Death, Hinckley, Melatiah
- Crocker, Hannah
- Birth, Hull, Reuben
- Marriage, Family of Hunter, William and Bearse, Rebecca
- Morton, Patience
- Death, Childs, Samuel
- Childs, Ebenezer
- Birth, Crocker, Frances E.
- Crocker, Chester A
- Bearse, Abigail
- Crocker, Levi B
- Crocker, Elizabeth
- Birth, Hall, Nathaniel
- McLaughlin, John Knight
- Codman, Abigail
- Death, Coleman, John
- Birth, Crocker, Mary A.
- Marriage, Family of Nichols, Allen and Bearse, Abigail
- Death, McLaughlin, Harris Smith
- Hall, Daniel
- Birth, McLaughlin, Caroline Matilda
- Death, Crocker, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Harris A
- Birth, Hall, (Given name)
- Crocker, Sarah E
- Birth, Crocker, Nathaniel
- Hall, Mary
- Hall, Joseph
- Death, Crocker, Thomas
- Birth, Crocker, Seth
- Crocker, Timothy Esq.
- Marriage, Family of Hamblin, James and Lewis, Ruth
- Childs, James
- Birth, Kember, Robert
- Birth, Crocker, Harrison Gray Otis
- Birth, Crocker, Abigail
- Crocker, Mehitable
- Crocker, Mary
- Birth, Codman, Abigail
- Hull, Temperance
- Death, McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes
- Coffin, Joane
- Birth, Carminowe, Phillippa
- Birth, Coffin, Peter
- Coffin, Tristram
- Bearse, Rebecca
- Bearse, Joseph
- Crocker, John Basset
- Birth, Crocker, Tena
- Birth, Crocker, Joanna
- Crocker, Harrison Gray Otis
- Hatch, Thomas
- Crocker, Harris A
- Death, Crocker, Ebenezer
- Birth, Crocker, (Given name)
- Coffin, Peter
- Birth, Crocker, Joseph
- Goodspeed, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Mary A.
- Baptism, Childs, Elizabeth
- Birth, Crocker, Hannah R
- Death, Crocker, (Given name)
- Baptism, Childs, Abigail
- Crocker, George Washington
- Crocker, George W
- Howland, Experience
- Birth, Hull, Joseph
- Crocker, Cora B
- Death, Kember, Joanna
- Crocker, Freeman
- Crocker, Jabez
- Birth, McLaughlin, Loretta Marie
- Death, Crocker, Joanna
- Birth, Hull, Hough
- Birth, Crocker, John Basset
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, Peter and Kember, Joanna
- Birth, Childs, Elizabeth
- Birth, Goddard, Josiah
- Birth, Crocker, Samuel Goddard
- Crocker, Jerusha
- Death, Bearse, Priscilla
- Crocker, Hannah R
- Birth, Scott, William Perry Jr
- Crocker, Frederic W
- Birth, Bearse, Austin Augustine
- Crocker, Experience
- Goddard, Josiah
- Death, Miller, Hannah
- Birth, Clapp, Thomas
- Childs, Joseph
- Birth, Bearse, Joseph
- Crocker, Solomon B
- Crocker, Josiah
- Hall, Martha
- Birth, Childs, Thomas
- Death, Crocker, Abigail
- Birth, McLaughlin, Henry
- Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Birth, Clapp, Thomas
- Hoyt, Alice Foster
- Birth, Crocker, Polly Lewis
- Birth, Crocker, Mercy
- Death, Crocker, Alice
- Crocker, Tena
- Crocker, Thomas
- Hall, David
- Birth, (Surname), Anna
- Birth, McLaughlin, Sarah
- Crocker, Levi Liberty
- Bearse, Lydia
- Goddard, Josiah
- Kember, Joanna
- Cathcart, Robert Gershom
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, William and Hoyt, Alice Foster
- Death, Crocker, Seth
- Bearse, Priscilla
- Birth, Crocker, Arnold
- Kember, Robert
- Cobb, Patience
- Birth, Crocker, Freeman
- Birth, Crocker, Job
- Death, Carminowe, Phillippa
- Crocker, Mary J
- Birth, Crocker, Velma Jane
- Clapp, Thomas
- Birth, Coffin, Joane
- Burghton, Agnes
- Crocker, Timothy
- Death, Coleman, Phebe
- Birth, Crocker, Bathshua
- Birth, Cathcart, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Josiah
- McLaughlin, Henry
- Bearse, Josiah
- McLaughlin, Caroline Matilda
- Birth, Dexter, Lucy Anna
- Death, Foster, Nancy Abigail
- Crocker, Arden
- Immigration, Bearse, Austin Augustine
- Hull, Reuben
- Birth, McLaughlin, Thomas
- Death, Folger, Joanna
- Clapp, Increase
- Birth, Childs, James
- Birth, Crocker, Lucy A
- Birth, Hull, Hopewell
- Birth, Crocker, (Given name)
- Death, Crocker, Timothy
- Faunce, Eleazer
- Marriage, Family of Coleman, John and Folger, Joanna
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Josiah and Hinckley, Melatiah
- Coffin, James
- McLaughlin, Jennie Ella
- Birth, Hall, Joseph
- Birth, Crocker, Eva Etta
- Birth, Bursley, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Irving James
- Death, Faunce, Mercy
- Hull, Joseph
- Faunce, Mercy
- Crocker, Samuel Goddard
- "seemingly never married"
- Birth, Crocker, Solomon
- Birth, Goddard, Asenath
- Lewis, Mehitable
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin and Whittemore, Mary Ann
- Birth, Cathcart, Susanna
- Davis, Dolar
- Death, Bearse, Josiah
- Hall, Joseph
- Miller, Hannah
- Birth, Hall, Hester
- Crocker, Job
- Crocker, George Lewis
- Birth, Coleman, John
- Birth, Cobb, Patience
- Hull, Tristram
- Birth, Crocker, George Washington
- Clapp, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin II and Childs, Deliverance
- Birth, Crocker, Levi B
- Marriage, Family of Hatch, Thomas and Codman, Abigail
- Birth, Childs, Joseph
- Coleman, Phebe
- McLaughlin, Loretta Marie
- Birth, Bearse, Lydia
- Birth, Coffin, Tristram
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, James and Cole, Mary
- Birth, McLaughlin, Jennie Ella
- Birth, Bearse, Abigail
- Marriage, Family of Childs, Joseph and Hamblin, Deliverance
- Birth, Hall, David
- Birth, Childs, Deliverance
- Death, Bursley, Joanna
- Lane, Cordelia
- Marriage, Family of Faunce, Joseph and Rickard, Judith
- Crocker, Joseph
- McLaughlin, Lowell
- Birth, Crocker, William
- Birth, Hull, Dorothy
- Hall, Bathsheba
- Birth, Crocker, Freeman
- Bursley, John
- Crocker, (Given name)
- Death, Bearse, Austin Augustine
- Death, Crocker, William
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Birth, Crocker, Vernon Arlo
- Birth, Bearse, James
- Marriage, Family of Thacher, Rowland and Crocker, Abigail
- Crocker, Isaiah
- Death, Crocker, Freeman
- Death, Faunce, John
- Birth, Crocker, Henry J
- Birth, McLaughlin, Harris Smith
- Marriage, Family of Bearse, Austin Augustine and Hyanno, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Victoria K
- Crocker, Ira A
- Death, Crocker, Benjamin
- Death, Faunce, Benjamin
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin and Lane, Cordelia
- Hyanno, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Levi Liberty
- Birth, Coffin, Nicholas
- Bearse, Priscilla
- Rice, Sophia
- Cole, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Benjamin II
- Crocker, Emma
- Hull, Elizabeth
- Birth, Crocker, Mercy
- Coffin, Nicholas
- Freeman, Mercy
- Crocker, Eva Etta
- Crocker, Irving James
- Nichols, Allen
- Birth, Crocker, Ira A
- Birth, Crocker, Joseph
- Birth, Hall, Mary
- Crocker, Mercy
- Birth, Hall, John
- Death, Crocker, Martha
- Death, Crocker, Benjamin
- Bearse, Rebecca
- With Joseph Hull: Wife Agnes 25; Child Elizabeth 7; Child Grissell 5; Child Dorothy 3; Child Temperance 9; Child Tristram 11; Child Joane 15; Child Jospeh 13.
