Deborah Carle’s family tree on
Author | Carle, Deborah |
Abbreviation | Aunt Debbie's tree |
Publication information | |
- Birth, Tribou, Francis
- Birth, Tribou, Thomas
- Tribou, Melzer
- Death, Ellingwood, Terry Thomas
- Morin, Lorette O.
- Birth, Brown, Gail Carrie
- Tribou, Ann
- Clark, Ruth
- Magnan, Anne Mignier
- Marriage, Family of Harris, George and Tribou, Ruth A
- Birth, Tribou, Sherwood G
- Birth, Brown, Donald Clarence
- Birth, Morin, Lorette O.
- Death, Tribou, Amasa Jr
- Morin, Roland Sr
- Morin, Laura
- Tribou, Ruth A
- Tribou, Francis
- Tribou, Samuel
- Birth, Ellingwood, Terry Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Thomas and Randel, Zeruah Zerviah
- Birth, Morin, Laura
- Morin, Alphonse
- Tribou, Alpha
- Birth, Morin, Emile Sr
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Wallace C and Cash, Ella M
- Birth, Tribou, Rhoda
- Morin, Norman
- Pettingill, Ann Pratt
- Bryant, Priscilla
- Morin, Irene
- Birth, Chalifour, Marie Ambroise
- Tribou, Thomas
- Mennecke, Anna
- Marriage, Family of Brown, Howard Francis and Morin, Cecile Blanche
- Birth, Tribou, Liefe
- Ellingwood, Terry Thomas
- Morin, Marie Blanche Olivette
- Pratt, Margaret Margery
- Birth, Tribou, Ann
- Randel, Zeruah Zerviah
- Tribou, Rhoda
- Pratt, Molly
- Birth, Morin, Doris Rolande
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Alpha and Curtis, Hannah
- Birth, Clark, Ruth
- Birth, Tribou, Amasa
- Birth, Morin, Irene
- Morin, Emile Sr
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Amasa Jr and Pratt, Molly
- Bridgewater town record is smuged over the month, but day 16 year 1747.
- Birth, Tribou, Samuel
- Brown, Gail Carrie
- Morin, William
- Chalifour, Marie Ambroise
- Birth, Tribou, Isaac
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Thomas and Pratt, Margaret Margery
- Morin, Alberta
- Curtis, Hannah
- Birth, Tribou, Melzer
- Death, Tribou, Releif
- Birth, Morin, Norman
- Death, Tribou, Thomas
- Brown, Donald Clarence
- Tribou, Wilbur Francis
- Tribou, Liefe
- Birth, Morin, Marie Blanche Olivette
- Harris, George
- Tribou, Amasa
- Tribou, Amasa Jr
- Brown, Howard Francis
- Birth, Mennecke, Anna
- Birth, Tribou, Zina
- Birth, Cash, Ella M
- Morin, Doris Rolande
- Birth, Morin, William
- Tribou, Wallace C
- Tribou, Releif
- Tribou, Isaac
- Birth, Morin, Rene A.
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Alpha and Clark, Ruth
- Birth, Morin, Roland Sr
- Morin, Rene A.
- Tribou, Sherwood G
- Birth, Bryant, Priscilla
- Birth, Morin, Alberta
- Cash, Ella M
- Birth, Morin, Alphonse
- Birth, Tribou, Wilbur Francis
- Tribou, Zina
- Birth, Tribou, Alpha
- Birth, Pettingill, Ann Pratt
- Morin, Cecile Blanche
- Marriage, Family of Kimball, Elias Maverick and Sherwood, Margaret
- Bloedel, Corinne
- Chalifour, Paul Charles
- Death, Jacques, Nicholas
- Death, Tribou, Laban Labob
- Chalifour, Marie Louise
- Mignier, Gilles
- Birth, Pettingill, William Henry
- Death, Chalifour, Paul Charles
- Dubord, Dominique
- Marriage, Family of Larocque, Charles and LeBlanc, Marie Rose
- Morin, Lorette O.
