Goddard, Arsenath

Birth Name Goddard, Arsenath 1a
Gender unknown


To Do

Person: Arsenath Goddard (4119)
Designed: 4 Sep 2013
Memo: ancestry.com says no relation to me.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1791     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Goddard, Gardner1763-04-151816-11-16
Mother Rice, Sophia1765-04-101845-04-18
    Brother     Goddard, Ezra 1783-06-02
    Sister     Goddard, Lydia 1786-12-18 1878-12-17
    Brother     Goddard, Abraham 1787
    Brother     Goddard, Luther 1789
         Goddard, Arsenath 1791
    Brother     Goddard, Josiah 1792-04-05 1883-04-20
    Sister     Goddard, Sophia 1794
    Sister     Goddard, Asenath 1796-07-23 1883-06-17
    Sister     Goddard, Mary 1809