- Birth, Howland, Experience
- Crocker, Benjamin Jr.
- Birth, Crocker, Benjamin
- Birth, Linnell, Mary
- Folger, Joanna
- Death, Hull, Joseph
- Crocker, Velma Jane
- Birth, McLaughlin, James Albert
- Death, Crocker, John
- Cathcart, Susanna
- Crocker, Joseph
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin and Hall, Bathsheba
- Faunce, John
- Bursley, Joanna
- Crocker, Lizzie
- Birth, Faunce, Eleazer
- Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Crocker, Arnold
- Birth, Hull, Benjamin
- Death, Crocker, Benjamin Jr.
- Death, Crocker, Melatiah
- Marriage, Family of Boscawen, Hugh and Carminowe, Phillippa
- Wendell, Rebecca
- Death, Cobb, Patience
- Baptism, Childs, Benjamin
- Linnell, Mary
- Cathcart, Gershom
- Aboard his vessel.
- Crocker, (Given name)
- Crocker, Vernon Arlo
- Death, Coffin, Tristram
- Baptism, Childs, Ruth
- Bearse, Benjamin
- Death, Crocker, Mercy
- Marriage, Family of Hull, Hough and Burghton, Agnes
- Marriage, Family of Faunce, John and Morton, Patience
- Marriage, Family of Bearse, Joseph and Taylor, Martha
- Thacher, Rowland
- Death, Faunce, Joseph
- Hall, John
- Crocker, Rebecca
- Taylor, Martha
- Death, Crocker, Henry
- Cathcart, Mary
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Martha
- Childs, Timothy
- Death, Childs, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Nathaniel and Goddard, Lydia
- Birth, Crocker, Orrin A
- Death, Crocker, Benjamin II
- Birth, Crocker, Job
- Birth, Childs, Elizabeth
- Birth, Crocker, Joseph
- Birth, McLaughlin, Laughlin
- Hull, Samuel
- Crocker, Mary
- Avent, Joan
- Birth, Cathcart, Phebe
- Crocker, John Jr
- Birth, Hall, Mary
- Crocker, Job
- Bursley, Temperance
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Everett Chipman and McLaughlin, Jennie Ella
- Birth, Crocker, Rachel M
- Birth, Crocker, Calvin H
- Clapp, John
- Death, Clapp, Thomas
- Crocker, Joseph
- Birth, Crocker, Robert Davis
- Death, Crocker, Experience
- Hull, Benjamin
- Crocker, William
- Birth, Crocker, George W
- Phinney, Gershom
- Birth, McLaughlin, Laughlin M
- Birth, Cathcart, Hugh
- Boscawen, Hugh
- Crocker, Henry
- Birth, Crocker, Ebenezer
- Bursley, Mary
- Kettells, Hazel L
- Crocker, Bathshua
- Goodspeed, Nathaniel
- They are step-siblings.
- Crocker, Polly Lewis
- Birth, Crocker, Thomas
- Hall, John III
- Hinckley, Melatiah
- Birth, Crocker, Timothy
- Birth, Hamblin, Deliverance
- Birth, Crocker, Lillian
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Childs, Mercy
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, Nicholas and Avent, Joan
- Birth, Morton, Patience
- Death, McLaughlin, Jennie Ella
- Carminowe, Phillippa
- Death, Bearse, James
- Birth, Bursley, John
- Birth, Crocker, Almon S
- Clapp, Charity
- Crocker, Job
- Death, Hatch, Thomas
- Birth, Hyanno, Mary
- Scott, John Sanford
- Birth, Crocker, Rebecca Jennie
- Howland, Elizabeth
- Death, Crocker, Joseph
- Crocker, Harriet
- Crocker, Freeman
- Hall, Priscilla
- Crocker, Bathsheba
- Birth, Crocker, Benjamin
- Birth, Hull, Thomas
- Birth, Crocker, Temperance
- Crocker, Rebecca Jennie
- McLaughlin, Harris Smith
- Death, Hall, John
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin II and Wheeler, Hannah
- Childs, James
- Death, Hull, Thomas
- Childs, Richard
- Birth, Hull, Griselda
- They are first cousins
- Birth, Lancaster, Permelia
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Birth, Crocker, George Lewis
- Hull, Hopewell
- Death, Coffin, Peter
- Birth, Hull, Tristram
- Bursley, Temperance
- Birth, Coffin, Christian
- McLaughlin, Sarah
- Birth, Crocker, Mehitable
- Birth, Davis, Samuel
- Crocker, Caroline
- Marriage, Family of Davis, Dolar and Hull, Joanna
- Coleman, John
- Birth, Goodspeed, Nathaniel
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Timothy Esq. and Crocker, Melatiah
- Faunce, Joseph
- "aged about eighty"
- Death, Bearse, Benjamin
- Hull, Griselda
- Birth, Bearse, Rebecca
- Crocker, James H.
- Birth, Folger, Joanna
- Crocker, Samuel
- Bearse, Experience Byers
- Birth, Coffin, Peter
- Crocker, Freeman
- Death, Hall, Joseph
- Birth, Crocker, Nathaniel
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, John Sr and Bursley, Mary
- Birth, Hunter, William
- Died "leaving neither wife nor children."
- Birth, Hall, Bathsheba
- Bursley, John
- Birth, Crocker, Otis Lawson
- Hull, Joseph
- Crocker, Solomon
- Birth, Rice, Sophia
- Bearse, James
- Birth, Faunce, John
- Birth, Hull, Temperance
- Birth, Freeman, Mercy
- Crocker, Everett Chipman
- Death, Crocker, Arnold
- Crocker, Joanna
- Birth, McLaughlin, Lowell
- Crocker, Victoria K
- Crocker, Almon S
- Birth, Childs, Samuel
- Birth, Crocker, Rebecca
- Birth, Crocker, Emma
- Crocker, Martha
- Foster, Nancy Abigail
- Birth, Hull, Joseph
- Crocker, Elizabeth
- Birth, Faunce, Joseph
- Crocker, John
- Death, Bursley, Temperance
- Death, Bearse, Priscilla
- Marriage, Family of Cathcart, Robert Gershom and Coleman, Phebe
- Birth, Miller, Hannah
- Birth, Crocker, Harriet
- Birth, Crocker, Melatiah
- McLaughlin, James
- Childs, Abigail
- Birth, Cathcart, Gershom
- Marriage, Family of Bodfish, Robert and (Surname), Bridget
- Crocker, Abigail
- Currier, Anna E
- Crocker, Joseph
- Death, Freeman, Mercy
- Marriage, Family of Fish, Zaccheus and Bearse, Lydia
- Hall, John
- Birth, Crocker, Job
- Rickard, Judith
- Crocker, Frances E.