- Death, Jacques, Guillaume
- Tribou, Thomas
- Bertin, Charles
- Death, Chalifour, Francoise
- Tribou, Ann
- Death, Lochard, Jeanne
- Pratt, Joanna
- Birth, Pratt, Thomas
- Jacques, Toussaine
- Marriage, Family of Leroux, Jean and LeBlanc, Jeanne
- Tribou, Alpheus
- Death, Jacques, Pierre
- Chalifour, Ann
- Archambault, Jacques
- Birth, Randel, Zeruah Zerviah
- Death, Demarest, Jean
- Magnan, Anne Mignier
- Jacques, Anne Francoise
- Birth, LeBlanc, Marie Rose
- Birth, Bizier, Joseph
- Pratt, Jonathan
- Death, DeGasque, Marguerite
- Pratt, Robert
- Jacques, Johannis
- Birth, Van Haestrecht, Sarah
- Birth, Whitmarsh, Mary
- Birth, Bizier, Adèlphine
- Birth, Jacques, Marie Madeleine
- Death, Dunham, Persis
- Birth, Jacques, Jacobus Jean
- James, Thomas
- Death, Pratt, Barnabas
- Jacques, Anne Madeleine
- Pratt, Thomas
- Birth, Buck, Elizabeth
- Lincoln, Vivian
- Birth, Jacques, Guillaume
- Death, Bizier, Pierre Élie
- Death, Tribou, Rhoda
- Marriage, Family of Jacques, Jacobus and Bloedel, Corinne
- Marriage, Family of Jacques, Nicholas and Soyer, Marie
- Birth, Archambault, Jacques
- Death, Jacques, Jeanne
- Birth, Jacques, Marguarite
- Morin, Norman
- MacKinnon, Margaret
- Bloedel, Marguerite
- Rancourt, Richard
- Death, Archambault, Jacquette-Françoise
- LeBlanc, Marie Rose
- Death, Randel, Zeruah Zerviah
- Birth, Jacques, Toussaine
- Birth, Chalifour, Paul Francois
- Houre, Rene
- Baptism, Rancourt, Richard
- Chalifour, Pierre
- Birth, Chalifour, Pierre
- Jacques, Guillaume
- Bloedel, Pierre
- LeBlanc, Jeanne
- Marriage, Family of Dubord, Dominique and Grandmont, Marie Jeanne Houray
- Brown, Eleanor Christine
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, John and (Surname), Mary
- Birth, Jacques, Marie Anne
- Lambert dit Champagne, Monique
- Ellingwood, Terry Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Bloedel, Jean and Bertin, Jeanne
- Birth, James, Roger
- Marriage, Family of Dubord, Pierre and Baillargeon, Marguerite
- Gauthier, Catherine
- Death, Pratt, Jonathan
- unmarried
- Birth, Tribou, Hannah C
- Death, Tribou, Parker Chapin
- Birth, Tribou, Laban Labob
- ae. 84 yrs.
- Jacques, Jacobus Jean
- Cole, Mercy
- Bizier, Jean
- Birth, Chalifour, Francoise
- Pratt, Molly
- Death, Tribou, Henry J
- Death, James, Roger
- Birth, Jacques, Anne Madeleine
- Magnan, Marie
- Jacques, Therese
- Death, Mignier, Gilles
- Morin, Emile Sr
- Chalifour, Jean Baptise
- Pratt, Seth Jones
- Death, Jacques, Catherine Louise
- Tribou, Mary Emma
- Death, Tribou, Alpha
- Birth, Chalifour, Francois
- Morin, William
- Birth, Tribou, Hazle L.
