Coffin, Christian

Birth Name Coffin, Christian 1a
Married Name Davis, Christian 2a
Gender female
Age at Death 83 years, 3 months, 16 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Coffin, Peter15801628-03-13
Mother Kember, Joanna15841661-05-30
    Sister     Coffin, Joane 1598 1632
         Coffin, Christian 1605 1688-04-17
    Brother     Coffin, Johan 1607
    Brother     Coffin, Tristram 1608-03-04 1681-10-02
    Sister     Coffin, Joanna Agnes 1610 1665
    Sister     Coffin, Joane 1611 1681-10-02
    Brother     Coffin, Peter 1613-02-20 1613-02-20
    Sister     Coffin, Deborah 1616 1627-03-28
    Sister     Coffin, Eunice 1618-03-22 1648
    Sister     Coffin, Mary 1621-02 1691-09-18
    Sister     Coffin, Ruth 1623-09-10 1623-11-11
    Brother     Coffin, John 1625 1681-10-02
    Brother     Coffin, (Given name) 1627-12-21 1627-12-21


Family of Davis, Thomas and Coffin, Christian

Married Husband Davis, Thomas ( * 1602 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1622 Marlborough, Wiltshire, South West England, England, United Kingdom   2 3