- Birth, Crocker, Chester A
- Hall, Nathaniel
- Birth, Crocker, Sarah E
- Crocker, John Sr
- Hanscom, Sarah
- Crocker, Josiah
- Birth, Hall, Priscilla
- Crocker, Henry M
- Birth, Crocker, John
- Birth, McLaughlin, Elizabeth
- Childs, Deliverance
- Crocker, Lucy A
- Ball, Lydia
- Birth, Childs, Timothy
- Death, Hall, David
- Peson, Joan
- Birth, McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes
- Death, Goddard, Josiah
- Crocker, William
- Death, Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Birth, McLaughlin, Moses
- Birth, Crocker, Freeman
- Childs, Ruth
- Wheeler, Hannah
- Hull, Dorothy
- Birth, Crocker, Martha
- Birth, Whittemore, Mary Ann
- Hinckley, Mary
- Birth, Bearse, Experience Byers
- Death, Bursley, John
- Death, Goodspeed, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Rachel M
- Hull, Hough
- Marriage, Family of Hall, Joseph and Miller, Hannah
- Goddard, Gardner
- Marriage, Family of Phinney, Gershom and Crocker, Rebecca
- Birth, Crocker, Solomon B
- McLaughlin, Roy Smith
- Birth, Crocker, Mary J
- Birth, Hall, Martha
- Bodfish, Robert
- Death, Coffin, Nicholas
- Marriage, Family of Bearse, James and Howland, Experience
- Crocker, Alice
- Birth, McLaughlin, Hiram
- Hall, Mary
- Hamblin, James
- Birth, Burghton, Agnes
- Birth, Lane, Cordelia
- Birth, Crocker, Remember
- Birth, Avent, Joan
- Faunce, John
- Bursley, Elizabeth
- Birth, Hall, Peter
- Census, McLaughlin, Moses
- Birth, Crocker, Lizzie
- Hull, Joanna
- McLaughlin, Elizabeth
- Birth, Boscawen, Laurence
- Birth, Davis, Samuel
- Crocker, Orrin A
- Death, Trenwith, Philippa
- Hull, Joshua
- Birth, Hunter, Sarah
- Hatch, (Given name)
- Death, Coffin, David
- Nichols, Joseph
- Birth, Hall, Hannah
- Coffin, John
- Birth, Coffin, Tristram
- Birth, McLaughlin, Hannah
- Coffin, Richard
- Death, Crocker, Jabez
- Birth, Scott, William P
- Coffin, Peter
- Hody, Joan
- Crocker, Anthony
- Birth, Coffin, Joanne
- Death, Bearse, James
- Hall, Bathsheba
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Bearse, Joseph
- Davis, Samuel
- Goddard, Sophia
- Hunter, Sarah
- Birth, Coffin, Anne
- Birth, Kettells, Aaron Van
- Fish, Zaccheus
- Birth, Dexter, Meribah
- Birth, Davis, Elizabeth
- Birth, Crocker, Roberson
- Death, Wolvedon, John
- Birth, Coffin, Margaret
- Birth, Carminowe, Thomas
- Death, McLaughlin, Caroline Matilda
- Cathcart, Miriam
- Birth, Bursley, Joanna
- Crocker, Seth
- Death, Cathcart, Mary
- Goddard, Lydia
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Walter Morrison and Secor, Julia Ann
- Bursley, Jemima
- Death, Cathcart, Susanna
- Death, Crocker, William
- Scott, John Kirkland Sr
- Birth, Hatch, Peter
- Death, Hall, Bethia
- Birth, Scott, Hannah
- Death, McLaughlin, Roy Smith
- McLaughlin, Mary Hannah
- Birth, Gambon, Alice
- Death, Phinney, James
- Death, Crocker, George Lewis
- Birth, Giffard, Thomas
- Death, Wolvedon, Catherine
- Coffin, Richard
- Death, Cathcart, Gershom
- Crocker, Henry
- Michell, Thomasine
- McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes
- McLaughlin, Abigail M
- Coffin, Joanna
- Death, Hatch, Jane
- Coffin, Edward
- Cathcart, Hugh
- Death, Hull, James
- Birth, Crocker, Peter
- Death, Hyanno, Mary
- Crocker, Mercy
- Fitzwarine, Agnes
- Childs, Thomas
- Death, Hull, Richard
- Death, Trewonwall, Lawrence
- Birth, Bearse, James
- Crocker, Ebenezer
- Death, Longslow, Elinor
- Childs, Deliverance
- Crocker, Abigail
- Cole, Symon
- Coffin, Anne
- Birth, Coffin, Eleanor
- Hunter, William
- Crocker, Chester A
- Birth, Phinney, Gershom
- Birth, Cole, Margaret
- Codman, Abigail
- Davis, Samuel
- Hall, Daniel
- Coffin, Tristram
- Hull, John
- Crocker, Sarah E
- Hall, Mary
- Death, (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, Bearse, John
- Childs, James
- Birth, (Surname), Agnes
- Birth, Coffin, Deborah
- Chudleigh, Anna
- Crocker, Mehitable
- Death, Hatch, Robert
- Death, Boscawen, Hugh
- Coffin, Joane
- Birth, Kettells, Bessie
- Coffin, Tristram
- Death, Clapp, Increase
- Hunter, Sarah
- Birth, Michell, Thomasine
- Death, Howland, Experience
- Death, Crocker, Henry
- Birth, Hatch, Thomas
- Childs, James
- Bursley, Joanna
- Birth, Crocker, Jacob
- Faunce, Mehitable
- Crocker, George Washington
- Birth, Kettells, Jesse Cleveland
- Howland, Experience
- Birth, Boscawen, Hugh
- Crocker, Cora B
- Crocker, Freeman
- Birth, Kettells, Walter Morrison
- Crocker, William
- Marriage, Family of Cole, John and Fitzwarine, Agnes
- Birth, Bursley, Joseph
- Birth, Coffin, Edward
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, David and (Surname), Thomasine
- Death, Boscawen, William
- Crocker, Frederic W
- Kettells, Bessie
- Birth, Childs, James
- Goodspeed, Mary
- Hall, Martha
- Birth, Fitzwarine, Agnes
- Death, Michell, Thomasine
- Crocker, Tena
- Death, Bursley, Naomi
- Crocker, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of McLaughlin, Thomas and McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes
- Bursley, Naomi
- Death, Bursley, Mary
- Death, Phinney, Isaac
- Death, Hull, William
- Bearse, Lydia
- Death, Bearse, Joseph
- Nichols, (Given name)
- Death, Coffin, James
- Coffin, David
- Birth, Coffin, Richard
- Coffin, Richard
- Birth, (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, Phinney, Zaccheus
- Birth, McLaughlin, Margaret L
- Birth, DeBurton, Edward
- Death, Coffin, William
- Death, Crocker, Job
- Marriage, Family of Lower, Nicholas and Tresithney, Amy
- Birth, Hatch, Stephen
- Chudleigh, Richard
- McLaughlin, Caroline Matilda
- (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, Cathcart, Hugh
- Hunter, Elisha
- Birth, Hall, Bathsheba
- (Surname), Suzy
- Hull, Reuben
- Death, Davis, John
- Death, Coffin, Mary
- Birth, Boscawen, Edward
- Death, Phinney, Seth
- Death, Coffin, Tristram
- Death, Ball, Lydia
- Death, Boscawen, John
- Death, Davis, Nicholas
- Birth, Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Hull, Thomas
- Crocker, Samuel Goddard
- Lewis, Mehitable
- Death, Wadham, Mary
- McLaughlin, Frances
- Birth, Davis, Nicholas
- Birth, Cole, John
- Birth, Hull, William
- Crocker, George Lewis
- Chudleigh, William
- Clapp, Thomas
- Death, Hatch, Hepsibah
- At 9:00 PM
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Ferris Dewitt and Tubbs, Maggie Lois
- Hall, Rebecca Hannah
- Death, Bearse, Lydia
- Birth, Coffin, Johan
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, Richard and Chudleigh, Wilmot
- This is the estate of the Boscawens. Maybe she wasn't born there?