- Death, Gaborit, Marie
- Death, Renaud, Marie
- Bryant, John
- Birth, Jacques, Anne Francoise
- Death, Pettingill, Arcadius Tribou Jr
- Bizier, Pierre Élie
- Birth, LeBlanc, Jeanne
- Birth, Bizier, Olive
- Death, Dodge, Edna M
- Morin, Alberta
- Death, Pratt, Thomas
- Death, Tribou, Francis
- Chalifour, Francois
- Curtis, Hannah
- Birth, Bloedel, Guillaume
- Jacques, Guillaume
- Birth, Morin, Alfreda
- DeRonde, Marie Marguerite
- Whitmarsh, Mary
- Birth, Bizier, Mathilda
- Pratt, Thomas
- Bizier, Thomas
- Chalifour, Marguerite
- Birth, Harris, Elsie
- Death, James, Jacob
- Pratt, Nathaniel
- Tribou, Wilbur Francis
- Pratt, Samuel
- Death, Renaud, Jean
- Birth, Bloedel, Corinne
- Death, Jacques, Jacobus
- Birth, Chalifour, Paul
- Birth, Bizier, Sarah
- Marriage, Family of Larocque, Charles and MacKinnon, Margaret
- Death, Buck, Elizabeth
- Despinay, Marie
- Jacques, Augustin
- Death, Damane, Denise
- Vendée is the current name of an area that used to be part of the province of Poitou.
- Jacques, Marie Madeleine
- Death, Jacques, Guillaume
- Death, Pettingill, William Henry
- Birth, DeRonde, Marie Marguerite
- Pratt, John
- James, Roger
- Tribou, Roxanna
- Marriage, Family of Chalifour, Paul and Gaborit, Marie
- Steeves, Jean Murray
- Birth, Morin, Alexandrine Diana
- Birth, Des Marets, David
- Birth, Magnan, Anne Mignier
- Death, Soyer, Michel
- Birth, Renaud, Jean
- Jacques, Pierre
- Magnan, Jacques
- Jacques, Marie
- Birth, James, Roger
- Pratt, Noah
- Des Marets, David
- Birth, Magnan, Marie Madeline
- Death, Jacques, Therese
- Death, James, Roger
- Tribou, Parker Chapin
- Death, Tribou, Charles
- Bizier, Joseph
- Dodge, Edna M
- Birth, Leroux dit Cardinal, Ignace
- Death, Pratt, Molly
- Death, Morin, Norman
- Bizier, Monique
- Marriage, Family of Mignier, Gilles and Touchetelle, Jeanne
- Death, Chalifour, Madeleine Louise
- Death, Jacques, William Guillaume
- Chalifour, Jeanne
- Death, Alain, Perinne
- Death, Bertin, Charles
- Birth, Jacques, Pierre
- Birth, Chalifour, Helene
- Birth, Chalifour, Charles
- Jacques, Louis
- Death, LeBlanc, Jeanne
- Bloedel, Jean
- Pettingill, William Henry
- Marriage, Family of Soyer, Michel and DuMonstier, Marie
- Marriage, Family of Brown, Richard Stanley and Steeves, Jean Murray
- Marriage, Family of Bizier, Pierre Élie and Nadeau, Sophie
- Beauprez, Jeanne
- DeGasque, Marguerite
- Marriage, Family of Bizier, Joseph and Alage, Marie
- Birth, Tribou, Mary Emma
- Birth, Bizier, Marie Genevieve
- Dubord, Guillien
- Birth, Jacques, Henri
- Death, Pratt, Benajah
- Birth, Jones, Mary
- Jacques, Jacobus
- Bizier, Joseph
- Birth, Tribou, Henry J
- Birth, Rogers, Hannah
- Marriage, Family of DeRonde, Adrian and Duford, Marguerite
- Renaud, Jean
- Bizier, Aurélie
- Birth, Pratt, Whitcomb
- Birth, DeRonde, Adrian
- Birth, Pratt, Nathaniel
- Bizier, Angelique Victorie
- Birth, Chalifour, Jeanne
- Death, Pratt, Elizabeth
- Birth, Alage, Marie
- The same day as her sister Marie
- Gaborit, Marie
- Death, Jacques, Jean Baptiste
- Death, Leroux, Jean
- Death, Chalifour, Simone
- Jacques, Jean
- Bertin, Jeanne
- Death, Jacques, Guillaume
- Renaud, Daniel
- Death, Leroux dit Cardinal, Marie Genevieve
- Birth, Cole, Mercy
- Death, Jacques, Marguarite
- His second marriage (widowed)
- Morin, Roland Sr
- Birth, Swift, Elizabeth
- Birth, Kimball, Elias Maverick
- Death, Bloedel, Guillaume
- Death, Jacques, Pierre
- Marriage, Family of Bryant, John and Bryant, Abigail
- Jacques, Thomas
- DePrudhomme, Jean
- Marriage, Family of Des Marets, David and Soyer, Marie
- Doigt, Nicholas
- Bryant, Mary
- Touchetelle, Jeanne
- Chalifour, Jacques
- Birth, Harris, Arthur
- Grandmont, Marie Jeanne Houray
- Death, Soyer, Marie
- Pettingill, Ann Pratt
- Bryant, Priscilla
- Baillargeon, Charles
- Both marriages are listed as 12 Feb 1720.
