Hull, Tristram

Birth Name Hull, Tristram 1 2
Also Known As Hull, Trustram

    Thus in Friedman

Gender male
Age at Death about 43 years, 1 month, 21 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hull, Joseph1596-04-251665-11-19
Mother Coffin, Joane15981632
    Sister     Hull, Joanna 1620 after 1686
    Brother     Hull, Joseph about 1622 1644
         Hull, Tristram about 1624 1667-02-22
    Sister     Hull, Temperance 1625/6-03-20 (Julian) 1653
    Sister     Hull, Elizabeth about 1628 1706-11-30
    Sister     Hull, Griselda about 1630 1689
    Sister     Hull, Dorothy about 1632 1691
Father Hull, Joseph1596-04-251665-11-19
Coffin, Agnes16101665
    Half-sister     Hull, Hopewell about 1635 1693-03-26
    Half-brother     Hull, Benjamin 1638/9-03-22 (Julian) 1713
    Half-sister     Hull, Naomi 1639/40-03-22 (Julian)
    Half-sister     Hull, Ruth 1641-05-09
    Half-sibling     Hull, Dodovah about 1643
    Half-brother     Hull, Phineas about 1647
    Half-brother     Hull, Reuben 1648/9-01-23 (Julian) 1689-12-03
    Half-brother     Hull, Samuel 1650 1706
    Half-brother     Hull, Ephraim 1649/50-02-13 (Julian)
    Half-brother     Hull, Isaac 1651-03-25
    Half-sister     Hull, Priscilla 1651/2-03 (Julian)


Family of Hull, Tristram and (Surname), Blanch

Married Wife (Surname), Blanch ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       4
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hull, SarahMAR
Hull, Mary1645-09
Hull, Joseph1652-06
Hull, John1654-03
Hull, Hannah1656-021732-11-15