- Death, Hatch, Mercy
- Death, Hull, Francis
- Birth, Crocker, Alexander
- Bursley, John
- Birth, Chudleigh, William
- Bearse, Mary
- Birth, Cole, Thomas
- Birth, Peson, Richard
- Death, Crocker, Ezra Goddard
- Birth, Hatch, (Given name)
- Birth, Archdeacon, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Johnson, John and Bearse, Hester
- Death, Nichols, Allen
- Rice, Sophia
- Cole, Mary
- Birth, Coffin, Agnes
- Birth, Nichols, Priscilla
- Death, Childs, Mercy
- Crocker, Eva Etta
- Nichols, Allen
- Hull, Francis
- Death, Lewis, Ruth
- Death, Archdeacon, Thomas
- Death, Boscawen, John
- Death, Phinney, Thankful
- Death, McLaughlin, Loretta Marie
- Death, Coffin, David
- Death, Hunter, Sarah
- Hatch, Miriam
- Coffin, John
- Death, Hull, Elinor
- Death, Knight, Wilmot
- Everedd, Margery
- Death, Hatch, Thomas
- Crocker, Lizzie
- Crocker, Josiah
- Birth, Phinney, Zaccheus
- Birth, Coffin, Joanna Agnes
- Crocker, Eunice
- Linnell, Mary
- Cathcart, Gershom
- Death, Crocker, George Lewis
- Death, Hatch, Peter
- Hull, Richard
- Death, Hull, William
- Death, Hamblin, James
- Death, Hathey, Thomasin
- Birth, Faunce, Mehitable
- Birth, Crocker, Bertrand
- Birth, Hatch, Nathaniel
- Childs, Timothy
- Birth, Hunter, Rebecca
- Birth, Hull, Frances
- Death, Clapp, Thomas
- Death, Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Hull, William
- Davis, Ruth
- Trenwith, Philippa
- Hull, Samuel
- Death, Crocker, Rebecca
- Avent, Joan
- Marriage, Family of Chudleigh, James and Stourton, Margaret
- Mierendorff, A. Matilda
- Birth, Archdeacon, John L
- Wadham, Mary
- Death, Phinney, Lazarus
- Death, Lower, Elizabeth
- Birth, Chudleigh, Margareta
- Marriage, Family of Codman, Robert and (Surname), (Given name)
- Hull, Matthew
- Phinney, Gershom
- Kettells, Hazel L
- Goodspeed, Nathaniel
- Birth, Goddard, Luther
- Birth, Hatch, Thomas
- Birth, Boscawen, John
- Coffin, David
- Hall, John
- Childs, Thankful
- Marriage, Family of Bearse, Gauche and Matchowitch, (Given name)
- Hull, Mary
- Nichols, Nathaniel
- Birth, Davis, Mary
- Trevillan, Elinor
- Birth, Boscawen, Elizabeth
- Birth, Hatch, Hepsibah
- Death, Childs, Ebenezer
- Kettells, Frank Asbury
- Death, Nichols, Priscilla
- At 9:40 PM
- Death, Bearse, Thankful
- McLaughlin, James
- Death, Kettells, Henry H
- Childs, James
- Death, Peson, Richard
- Childs, Joseph Jr
- Coffin, Eleanor
- Birth, Davis, Samuel
- Death, Crocker, Remember
- Wolvedon, John
- Boscawen, Bennett
- Death, Crocker, Alexander
- Bursley, Temperance
- Morton, John
- Birth, Hingston, Philip
- Birth, Trenowoth, Joan
- Coffin, Mary
- Death, Hatch, Solomon
- Bearse, Hester
- Crocker, Joseph
- Birth, Hatch, Mercy
- Death, Coffin, Agnes
- Death, Crocker, Harrison Gray Otis
- Hull, Griselda
- Bearse, Experience Byers
- Crocker, Freeman
- (Surname), (Given name)
- Birth, Wadham, Mary
- Birth, Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Davis, Nicholas
- Death, McLaughlin, Laughlin M
- Death, Archdeacon, Mary
- Goddard, Arsenath
- Death, Crocker, Eunice
- Death, Boscawen, Nicholas
- Birth, Hull, Robert
- Birth, Kember, John
- Birth, Nichols, Josiah
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Aaron Van and Fulkerson, Emma L
- Chudleigh, James
- Phinney, Zaccheus
- Birth, Nichols, Abigail
- Death, Childs, Timothy
- Crocker, Ezra Goddard
- Crocker, Alphia
- Crocker, Elizabeth
- Death, Hull, Dorothy
- Birth, Carminowe, John
- Death, Crocker, Jabez
- Death, Crocker, Nathaniel
- Death, Coffin, Deborah
- Hall, John
- Death, Goddard, Asenath
- Birth, Hatch, Solomon
- Whittemore, Barstow
- McLaughlin, John Harvey
- Goddard, Abraham
- Childs, Ruth
- Hinckley, Mary
- Boscawen, Elizabeth
- Crocker, Rachel M
- Cole, John
- Birth, McLaughlin, Emma J
- Crocker, Lydia Thompson
- Hall, Mary
- Faunce, John
- Bursley, Elizabeth
- Death, Davis, Samuel
- Birth, (Surname), Cecily
- Death, Phinney, Rebecca
- Birth, Crocker, Noah
- Cathcart, Abigail
- McLaughlin, Emma J
- Death, Cole, John
- Fulkerson, Emma L
- Birth, Hinckley, Melatiah
- (Surname), Anna
- Goddard, Asenath
- Birth, Kettells, Richard W.
- Marriage, Family of Whittemore, Barstow and Hewey, Jane
- Birth, Hall, John
- Cathcart, Joseph
- Coffin, Wilmot
- Birth, Lower, Nicholas
- Death, Scott, William Perry
- Fish, Thomas
- Bursley, Ruth
- Hunter, Jonathan
- Death, Hingston, Elizabeth
- Clapp, Benjamin
- Death, (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, Wadham, Nicholas
- Peson, Richard
- Death, Hull, Joseph
- Lewis, Ruth
- Marriage, Family of Chudleigh, William and Hody, Joan
- Cole, John
- Archdeacon, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Cole, William and Weston, Elizabeth
- Birth, Cathcart, Abigail
- Phinney, Lazarus
- Death, Crocker, Jerusha
- Birth, Nichols, Nathaniel
- Cathcart, Phebe
- Birth, Boscawen, Hugh
- Birth, Fish, Thomas
- Birth, Kettells, Claud
- Death, Hunter, Mary Ann
- Death, Boscawen, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Cole, John and Meriot, Jane
- McLaughlin, Hannah
- McLaughlin, Moses
- Birth, Crocker, Reliance
- Death, Rice, Sophia
- Hatch, Peter
- Davis, Samuel
- Crocker, Melatiah
- Birth, Hall, Bethia
- Hull, James
- Coffin, Christian
- Death, Phinney, Mehitable
- Birth, Faunce, Thomas
- Hull, John
- Death, Faunce, Eleazer
- Kettells, Ruby Lucille
- Bearse, Gauche
- Crocker, Alexander
- Death, Crocker, Mehitable
- Birth, Kettells, Durward V
- Birth, McLaughlin, Mahalia
- Scott, Catherine J
- Birth, Childs, Susannah
- McLaughlin, Laughlin M
- Coffin, Margaret
- Crocker, Bertrand
- Death, Cole, John
- Coffin, John
- Birth, Peson, Elizabeth
- Death, Phinney, Gershom
- Death, Cole, Mary
- Death, Coffin, Joanne
- Crocker, Robert
- Death, Boscawen, Jane
- Bearse, James
- Crocker, Remember
- Hingston, Elizabeth
- Tubbs, Maggie Lois
- Crocker, Hannah
- Birth, Bearse, Priscilla
- Marriage, Family of Archdeacon, Thomas and (Surname), (Given name)
- Birth, Hunter, Sarah
- Birth, Scott, Susan
- Childs, Ebenezer
- Marriage, Family of Scott, John Sanford and Mundie, Susanna
- Coffin, Elizabeth
- Death, Hatch, Miriam
- Birth, Crocker, Celia
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Durward V and Shoemaker, Margaret J
- Death, Scott, John Kirkland Sr
- Kettells, Richard W.
