Crocker, Hannah

Birth Name Crocker, Hannah 1a
Married Name Lothrop, Hannah 2
Gender female
Age at Death 73 years, 1 day


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1665-10-10 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1 2 3a 4a
Death 1738-10-11 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, John Sr1637-05-011711-05-11
Mother Bursley, Mary1643-07-291686-12
    Sister     Crocker, Mary after 1741
    Brother     Crocker, Jabez 1664-02-17 1702-11-05
    Brother     Crocker, John Jr 1663/4-02-17 (Julian) 1736-12-23
         Crocker, Hannah 1665-10-10 1738-10-11
    Brother     Crocker, Joseph 1667/8-03-01 (Julian) 1721-02-20
    Brother     Crocker, Benjamin EITHER 05 APR 1669 OR 05 APR 1670 before 1700
    Brother     Crocker, Jabez 1673 1700
    Brother     Crocker, Nathaniel 1673 1740/1-02-11 (Julian)
    Sister     Crocker, Experience 1674 1740-04-17
    Sister     Crocker, Abigail 1677 1719
    Sister     Crocker, Bathshua 1679 1700-04-12
Father Crocker, John Sr1637-05-011711-05-11
Bodfish, Mary16421662-12
    Half-sister     Crocker, Elizabeth 1660-10-07 1696-01-15
    Half-brother     Crocker, Jonathan 1662-07-15 1746-08-24


Family of Lothrop, Samuel and Crocker, Hannah

Married Husband Lothrop, Samuel ( * 1663/4-03-17 (Julian) + about 1728 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1686-07-01     2 3a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Lothrop, Mary1688-10-19
Lothrop, Hannah1690-11-111751
Lothrop, Abigail1693-08-10
Lothrop, Benjamin1696-04-16
Lothrop, Joseph1698-11-10before 1732-05-12
Lothrop, Samuel1700-04-28


Type Value Notes Sources
Identification Number 114

Leonard's "A Crocker Genealogy" identification number