- Bizier, Adèlphine
- Had 9 children living at home at the time of his death.
- Death, Bryant, Jonathan
- Birth, DeGasque, Louis
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Sherwood G and Lawry, Mildred
- Death, Bizier, Demerise
- Death, Jacques, Charles
- Magnan, Germain
- Death, Chalifour, Paul
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, John and Swift, Elizabeth
- Death, Bryant, Mercy
- Death, Morin, Lorette O.
- Birth, Duford, Marguerite
- Death, Jacques, Louis
- Juillard, Catherine
- Marriage, Family of Jacques, Jean and DeRonde, Marie Marguerite
- Death, Chalifour, Jean Baptise
- Pratt, Margaret Margery
- Death, Tribou, Bertrand Cash
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, John and Gardner, Sarah
- Birth, Baillargeon, Charles
- Death, Audy, Jean Baptiste Roy
- Leroux, Marie Anne
- Birth, Bizier, Louis
- Birth, Lincoln, Vivian
- Birth, Magnan, Germain
- Pratt, Benajah
- Harris, Arthur
- Leroux, Antoinette
- Chalifour, Germain
- Birth, Pratt, Thomas
- Tribou, Nina Ester
- Morin, Alfreda
- Death, Des Marets, David
- Tribou, Hannah C
- Alain, Perinne
- West, Peter
- Death, Jacques, Marie
- Death, Pratt, Noah
- Birth, Sherwood, Margaret
- Death, Bloedel, Jean
- Death, Jacques, Jacobus Jean
- Death certificate number: 6005311
- Birth, Doigt, Ambroise
- Birth, Jacques, Claude
- Death, Jacques, Nicholas
- Birth, Tribou, Adnah
- Death, Brown, Eleanor Christine
- Larocque, Charles
- Death, Chalifour, Paul Francois
- Bryant, Jonathan
- Dupil, Marie Françoise
- Marriage, Family of Baillargeon, Charles and Marquis, Marie Victoie Canac
- Brown, Donald Clarence
- Death, Chalifour, Marguerite
- Birth, Bizier, Jean
- Birth, Tribou, Nina Ester
- Renaud, Marie
- Death, Chalifour, Paul
- Birth, Chalifour, Paul
- Swift, Elizabeth
- Death certificate number 9302433
- Marriage, Family of Bertin, Charles and Despinay, Marie
- Birth, Tribou, Erwin D
- Death, Biscomb, Ann
- Birth, Renaud, Marie
- Leroux dit Cardinal, Marie Genevieve
- Tribou, Amasa
- Pratt, Patience
- Duford, Marguerite
- Birth, Grandmont, Marie Jeanne Houray
- Death, Bryant, Abigail
- Death, Magnan, Anne Mignier
- Death, Tribou, Mary Emma
- Death, DePrudhomme, Clair
- Death, Pratt, Joanna
- Tribou, William S
- Kimball, Elias Maverick
- Death, Tribou, Hannah C
- Jacques, Pierre
- Birth, Alain, Perinne
- Birth, Dubord, Pierre
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Noah and Whitmarsh, Mary
- Bizier, Olive
- Birth, James, Thomas
- Certificate number: 076900
- Death, Bizier, Angelique Victorie
- Tribou, Wallace C
- Death, Kimball, Elias Maverick
- Birth, Jacques, Genevieve
- Marriage, Family of James, Jacob and Van Haestrecht, Sarah
- Death, Grandmont, Marie Jeanne Houray
- Chevalier, Ureule
- Chalifour, Helene
- Birth, Chalifour, Jean Baptise
- Death, Tribou, Hazle L.