- Birth, Crocker, Lucy A
- Birth, Scott, Eleanor Ann
- Marriage, Family of Hull, Hugh and Longslow, Elinor
- Birth, Crocker, Mercy
- Death, Goodspeed, Mary
- Birth, Phinney, James
- Coffin, William
- Crocker, Mary
- Hull, Temperance
- Birth, Coffin, Christian
- Death, Nichols, James
- Death, Boscawen, Christian
- Bearse, Rebecca
- Crocker, Harrison Gray Otis
- Hatch, Thomas
- Death, Hall, Priscilla
- Crocker, Harris A
- Crocker, (Given name)
- Death, Everedd, Margery
- Death, Hunter, Alice
- Birth, Coffin, John
- Meriot, Jane
- Boscawen, Joan
- McLaughlin, Margaret L
- Hatch, Eunice
- Death, Hall, Rebecca Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Carminowe, John and Trenwith, Philippa
- Birth, McLaughlin, Margaret Ellen
- Birth, Hall, Rebecca Hannah
- Birth, Hatch, Miriam
- Coffin, (Given name)
- Childs, Richard
- Birth, Crocker, Elizabeth
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, William and Giffard, Margaret
- Crocker, Jerusha
- Crocker, Hannah R
- Goddard, Josiah
- Coffin, John
- Phinney, Rebecca
- Birth, Chudleigh, Elizabeth
- Death, Hull, Temperance
- Longslow, Elinor
- Birth, Cole, Symon
- Childs, Susannah
- Bearse, Priscilla
- McLaughlin, Mahalia
- Death, Boscawen, Richard
- Bearse, Priscilla
- Kember, Robert
- Death, McLaughlin, Thomas
- Death, Childs, Joseph
- Birth, (Surname), Agnes
- Death, Bearse, Rebecca
- Birth, Carminowe, Jane
- Resprin, Jane
- Scott, Joel
- Boscawen, Hugh
- Burghton, Agnes
- Death, Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Death, Faunce, Thomas
- Flower, Effa
- (Surname), Agnes
- Birth, Scott, William Perry
- Birth, Rickard, Judith
- Birth, Bursley, Joanna
- Marriage, Family of Trewynerd, James and Carminowe, Phillippa
- Birth, Boscawen, Hugh
- Death, Clapp, Charity
- Chudleigh, Elizabeth
- Crocker, Peter
- Birth, Hathey, Thomasin
- Death, Goodspeed, Nathaniel
- Goddard, Luther
- McLaughlin, Nancy Adelaide
- Boscawen, Thomas
- Davis, Mary
- Carminowe, Walter
- Death, Scott, Margaret A
- Crocker, Reliance
- Birth, McLaughlin, Frances
- Birth, Hull, Richard
- Birth, Hinckley, Mary
- Birth, Bearse, Thankful
- Death, Hull, Richard
- Death, Hull, Mary
- Birth, (Surname), Alice
- Birth, Childs, Elizabeth
- Faunce, Eleazer
- Death, Hatch, Mary
- Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Death, Davis, Ruth
- Birth, Kettells, Ferris Dewitt
- Birth, Coffin, John
- Boscawen, William
- Birth, Fulkerson, Emma L
- Birth, Phinney, Rhoda
- Death, Scott, Catherine J
- Davis, Dolar
- Birth, McLaughlin, James
- Marriage, Family of Archdeacon, John L and (Surname), Maude
- Death, Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Hingston, Philip
- Birth, Hamblin, James
- Johnson, John
- Athearn, Simon
- Birth, Coffin, Joanna
- Hull, Tristram
- Birth, Hill, Joan
- DeBurton, Edward
- Coffin, Peter
- Coleman, Phebe
- Death, Coffin, John
- Birth, Mundie, Susanna
- Birth, Scott, Joel
- Birth, Davis, Elizabeth
- Kettells, Ferris Dewitt
- Death, McLaughlin, James Albert
- Death, Crocker, George Washington
- Death, Phinney, Rhoda
- Crocker, Joseph
- Birth, Hatch, Paul
- Death, Boscawen, Hugh
- Birth, Hull, James
- Hull, Agnes
- Nichols, James
- Death, Hunter, Elisha
- Marriage, Family of Davis, Dolar and Willard, Margery
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Death, Fish, Zaccheus
- Kettells, Walter Morrison
- Crocker, Isaiah
- Birth, (Surname), Maude
- Birth, Boscawen, Jane
- Death, Morton, Patience
- Birth, Hull, Francis
- Archdeacon, John
- Birth, Davis, Dolar
- Crocker, Emma
- Birth, Morton, John
- Birth, Carminowe, Nicholas
- Delong, Ada Olla
- Birth, Crocker, Robert
- Birth, Boscawen, Alice
- Birth, Boscawen, John
- Birth, Crocker, Mehitable Davis
- Birth, McLaughlin, Levi
- Death, McLaughlin, Moses
- Death, Hamblin, Deliverance
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, John and Hathey, Thomasin
- Folger, Joanna
- Birth, Cole, John
- Death, Athearn, Samuel
- Death, Crocker, Joseph
- Birth, Davis, Ruth
- Death, Coffin, John
- Death, Linnell, Mary
- Hull, Hugh
- Cathcart, Susanna
- Faunce, John
- Bursley, Joanna
- Death, Hunter, William
- Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Crocker, Arnold
- Death, Crocker, Jacob
- Scott, Eleanor Ann
- Death, Crocker, John Basset
- Birth, Hull, Richard
- Crocker, (Given name)
- Death, Crocker, Celia
- Birth, Boscawen, Grace
- Nichols, Mary
- Birth, Codman, Robert
- Birth, Phinney, Seth
- Birth, Coffin, John
- Birth, Childs, Thankful
- Phinney, Isaac
- Cathcart, Mary
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Martha
- Birth, Hull, Agnes
- Death, Nichols, Nathaniel
- Death, (Surname), Bridget
- Birth, Hatch, Uriaeth
- Birth, Carminowe, Walter
- Birth, Crocker, Rebecca
- Birth, Trenwith, Philippa
- Weston, Richard
- Death, Crocker, Bathsheba
- Death, Hull, James
- Cathcart, Robert
- Marriage, Family of Boscawen, Hugh and Trenowoth, Joan
- Birth, Hull, Joshua
- Birth, Hall, Benajmin
- Boscawen, John
- Birth, Ball, Lydia
- Birth, Coffin, Richard
- Death, Meriot, Jane
- Birth, Coffin, Wilmot
- Coffin, Anne
- Birth, Coffin, Joane
- Hall, Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Davis, Ichabod and (Surname), Suzy
- Crocker, Bathshua
- Marriage, Family of Goddard, Gardner and Rice, Sophia
- Crocker, Polly Lewis
- Birth, Crocker, Benjamin
- Death, Hall, Mary
- Hinckley, Melatiah
- Birth, Hingston, Elizabeth
- Crocker, Lucy A
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Eugene H and Flower, Effa
- Crocker, Mehitable Davis
- Birth, Clapp, Benjamin
- Scott, William Perry
- Death, Davis, Simon
- Birth, Secor, Julia Ann
- Death, Phinney, Temperance
- Crocker, Jabez
- Death, McLaughlin, Laughlin
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Birth, Crocker, Josiah
- Death, Hall, Hester
- Birth, Johnson, Samuel
- Scott, John Sanford
- Birth, Everedd, Margery
- Death, Scott, Susan
- Birth, Kettells, Frank Asbury
- Bearse, Shubael
- Cole, Thomas
- Death, McLaughlin, James
- Death, Crocker, Nathaniel
- Mundie, Susanna
- Death, Crocker, Job
- Birth, Hody, Joan
- Birth, Chudleigh, Anna
- Kettells, Orin Alfred
- Birth, Crocker, William
- Death, Goddard, Lydia
- Death, Gambon, Alice
- Birth, Archdeacon, John
