This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lewis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Partner |
Lewis, (Given name)
Howland, John
Lewis, Abigail
Crosby, Lewis
Lewis, Abigail
1782-01-12 |
1865-08-09 |
Prentiss, William
Lewis, Almira B
1817-08-02 |
1850-03-06 |
Quinn, Charles B
Lewis, Anna
1715/6-02-03 (Julian) |
Thatcher, Peter
Lewis, Annah
Gorham, Nathaniel
Lewis, Antipas
Bearse, Martha
Lewis, Arnold Angel
Caldecutt, Mary Ann
Lewis, Benjamin
Hinckley, Hannah
Lewis, C P
1810-06-13 |
1897 |
Farson, William
Lewis, Charles
Lewis, Daniel Davis
1777-07-21 |
1849-09-25 |
Dyer, Mary
Lewis, David
Phinney, Martha
Lewis, Ebenezer
1666-12-20 |
Lothrop, Anna
Lewis, Edward
Cobb, Hannah
Lewis, Elinor
Bearse, John
Lewis, Eliza Clark
1800 |
1876 |
Losee, John
Lewis, Elnathan
Bearse, Priscilla
Lewis, Emma B
Shaw, George Duncan
Lewis, Ephraim
Hamblin, Sarah
Lewis, George Sr.
Lewis, George
about 1662 |
Jenkins, Sarah
Lewis, George
1673 |
1769-11-13 |
Crocker, Alice
Lewis, George
1704 |
Thacher, Sarah
Lewis, George
1741-04-09 |
1819-07-24 |
Davis, Mary
Lewis, George
1775 |
1857 |
Lincoln, Ruthy
Lewis, Hannah
Bacon, Oris
Lewis, Isaac
Bearse, Martha
Lewis, Isaac
Hamblin, Experience
Lewis, Jabez
Hamblin, Experience
Lewis, James
Howland, Joanna
Lewis, James
1631 |
1713-10-04 |
Lane, Sarah
Lewis, James
1770 |
1855 |
Harding, Hannah
Lewis, Jerusha Lincoln
1811-11-11 |
1876-08-03 |
Cleaves, Benjamin
Lewis, Joanna
Hinckley, Nathaniel
Lewis, John
Huckins, Elizabeth
Lewis, John
West, Abigail
Lewis, Jonathan Jr.
Cobb, Elizabeth
Lewis, Josiah
1717/8-02-19 (Julian) |
1742 |
Lewis, Judah
Kellog, Sarah
Lewis, Lemuel
Bearse, Temperance
Lewis, Lemuel
1761-09-17 |
Lovell, Puella
Lewis, Leonard
Crocker, [Living]
Lewis, Martha
1812-07-29 |
1847-06-07 |
Bassett, Oliver
Lewis, Martha Harding
1809 |
1884 |
Rich, Joseph H
Lewis, Mary
1713/4-03-09 (Julian) |
1791 |
Taylor, Ebenezer
Lewis, Mary
1804-12-24 |
1848-09-07 |
Newett, Alexander
Lewis, Mary Ann
1846-09-15 |
1924-05-01 |
Nye, Marcus Norton
Lewis, Mary Elizabeth
1835-03-07 |
1902-04-08 |
Nye, Jessie Allen
Lewis, Mary Louise
1846-11-30 |
1927-01-21 |
Lovell, Franklin Hallett Sr
Lewis, Mehitable
1762-07-21 |
1835-01-31 |
Crocker, Nathaniel
Lewis, Melatiah
Bearse, Abigail
Lewis, Mercy Ann H
1815-01-28 |
1850 |
Schenck, William Van Buren
Lewis, Mercy Z
Hinckley, Isaiah
Lewis, Rebecca E
1844-04-14 |
1900-05-01 |
Crocker, Clarington
Lewis, Robinson
1814-10-03 |
1850-02-14 |
Crocker, Mary Sturgis
Lewis, Ruth
1673 |
1711-06-25 |
Hamblin, James
Lewis, Ruth Eliza
1896 |
1934 |
Hinckley, Harold Franklin
Lewis, Sarah
Hamblin, Ebenezer
Lewis, Sarah
West, Nathan E
Lewis, Sarah
1644-02-02 |
1735-02-11 |
Cobb, James,
Sparrow, Jonathan
Lewis, Sarah
1712-04-05 |
1713-06-13 |
Lewis, Sarah
about 1730 |
Crocker, Joseph
Lewis, Sarah
1766-01-13 |
1849-09-12 |
Peabody, Ebenezer
Lewis, Seth
Cobb, Cathleine
Lewis, Sumner Tibbetts
Gray, Edith May
Lewis, Susan
Crocker, Freeman
Lewis, Temperance
Childs, Josiah
Lewis, Thomas
Huckins, Experience
Lewis, William
Foster, Roxanna
Lewis, William
1775-11-11 |
1840-03-12 |
Crocker, Sally
Lewis, William Hunter Sr
(Surname), Cecile
Lewis, William Hunter Jr
1914-02-25 |
1954-01-11 |
Crocker, [Living]
Lewis, Zilpha
Leonard, Simeon
Lewis, [Living]
Ayer, Eugene C
Lewis, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]
Patrick, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]
Gordon, [Living],
Haynes, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]
Lewis, [Living]