- Birth, Jacques, William Guillaume
- Birth, Jacques, Genevieve
- Birth, Pratt, Samuel
- Birth, Demarest, Jean
- Soyer, Marie
- Birth, Bryant, Jonathan
- Jacques, William Guillaume
- Bizier, Mathilda
- Demarest, Jean
- Jacques, Charles
- Baptism, Bizier, Angelique Victorie
- Death, Chalifour, Ann
- Birth, Leroux, Francois
- Tourault, Françoise
- Death, Bizier, Jean
- Birth, Harris, George
- Death, Sherwood, Margaret
- Marriage, Family of DePrudhomme, Jean and Anglars, Catherine DeCorn
- Death, LeBlanc, Marie Rose
- Marriage, Family of Houre, Rene and Damane, Denise
- Birth, Bizier, Monique
- Death, Pratt, John
- Death, Morin, Alfreda
- Birth, Tribou, Thomas
- Death, Tribou, Zina
- Birth, Bloedel, Pierre
- Leroux, Francois
- Tribou, Zina
- Death, Gauthier, Catherine
- Jacques, Genevieve
- Birth, Jacques, Louis
- Kimball, Margaret
- Bizier, Demerise
- Death, Tribou, Sarah P
- Alage, Marie
- Birth, Jacques, Jean Baptiste
- Birth, Chalifour, Pierre
- Death, Morin, William
- Gardner, Sarah
- Birth, Dubord, Dominique
- Bryant, Abigail
- Marriage, Family of West, Peter and (Surname), Patience
- Death, Jacques, Thomas
- Birth, Harris, Idella
- Tribou, Nathan P
- Bryant, Mercy
- Birth, Bryant, Mercy
- Death, Chalifour, Francois
- Birth, Dunham, Persis
- Chalifour, Simone
- Birth, Whitcomb, Robert
- Death, Bloedel, Pierre
- Birth, Bizier, Demerise
- Birth, Doigt, Nicholas
- Birth, Chevalier, Ureule
- Birth, Chalifour, Marguerite
- Marriage, Family of Dubord, Guillien and Guerard, Catherine
- Death, DeGasque, Louis
- Jacques, Marguarite
- Death, Pratt, Patience
- Birth, Leroux dit Cardinal, Marie Genevieve
- Death, Bizier, Thomas
- Bizier, Marie Genevieve
- Birth, Bizier, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Benajah and Dunham, Persis
- Birth, Pratt, Robert
- Death, Jacques, Genevieve
- Birth, Pratt, Noah
- James, Jacob
- Jacques, Genevieve
- Birth, Bertin, Jeanne
- Birth, Jacques, Augustin
- Birth, Pratt, Barnabas
- Chalifour, Paul Francois
- Birth, Harris, Alpheus
- Death, Touchetelle, Jeanne
- Marriage, Family of LeBlanc, Inconnu and Gauthier, Catherine
- Birth, Biscomb, Ann
- Death, Tribou, Roxanna
- LeBlanc, Inconnu
- Morin, Laura
- Lawry, Mildred
- Tribou, Ruth A
- Tribou, Francis
- Death, Jacques, Marie Madeleine
- Tribou, Laban Labob
- Death, Pratt, Thomas
- Death, Bizier, Sarah
- Birth, Pratt, Benajah
- Death, Nadeau, Sophie
- Birth, Bloedel, Jean
- DePrudhomme, Clair
- Birth, Magnan, Jacques
- Birth, Chalifour, Simone
- Gauthier, Catherine
- Birth, Pratt, Seth Jones
- Death, Tribou, Francis
- Birth, Chalifour, Paul Charles
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Noah and Jones, Mary
- Death, Swift, Elizabeth
- Baillargeon, Marguerite
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Jonathan and Kimball, Margaret
- Buck, Elizabeth
- Death, Lawry, Mildred
- Biscomb, Ann
- Marriage, Family of Whitcomb, Robert and Buck, Elizabeth
- Birth, Bizier, Joseph
- Birth, Bizier, Aurélie
- Marriage, Family of Renaud, Daniel and Lochard, Jeanne
- Tribou, Eva May
- Death, Bryant, John
- Death, Despinay, Marie
- Morin, Alexandrine Diana
- Death, Pratt, Robert
- Morin, Irene
- Birth, Lawry, Mildred
- Birth, Tribou, Isaac
- Birth, Bizier, Pierre Élie
- Death, Bizier, Joseph
- Tribou, Erwin D
- Marriage, Family of Jacques, Guillaume and DeGasque, Marguerite
- Death, Dubord, Dominique
- Harris, Grace
- Birth, Pratt, Elizabeth
- Death, Tribou, Nina Ester
- Death, Pratt, Seth Jones
- Death, Bizier, Jean Baptiste
- Morin, Marie Blanche Olivette
- Death, Tribou, Thomas
- Death, Dubord, Guillien
- Death, Alage, Marie
- Dubord, Pierre
- Death, Morin, Alberta
- Chalifour, Paul
- Birth, Larocque, Charles
- Death, Chalifour, Jeanne
- Both marriages are listed as 12 Feb 1720.