- Crocker, Mary
- Death, Hody, Joan
- (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, Coffin, (Given name)
- Death, Peson, Joan
- Death, Bearse, Abigail
- Birth, Kettells, Norma Grace
- Hunter, Rebecca
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Hugh and Michell, Thomasine
- Crocker, Solomon
- Birth, Phinney, Gershom
- Birth, Cole, William
- Death, Lewis, Mehitable
- Marriage, Family of Boscawen, John and Lower, Elizabeth
- Kettells, Jesse Cleveland
- Death, McLaughlin, Hiram
- Birth, Goddard, Sophia
- Death, Crocker, Robert Davis
- Birth, Johnson, John
- Crum, Easter
- Crocker, Elizabeth
- Phinney, Melatiah
- Death, Hull, Elinor
- Boscawen, Christian
- Death, Bearse, Priscilla
- Death, McLaughlin, Elizabeth
- Birth, Childs, Joseph
- McLaughlin, James
- Birth, Bearse, Hester
- Death, Crocker, Mercy
- Birth, Hull, Thomas
- Birth, Nichols, (Given name)
- Birth, Bursley, Jemima
- Crocker, Henry M
- Birth, Coffin, Elizabeth
- Phinney, Seth
- Faunce, Joseph
- Death, Lower, Nicholas
- Birth, Hull, Mary
- Death, Hull, Raynold
- Birth, Hoyt, Alice Foster
- Death, Phinney, Melatiah
- Hull, Dorothy
- Birth, Lewis, Mehitable
- Davis, Elizabeth
- Birth, Phinney, Thankful
- Hull, Hough
- Goddard, Gardner
- McLaughlin, Roy Smith
- Birth, Hull, George
- Bodfish, Robert
- Phinney, Temperance
- Crocker, Alice
- Hull, Frances
- Death, Childs, Joseph
- unmarried
- Hatch, Mary
- Birth, Hunter, Jonathan
- McLaughlin, Elizabeth
- Coffin, Ruth
- Birth, Cole, Thomas
- Birth, Childs, Nathaniel
- Marriage, Family of Cole, John and Archdeacon, Mary
- McLaughlin, Laughlin
- Knight, Wilmot
- Birth, McLaughlin, Hannah
- Boscawen, Edward
- Birth, Gambon, Edith
- Marriage, Family of Bursley, Joseph and (Surname), Agnes
- Death, Faunce, Joseph
- Death, Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Nichols, Experience
- Marriage, Family of Wolvedon, John and (Surname), Cecily
- Death, Crocker, Mehitable
- Wadham, Nicholas
- Hatch, Thomas
- Death, Childs, James
- Death, Cathcart, Miriam
- Bursley, John
- Coffin, Agnes
- Crocker, Robert Davis
- (Surname), Bridget
- Hull, Elinor
- Death, Crocker, Peter
- Birth, Cathcart, Joseph
- Phinney, Rhoda
- Coffin, Joane
- Death, Coffin, Johan
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Giffard, Thomas
- Faunce, Benjamin
- McLaughlin, Thomas
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Lillian
- Birth, Archdeacon, Mary
- Scott, Hannah
- Birth, Goddard, Mary
- Crocker, Jacob
- Death, (Surname), Cecily
- Birth, Goddard, Josiah
- Marriage, Family of Hull, Richard and (Surname), Alice
- Birth, Bearse, Gauche
- Birth, Goddard, Abraham
- Hall, Peter
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Jesse Cleveland and Mierendorff, A. Matilda
- Birth, Wadham, Nicholas
- Birth, Scott, William Perry
- Birth, Hull, John
- Death, Kettells, Richard W.
- Birth, Hatch, Mary
- Death, Hull, Richard
- Death, Hall, Nathaniel
- Marriage, Family of Kettells, Frank Asbury and Delong, Ada Olla
- Hatch, Hepsibah
- Carminowe, Jane
- Death, Childs, Deliverance
- Hunter, William
- Death, Chudleigh, William
- Birth, Coffin, Ruth
- Death, Carminowe, John
- Birth, McLaughlin, Abigail M
- Boscawen, Isabell
- Johnson, Samuel
- Hamblin, Deliverance
- Coffin, Elizabeth
- Hall, Benajmin
- Death, Hull, John
- Morton, Patience
- Birth, McLaughlin, Nancy Adelaide
- McLaughlin, Margaret Ellen
- Bearse, Abigail
- Death, Crocker, John Jr
- Birth, Coffin, John
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- Birth, Nichols, Allen
- Birth, Weston, Richard
- Hatch, Paul
- (Surname), Maude
- Death, Kember, Robert
- Cole, Thomas
- Davis, Simon
- Birth, Boscawen, Nicholas
- Scott, Joseph
- Birth, Kettells, Ralph Clayton
- Boscawen, Laurence
- Childs, Timothy
- Birth, Kettells, Hershell Aaron
- Bearse, Joseph
- Crocker, John Basset
- Crocker, Peter
- Death, Childs, Benjamin
- Death, Coffin, William
- Hatch, (Given name)
- Crocker, George Lewis
- Lower, Nicholas
- Crocker, George W
- Scott, John M
- Death, Childs, Elizabeth
- Phinney, James
- Coffin, Christian
- Birth, Faunce, Hannah
- Trewynerd, James
- Death, Hull, Agnes
- Death, Clapp, John
- Death, Hall, Daniel
- Crocker, Sophia Goddard
- Birth, Willard, Margery
- Coffin, Mary
- Birth, Scott, John M
- Hatch, Robert
- Tresithney, Amy
- Crocker, Experience
- Birth, Boscawen, William
- Death, Fish, Thomas
- Death, Avent, Fnu
- (Surname), Agnes
- unmarried
- Birth, Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Birth, Hunter, Mary Ann
- Death, Scott, Joseph
- Birth, Taylor, Martha
- Hoyt, Alice Foster
- Marriage, Family of Boscawen, Richard and DeHallop, Maude
- Death, Nichols, Josiah
- Bearse, Hannah
- Hall, David
- Hull, Josias
- Hull, George
- Birth, Crocker, Hugh
- Carminowe, John
- Phinney, Gershom
- Kember, Joanna
- Cathcart, Robert Gershom
- Birth, Childs, Ebenezer
- Death, Crocker, Lydia Thompson
- Hull, Elinor
- Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Death, Hull, Thomas
- Birth, Phinney, Rebecca
- Death, Scott, John Sanford
- Death, Nichols, (Given name)
- Willard, Margery
- Death, Hull, Elizabeth
- Coffin, Eunice
- Clapp, Thomas
- Hatch, Mercy
- Death, Crocker, Hugh
- Marriage, Family of Wadham, Nicholas and Hill, Joan
- Death, Hinckley, Mary
- Death, Hall, Mary
- Hill, Joan
- Coffin, John
- Birth, Coffin, David
- Death, Hull, Tristram
- Death, Faunce, Hannah
- Death, Kettells, Jesse Cleveland
- Death, Coffin, Joanna Agnes
- Birth, Crocker, George Lewis
- Birth, Nichols, Experience
- Death, Fitzwarine, Agnes
- Death, Hatch, Nathaniel
- Coffin, James
- McLaughlin, Jennie Ella
- Birth, Kettells, Orin Alfred
- Marriage, Family of Carminowe, Walter and Resprin, Jane
- Birth, Hull, John
- Faunce, Mercy
- Death, Phinney, Gershom
- Birth, Coffin, Anne
- Birth, Cathcart, Robert
- Death, Coffin, Anne
- Death, Faunce, John
- Boscawen, John
- (Surname), Thomasine
- Death, Coffin, Ruth
- Marriage, Family of Carminowe, Nicholas and Wolvedon, Catherine
- Birth, Hatch, Jane
- Birth, Coffin, Elizabeth
- Crocker, Job
- Death, Chudleigh, Richard
- McLaughlin, Levi
- Crocker, Rebecca
- Death, (Surname), Suzy
- Birth, Crocker, Jabez
- Bearse, Thankful
- Crocker, Mary Apphia
