Crocker, Betsey

Birth Name Crocker, Betsey 1a
Married Name Backus, Betsey 2a
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1793-06-24     1a 2a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Ansel II1767-01-221809-01-05
Mother Lothrop, Mary1770
    Brother     Crocker, Theophilus 1790-07-02 1851-07-05
         Crocker, Betsey 1793-06-24
    Sister     Crocker, Martha 1796-08-26
    Brother     Crocker, Heman 1800-05-23
    Brother     Crocker, Allan 1804-09-17 1894-07-08
    Brother     Crocker, Ansel IV 1818-06-13 1858-11-23
Father Crocker, Ansel II1767-01-221809-01-05
Stepmother Small, Thankful
    Half-brother     Crocker, Charles 1821-08-03
    Half-sister     Crocker, Melora Ann 1825-12-25
    Half-sister     Crocker, Harriet 1827-07-21
    Half-brother     Crocker, Henry Eldred 1828-08
Father Crocker, Ansel II1767-01-221809-01-05
Stepmother Meiggs, Mercy1861
    Half-sister     Crocker, Abigail B
    Half-brother     Crocker, Asa 1803-04-01 1883-10-20
    Half-sister     Crocker, Temperance 1806 1875
    Half-sister     Crocker, Sarah 1807 1875-05-25
Father Crocker, Ansel II1767-01-221809-01-05
Stepmother Green, Deliverance X


Family of Backus, Crocker and Crocker, Betsey

Married Husband Backus, Crocker ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1812-04-11     2a


Type Value Notes Sources
Identification Number 16346.2

Leonard's "A Crocker Genealogy" identification number