- Birth, Nadeau, Sophie
- Death, Duford, Marguerite
- Tribou, Charles
- Leroux dit Cardinal, Marie Anne
- Morskin, Sarah
- Tribou, John
- Pettingill, Arcadius Sr
- Birth, Bryant, Mary
- Van Haestrecht, Sarah
- Death, Pettingill, Arcadius Sr
- Tribou, Hazle L.
- Soyer, Michel
- Baptism, Bizier, Jean Baptiste
- Birth, Whitcomb, Elizabeth
- Birth, Harris, Grace
- Birth, Pratt, Jonathan
- Marriage, Family of Bloedel, Guillaume and Beauprez, Jeanne
- Death, Leroux, Antoinette
- Death, Leroux, Marie Anne
- Death, Pratt, Samuel
- Death, Kimball, Margaret
- Tribou, Sarah P
- Birth, Jacques, Jeanne
- Death, Pratt, Noah
- Death, Chalifour, Pierre
- Tribou, Ann
- Birth, Damane, Denise
- Birth, Tribou, Emma F
- Death, Tribou, Amasa
- Death, Chalifour, Marie Louise
- Birth, Despinay, Marie
- Death, Cole, Mercy
- Birth, Magnan, Marie
- Marriage, Family of Bryant, Jonathan and West, Margaret
- West, Margaret
- Birth, Audy, Jean Baptiste Roy
- Death, Tribou, Adnah
- Marriage, Family of Renaud, Jean and Gauthier, Catherine
- Birth, Jacques, Thomas
- Death, Bizier, Marie Genevieve
- Death, West, Peter
- Birth, Jacques, Pierre
- Death, Bizier, Delvina
- Death, Bryant, Mary
- Death, Guerard, Catherine
- Birth, Leroux dit Cardinal, Marie Anne
- Tribou, Amasa Jr
- Birth, Beauprez, Jeanne
- Birth, Chalifour, Ann
- Birth, Mignier, Gilles
- Nadeau, Sophie
- Birth, Leroux, Antoinette
- Birth, Dubord, Guillien
- Birth, Tribou, Francis
- Birth, Bertin, Charles
- Birth, Jacques, Charles
- Chalifour, Pierre
- Death, Doigt, Nicholas
- Death, Morin, Roland Sr
- Birth, Jacques, Jacobus
- Death, Rogers, Hannah
- Birth, Bryant, Abigail
- Birth, Jacques, Guillaume
- Birth, Soyer, Marie
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Nathaniel and Whitcomb, Elizabeth
- Birth, Anglars, Catherine DeCorn
- Tribou, Isaac
- Baillargeon, Francois Charles
- Death, Chalifour, Helene
- James, Roger
- Death, Morin, Irene
- Death, Van Haestrecht, Sarah
- Death, Morin, Laura
- Jacques, Claude
- Birth, Pratt, Noah
- Morin, Rene A.