- Death, Crocker, Frederic W
- Death, Boscawen, John
- Death, Chudleigh, Christopher
- Birth, Childs, Deliverance
- Birth, Kettells, Eugene H
- Death, Cathcart, Phebe
- Birth, Bearse, Shubael
- Birth, Davis, Robert
- Death, Bearse, Hannah
- Birth, Davis, John
- Death, Coffin, Peter
- Scott, Margaret A
- Hull, Elinor
- Crocker, Ira A
- Hyanno, Mary
- Birth, Delong, Ada Olla
- Birth, Coffin, David
- Birth, Coffin, William
- Coffin, Nicholas
- Death, Mundie, Susanna
- Birth, Nichols, Joseph
- DeHallop, Maude
- Crocker, Mercy
- Birth, Hunter, Alice
- Death, Hull, Hugh
- Bursley, Joseph
- Birth, Bursley, Ruth
- Hull, Robert
- Birth, Longslow, Elinor
- Giffard, Margaret
- Crocker, Joseph
- Hull, William
- Hull, James
- Wendell, Rebecca
- Death, Trenowoth, Joan
- At 11:05 PM
- Birth, Hull, Hugh
- Death, Hall, John III
- Birth, Goddard, Lydia
- Death, McLaughlin, Moses
- Death, Crocker, Reliance
- Marriage, Family of Giffard, Thomas and Knight, Wilmot
- Kettells, Henry H
- Birth, (Surname), (Given name)
- Birth, Bursley, Temperance
- Birth, Hull, John
- Chudleigh, Christopher
- Death, Boscawen, Alice
- Death, Crocker, Mary Apphia
- Death, Hull, Samuel
- Crocker, John Jr
- Scott, Susan
- Death, Bearse, Gauche
- Birth, Phinney, Isaac
- Death, Faunce, Mehitable
- Death, Hull, John
- Kettells, Lee Perry
- Crocker, Henry
- Hatch, Solomon
- Birth, Faunce, Joseph
- Birth, McLaughlin, John Harvey
- Coffin, Deborah
- Hall, John III
- Death, Hull, Griselda
- Death, Coffin, Peter
- Death, Boscawen, Hugh
- Gambon, John
- Death, Cole, William
- Birth, Childs, Timothy
- Death, Hall, John
- Childs, Mercy
- Death, Cathcart, Robert
- Carminowe, Phillippa
- Birth, Crocker, Nathaniel
- Birth, Boscawen, John
- Weston, Elizabeth
- Birth, Boscawen, Elizabeth
- Clapp, Charity
- Death, Weston, Elizabeth
- Wayne's site has several ppl with this name, different dates, one of which is 1855.
- Birth, Weston, Elizabeth
- Scott, George
- Death, Codman, Abigail
- Marriage, Family of Archdeacon, John and (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, McLaughlin, Lowell
- Birth, Matchowitch, (Given name)
- Death, Hall, John
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Death, Scott, William Perry
- Death, Boscawen, Edward
- Birth, Kettells, Henry H
- Birth, Phinney, Lazarus
- Death, Bursley, Elizabeth
- Coffin, Tristram
- Death, Crocker, Mercy
- Birth, Cole, John
- Hall, Experience
- Death, Cole, Symon
- Birth, Hatch, (Given name)
- Death, Coffin, John
- Bursley, John
- Death, Hatch, Paul
- Davis, Ruth
- Bearse, James
- Hunter, Alice
- Birth, Crocker, Mary
- Death, Cole, Thomas
- Birth, Scott, Margaret A
- Kettells, Hershell Aaron
- Death, Crocker, Hannah
- Crocker, Victoria K
- Birth, Nichols, James
- Birth, Chudleigh, Richard
- Death, Hingston, Philip
- Birth, Tresithney, Amy
- Codman, Robert
- Death, Hull, George
- Boscawen, Elizabeth
- Birth, Chudleigh, Wilmot
- Death, Hatch, (Given name)
- Rickard, Judith
- Death, Cathcart, Robert Gershom
- Crocker, John Sr
- Death, Trevillan, Elinor
- Childs, Deliverance
- (Surname), Alice
- Death, Coffin, Tristram
- Birth, Mierendorff, A. Matilda
- Birth, Crocker, Bathsheba
- Peson, Joan
- Death, Matchowitch, (Given name)
- Birth, Crocker, Peter
- Kettells, Warren R
- Death, (Surname), Thomasine
- Birth, Coffin, Peter
- Birth, Coffin, Mary
- Death, Stourton, Margaret
- Birth, Boscawen, Joan
- Boscawen, Margaret
- Hull, Richard
- Nichols, Priscilla
- Childs, Benjamin
- Kettells, Eugene H
- Birth, Trewonwall, Lawrence
- Crocker, Henry J
- Crocker, Benjamin
- Birth, Scott, Joseph
- McLaughlin, Moses
- Birth, Coffin, John
- Bursley, Joanna
- Death, Goddard, Gardner
- Coffin, William
- Crocker, Peter
- Birth, Coffin, William
- Crocker, Nathaniel
- Coffin, Joanna Agnes
- Athearn, Samuel
- Death, Davis, Elizabeth
- Birth, Boscawen, Christian
- Shoemaker, Margaret J
- Birth, Crocker, Mehitable
- Birth, Hatch, Sarah
- Faunce, Hannah
- Birth, Hull, Richard
- Death, Bearse, Shubael
- Crocker, Celia
- Butler, Mary
- Boscawen, Grace
- Hatch, Sarah
- Death, Burghton, Agnes
- McLaughlin, Hiram
- Childs, Hannah
- Birth, Giffard, Margaret
- Hull, Thomas
- Birth, Kettells, Hazel L
- Death, Childs, Hannah
- Death, Rickard, Judith
- Birth, Gambon, John
- Boscawen, Richard
- Dexter, Meribah
- McLaughlin, James Albert
- Birth, McLaughlin, Moses
- Birth, Fish, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Temperance
- Childs, Elizabeth
- Death, Hull, Robert
- Birth, Phinney, Temperance
- Death, Crocker, Sophia Goddard
- Hall, Hester
- Hall, (Given name)
- Trewonwall, Lawrence
- Birth, Boscawen, Richard
- Birth, Coffin, Tristram
- Death, Crocker, Isaiah
- Death, Davis, Mary
- Lower, Elizabeth
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, Richard and Gambon, Alice
- Childs, Samuel
- Birth, Hull, Josias
- Death, Scott, William P
- Birth, Hull, James
- Hull, Raynold
- Death, Hatch, Stephen
- Hatch, Stephen
- Bearse, Austin Augustine
- Birth, Goddard, Ezra
- Birth, Goddard, Arsenath
- Hatch, Jane
- Birth, Coffin, Eunice
- Birth, Boscawen, Margaret
- Birth, Coffin, Tristram
- Davis, John
- Birth, Davis, Simon
- Death, Hall, Peter
- Carminowe, Nicholas
- Birth, Kettells, Warren R
- Birth, Stourton, Margaret
- Goddard, Ezra
- Hull, Richard
- Birth, Crocker, Experience
- Birth, Avent, Fnu
- Death, Willard, Margery
- Birth, Phinney, Melatiah
- Kettells, Ralph Clayton
- Death, Crocker, Bathshua
- Birth, Flower, Effa
- Kettells, Durward V
- Birth, Kettells, Ruby Lucille
- Birth, Crocker, Alphia
- Birth, Hunter, Elisha
- Death, Hall, Martha
- Death, Wheeler, Hannah
- Phinney, Thankful
- Crocker, Mercy
- Birth, Davis, Ruth
- Death, DeHallop, Maude
- Coffin, Peter
- Hatch, Uriaeth
- Death, Hall, Joseph
- Death, Davis, Dolar
- Matchowitch, (Given name)
- Crocker, Jabez
- Kember, John
- McLaughlin, Hannah
- Death, Bursley, Joseph
- Birth, McLaughlin, Abigail
- Death, Hull, Hough
- Death, Scott, George
- Childs, Joseph
- Crocker, Solomon B
- Death, Crocker, Samuel Goddard
- Trenowoth, Joan
- Birth, Crocker, Anthony
- Birth, Bearse, Mary
- Childs, Mary
- Archdeacon, John L
- Chudleigh, Margareta
- (Surname), Cecily
- Death, Childs, Elizabeth
- ae. 63 yrs.
