McLaughlin, Moses

Birth Name McLaughlin, Moses 1a
Gender male
Age at Death 22 years, 7 months


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father McLaughlin, Thomas1805-09-191885-04-29
Mother McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes18061861-03-29
    Brother     McLaughlin, James 1828-11-06 1903-01-14
         McLaughlin, Moses 1830 1852-08-01
    Brother     McLaughlin, Hiram 1832 1926-12-29
    Brother     McLaughlin, Henry 1835
    Brother     McLaughlin, Laughlin M 1838-09-20 1915-11-21
    Sister     McLaughlin, Abigail 1839
    Brother     McLaughlin, Lowell 1841-05-02 1920-05-20 (Birth, Unknown)
    Sister     McLaughlin, Sarah 1844 1903-05-16
    Sister     McLaughlin, Frances 1848
Father McLaughlin, Thomas1805-09-191885-04-29
Stepmother McLaughlin, Hannah1825-07-061851-07-06
    Half-sister     McLaughlin, Mahalia 1846-07-04
    Half-sister     McLaughlin, Margaret Ellen 1848
    Half-sister     McLaughlin, Mary Hannah 1857
    Half-sister     McLaughlin, Emma J 1858-06-01
    Half-brother     McLaughlin, John Harvey 1860
    Half-sister     McLaughlin, Abigail M 1862

Source References

  1. Amero, Dorothy: Crocker/McLaughlin/Amero/Cochran of Canada and Maine
      • Confidence: High
  2. Roelke, Wayne: Wayne Roelke's site on
      • Confidence: Low
  3. 1851 census of Canada
      • Page: ; Census Year: 1851 Item Number: 973803 Surname: Mclaughlin Given Name(s): Thos Age: 45 Province: New Brunswick District Name: Charlotte (county) Sub-District Name: St. David