- Leroux, Jean
- Sherwood, Margaret
- Anglars, Catherine DeCorn
- Birth, Jacques, Thomas
- Tribou, Sherwood G
- Death, Tribou, Melzer
- Jacques, Marie Anne
- Birth, Chalifour, Madeleine Louise
- Birth, Houre, Rene
- Death, Pratt, Whitcomb
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Samuel and Rogers, Hannah
- Leroux dit Cardinal, Ignace
- Death, Chalifour, Charles
- Birth, Pettingill, Joel
- Birth, Chalifour, Germain
- Daniel, Jeanne
- Whitcomb, Robert
- Death, Morskin, Sarah
- Death, Whitcomb, Elizabeth
- Birth, Pratt, Margaret Margery
- Birth, Pratt, Joanna
- Chalifour, Charles
- Death, Tribou, Ann
- Guerard, Catherine
- Birth, Jacques, Marie
- Birth, Jacques, Therese
- Tribou, Bertrand Cash
- Death, Tribou, Isaac
- Death, Magnan, Germain
- Death, Magnan, Marie
- Jones, Mary
- Certificate number 9502313
- Tribou, Melzer
- Marriage, Family of Bloedel, Jean and Daniel, Jeanne
- Larocque, Charles
- Death, Renotte, Henri
- Birth, Gauthier, Catherine
- Death, Larocque, Charles
- Death, Anglars, Catherine DeCorn
- Dunbar, Linda Louise
- Damane, Denise
- Marriage, Family of Doigt, Nicholas and Alain, Perinne
- Birth, (Surname), Patience
- Harris, Alpheus
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, Noah and Cole, Mercy
- Clark, Ruth
- Marriage, Family of Bloedel, Pierre and Chevalier, Ureule
- Death, Bloedel, Marguerite
- Birth, Leroux, Jean
- Bizier, Joseph
- Birth, Larocque, Charles
- Baptism, Bizier, Marie Elisabeth
- Death, Magnan, Marie Madeline
- Death, Tribou, Wallace C
- Birth, Tribou, Charles
- Bizier, Louis
- Jacques, Jeanne
- Marriage, Family of Bizier, Joseph and Jacques, Genevieve
- Death, Beauprez, Jeanne
- Death, Chalifour, Pierre
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, John and Dunbar, Sarah
- Birth, Pettingill, Arcadius Tribou Jr
- Death, Pratt, Nathaniel
- Tribou, Isaac
- Birth, Tribou, Sarah P
- Audy, Jean Baptiste Roy
- Jacques, Louis
- Jacques, Nicholas
- Death, Leroux, Francois
- Death, Magnan, Jacques
- Death, Whitcomb, Robert
- Birth, Daniel, Jeanne
- Death, Bizier, Louis
- Death, Jacques, Anne Madeleine
- DuMonstier, Marie
- Death, Tribou, Alpheus
- DeRonde, Adrian
- Birth, Magnan, Marie
- Birth, Pratt, John
- Death, Jacques, Louis
- Birth, Bizier, Joseph
- ae. 64 yrs.
- Birth, West, Margaret
- (Surname), Patience
- Death, Whitmarsh, Mary
- Birth, Tourault, Françoise
- Morin, Alphonse
- Tribou, Alpha
- Death, DeRonde, Marie Marguerite
- Tribou, Henry J
- Birth, Bizier, Jean Baptiste
- Tribou, Thomas
- Marquis, Marie Victoie Canac
- Death, Bryant, Priscilla
- Death, Jacques, Pierre
- Birth, Tribou, Nathan P
- Death, Clark, Ruth
- Birth, Jacques, Jean
- Birth, Archambault, Jacquette-Françoise
- Birth, Jacques, Johannis
- Death, Bizier, Marie Elisabeth
- Chalifour, Madeleine Louise
- Death, Pratt, Margaret Margery
- Birth, Jacques, Catherine Louise
- Magnan, Marie Madeline
- Pratt, Noah
- Jacques, Pierre
- Jacques, Guillaume
- Randel, Zeruah Zerviah
- Birth, Bryant, John
- Tribou, Rhoda
- Death, Jacques, Jean
- Birth, Juillard, Catherine