- Birth, Hull, Matthew
- Childs, Joseph
- Death, Coffin, Richard
- Davis, Robert
- Birth, Wheeler, Hannah
- Birth, Lewis, Ruth
- Crocker, Levi Liberty
- Goddard, Josiah
- Kettells, Claud
- Cobb, Patience
- Birth, Crocker, Jabez
- Marriage, Family of McLaughlin, Thomas and McLaughlin, Hannah
- Crocker, Abigail Lewis
- Hunter, Mary Ann
- Cole, John
- Death, Crocker, Robert
- Death, Crocker, Mary
- Death, Crocker, Martha
- Crocker, Timothy
- Death, Coffin, Eunice
- Death, Bearse, Hester
- Death, Bearse, Rebecca
- Death, Boscawen, Joan
- Birth, Crocker, Mary Apphia
- Stourton, Margaret
- Birth, Chudleigh, Christopher
- Death, Morton, John
- Death, Crocker, Joseph
- Death, Coffin, John
- Boscawen, Alice
- Birth, Tubbs, Maggie Lois
- Crocker, Arden
- Childs, Nathaniel
- Crocker, Roberson
- Clapp, Increase
- Death, Hall, Hannah
- Hull, John
- Crocker, Jonathan
- Birth, Hull, Elinor
- Birth, Goodspeed, Mary
- Death, Hull, Matthew
- Death, Codman, Robert
- Boscawen, Jane
- Hull, Joseph
- Death, McLaughlin, Hannah
- Death, Crocker, Rebecca
- Death, Hull, Reuben
- Death, Chudleigh, James
- Crocker, Noah
- Hall, Joseph
- Birth, (Surname), Thomasine
- Death, Scott, Eleanor Ann
- Boscawen, Hugh
- Nichols, Abigail
- Boscawen, Nicholas
- McLaughlin, Loretta Marie
- Birth, Coffin, Richard
- Crocker, Hugh
- Death, Crocker, Solomon
- Death, Hall, Benajmin
- Death, Giffard, Margaret
- Birth, Hunter, William
- Birth, McLaughlin, Mary Hannah
- Lane, Cordelia
- Birth, Hull, Raynold
- McLaughlin, Lowell
- Hall, Bathsheba
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Job and Freeman, Mercy
- Birth, Meriot, Jane
- Crocker, (Given name)
- Birth, Cathcart, Jane
- Birth, Resprin, Jane
- Scott, William Perry
- Death, Davis, Elizabeth
- Death, Davis, Ichabod
- Birth, Knight, Wilmot
- Death, Crocker, Josiah
- Davis, Ichabod
- Death, Crocker, Polly Lewis
- Birth, Boscawen, Bennett
- Hull, Elizabeth
- Birth, Bearse, Hannah
- Freeman, Mercy
- Goddard, Mary
- Death, Hill, Joan
- Bearse, Rebecca
- Birth, Hatch, Robert
- Coffin, Johan
- Birth, Hull, William
- Birth, Crocker, Eunice
- Birth, Hall, Experience
- Death, Scott, Joel
- Death, Avent, Joan
- Birth, Crocker, Abigail
- Death, Bursley, John
- Birth, Kettells, Lee Perry
- Carminowe, Thomas
- Death, Bursley, Ruth
- Birth, Coffin, Mary
- Archdeacon, Mary
- Crocker, Rebecca
- Taylor, Martha
- Birth, Coffin, (Given name)
- Birth, Davis, Ichabod
- Birth, Trewynerd, James
- Death, Mierendorff, A. Matilda
- Death, Kettells, Ferris Dewitt
- Death, Goddard, Josiah
- Marriage, Family of Chudleigh, Richard and Wadham, Mary
- Coffin, Joanne
- Birth, Nichols, Mary
- Death, Coffin, Joane
- Birth, Wolvedon, John
- Avent, Fnu
- Death, Crocker, Abigail
- Cole, Margaret
- Secor, Julia Ann
- Clapp, John
- Marriage, Family of Coffin, John and Hingston, Elizabeth
- Peson, Elizabeth
- Death, Childs, Mary
- Kettells, Aaron Van
- Birth, Hatch, Jonathan
- Birth, Boscawen, Isabell
- Crocker, Abigail
- Boscawen, Hugh
- Bursley, Mary
- Birth, Chudleigh, James
- Birth, Phinney, Mehitable
- Davis, Elizabeth
- Birth, Boscawen, Thomas
- Coffin, Tristram
- Crocker, Job
- Crocker, Harriet
- Hall, Priscilla
- Crocker, Bathsheba
- Cathcart, Jane
- Birth, Bursley, Naomi
- Birth, Childs, Mary
- Death, (Surname), (Given name)
- Birth, Scott, George
- Bearse, John
- Kettells, Norma Grace
- Birth, (Surname), Suzy
- Death, (Surname), Alice
- Hatch, Nathaniel
- Marriage, Family of Weston, Richard and (Surname), Agnes
- Birth, Crocker, Joseph
- Cole, William
- Death, Bearse, Experience Byers
- Death, Archdeacon, John
- Death, McLaughlin, James
- Birth, Crocker, Peter
- Birth, DeHallop, Maude
- Hatch, Jonathan
- Death, Carminowe, Nicholas
- Death, Coffin, Joane
- Death, Bearse, Mary
- Crocker, Joanna
- Death, Crocker, John Sr
- Hathey, Thomasin
- Death, Cole, John
- Crocker, Martha
- Fish, Nathaniel
- Birth, Trevillan, Elinor
- Birth, (Surname), (Given name)
- Death, Tresithney, Amy
- Gambon, Alice
- Death, Gambon, John
- Death, Coffin, Richard
- Boscawen, John
- Death, Hall, Bathsheba
- Marriage, Family of Trewonwall, Lawrence and Trevillan, Elinor
- Childs, Abigail
- Marriage, Family of Peson, Richard and Everedd, Margery
- Death, Hull, John
- Crocker, Abigail
- Death, Coffin, John
- Hall, Nathaniel
- McLaughlin, Abigail
- Birth, Crocker, Henry
- Ball, Lydia
- Crocker, Bathsheba
- Birth, Hull, Elinor
- Death, Hunter, Sarah
- Hewey, Jane
- Death, Crocker, Anthony
- Nichols, Josiah
- Wolvedon, Catherine
- Scott, William P
- Birth, Wolvedon, Catherine
- Wheeler, Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Davis, Dolar and Bursley, Joanna
- Death, (Surname), Anna
- Birth, Hull, Elinor
- Gambon, Edith
- Death, Crocker, Temperance
- Faunce, Thomas
- Hall, Bethia
- Hamblin, James
- Death, Hatch, (Given name)
- Birth, Cole, Mary
- Phinney, Mehitable