Bearse, Priscilla

Birth Name Bearse, Priscilla 1a
Married Name Hall, Priscilla 2
Gender female
Age at Death 68 years, 10 days


To Do

Person: Priscilla Bearse (1195)
Designed: 17 Jul 2013
Memo: There's records that identify another husband, John Hamblen.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1643/4-03-10 (Julian) Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   2 3 4 5 6
Note: 1

ABGI elsewhere says 1643, 1644.

Note: 2

Wayne's site says 28 mar 1646, which doesn't seem to be supported by anything I've seen.

Note: 3

US intl marriages says 1643.

Baptism 1643/4-03-11 (Julian)     6
Death 1712-03-30 Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts   4 1 6


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bearse, Austin Augustine16181686-06-02
Mother Hyanno, Mary16231660
    Sister     Bearse, Mary 1640-08-16 1643
    Sister     Bearse, Martha 1642
         Bearse, Priscilla 1643/4-03-10 (Julian) 1712-03-30
    Sister     Bearse, Sarah 1646-03-28 before 1718 (Birth, Unknown)
    Sister     Bearse, Abigail 1647-12-18 1670-04-12
    Sister     Bearse, Hannah 1649-11-16 1719
    Brother     Bearse, Joseph 1651/2-01-25 (Julian) 1728-01-27
    Sister     Bearse, Hester 1653-10-02 1723
    Sister     Bearse, Lydia 1655-09-30 1725
    Sister     Bearse, Rebecca 1657-09-26 1727
    Brother     Bearse, James 1660-07-31 1728-10-07


Family of Hall, John and Bearse, Priscilla

Married Husband Hall, John ( * 1646-03-28 + 1712-03-30 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1660 Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts   2 4 6

Wayne's site says Aug 1667, but that seems to be for a different person named Sarah.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Hall, Benajmin1653-05-291737-08-07
Hall, John III16611734-03-21
Hall, Joseph1663-09-291736/7-01-29 (Julian)
Hall, (Given name)1668-11
Hall, Bethia1668-11-151708-03-08
Hall, Priscilla1671-02-161725-01-02
Hall, Hester1672-04-121719
Hall, John1672-06-271708
Hall, Mary1673-03-011728
Hall, Martha1676-05-241734
Hall, Nathaniel1678-09-151733
Hall, Hannah1682-04-081753-07-28
Hall, Experience1683-12
Hall, Bathsheba1686-04-141750-04-08