- Birth, Marquis, Marie Victoie Canac
- Jacques, Nicholas
- Birth, Jacques, Louis
- Rogers, Hannah
- Death, Morin, Marie Blanche Olivette
- Magnan, Marie
- Marriage, Family of Pratt, John and Bryant, Priscilla
- Death, West, Margaret
- Pratt, Barnabas
- Doigt, Ambroise
- Beauprez, Robert
- Death, Bertin, Jeanne
- Death, Jacques, Genevieve
- Death, Beauprez, Robert
- Birth, Leroux, Marie Anne
- Marriage, Family of Baillargeon, Francois Charles and Dupil, Marie Françoise
- Death, Juillard, Catherine
- Birth, West, Peter
- Chalifour, Marie Ambroise
- Tribou, Emma F
- Marriage, Family of Chalifour, Pierre and Magnan, Anne Mignier
- Birth, Lochard, Jeanne
- Brown, Richard Stanley
- Chalifour, Paul
- DeGasque, Louis
- Marriage, Family of James, Roger and Morskin, Sarah
- Marriage, Family of Renotte, Henri and Juillard, Catherine
- Birth, Tribou, Ruth A
- Birth, Jacques, Nicholas
- Marriage, Family of DeGasque, Louis and DePrudhomme, Clair
- Death, Larocque, Charles
- Birth, Renaud, Daniel
- Lochard, Jeanne
- Birth, Curtis, Hannah
- Death, Tribou, William S
- Birth, DePrudhomme, Clair
- Birth, Pratt, Patience
- Death, Pratt, John
- Death, Tribou, Wilbur Francis
- Death, Chalifour, Marie Ambroise
- Death, DeRonde, Adrian
- Marriage, Family of Jacques, Louis and Leroux, Antoinette
- Whitcomb, Elizabeth
- Death, Houre, Rene
- Death, Bizier, Joseph
- Bizier, Sarah
- Archambault, Jacquette-Françoise
- Birth, Chalifour, Jacques
- Death, Doigt, Ambroise
- Bizier, Delvina
- Birth, Guerard, Catherine
- Harris, George
- Jacques, Jean Baptiste
- Bizier, Jean Baptiste
- Death, Bizier, Aurélie
- Death, Chevalier, Ureule
- Harris, Elsie
- Pettingill, Arcadius Tribou Jr
- Pratt, Elizabeth
- Marriage, Family of Leroux, Francois and Renaud, Marie
- (Surname), Mary
- Birth, Tribou, John
- Pratt, Whitcomb
- Born in 1627?
- Death, Jones, Mary
- Birth, Tribou, Eva May
- Birth, DeGasque, Marguerite
- Birth, Tribou, Ann
- Dunbar, Sarah
- Death, Renaud, Daniel
- Birth, Bloedel, Marguerite
- Death, Tribou, Emma F
- Birth, Tribou, William S
- Birth, Touchetelle, Jeanne
- Marriage, Family of Tribou, Sherwood G and Lincoln, Vivian
- Death, Magnan, Marie
- Death, Bizier, Olive
- Birth, Beauprez, Robert
- Jacques, Thomas
- Birth, Morskin, Sarah
- Tribou, Releif
- Tribou, Francis
- Death, Jacques, Augustin
- Death, (Surname), Patience
- Death, Bloedel, Corinne
- This may be his burial date rather than death date.
- Pettingill, Joel
- Death, Bizier, Monique
- Birth, Gaborit, Marie
- Harris, Idella
- Death, DuMonstier, Marie
- Birth, Tribou, Roxanna
- Marriage, Family of Magnan, Jacques and Doigt, Ambroise
- Pratt, John
- Renotte, Henri
- Jacques, Catherine Louise
- Death, Jacques, Marie Anne
- Tribou, Adnah
- Birth, Bizier, Delvina
- Death, Jacques, Henri
- Birth, Kimball, Margaret
- Bloedel, Guillaume
- Birth, Pratt, John
- Dunham, Persis
- Birth, Jacques, Guillaume
- Chalifour, Francoise
- Jacques, Henri
- Birth, Bizier, Joseph
- Death, Chalifour, Germain
- Bizier, Marie Elisabeth
- Birth, Chalifour, Marie Louise
- Birth, James, Jacob