Crocker, Martha

Birth Name Crocker, Martha 1a 2a
Married Name Bangs, Martha 1a 2a
Gender female
Age at Death 23 years, 7 months, 11 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1805-11-12 Brewster, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a 2a
Death 1829-06-23     1a 2a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Joseph JrEITHER 11 AUG 1774 OR 14 AUG 17741865-05-17
Mother Atwood, Patty17781816-08-04
    Sister     Crocker, Sally 1799-04-14 1800-11-14
    Sister     Crocker, Sally 1801-08-16 1819-12-17
    Sister     Crocker, Mary 1804-01-27 1841-01-29
         Crocker, Martha 1805-11-12 1829-06-23
    Brother     Crocker, Joseph 1808-01-21
    Sibling     Crocker, Elisha Snow 1810-04-24 1816-03-18
    Brother     Crocker, Benjamin 1812-03-01 1896-06-25
    Brother     Crocker, Curtis 1814-08-28
    Sister     Crocker, Susan 1816-07-28
Father Crocker, Joseph JrEITHER 11 AUG 1774 OR 14 AUG 17741865-05-17
Stepmother Berry, Perscilla1789-12-131834-12-18
    Half-brother     Crocker, John 1818-05-16
    Half-brother     Crocker, George 1820-02-25
    Half-sister     Crocker, Sally 1823-04-16 1855-10-16
    Half-brother     Crocker, Isaac B 1826-08-19
    Half-brother     Crocker, Charles 1828-08-14 1831-09-16
    Half-sister     Crocker, Martha 1830-11-30
    Half-sister     Crocker, Priscilla 1833-10-30
Father Crocker, Joseph JrEITHER 11 AUG 1774 OR 14 AUG 17741865-05-17
Hillman, Jerusha1861-09-13


Family of Bangs, Elisha and Crocker, Martha

Unknown Partner Bangs, Elisha ( * 1805-10-07 + 1886-04-09 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage Banns 1828-10-23 Brewster, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a 2a

Leonard says the marriage did happen.


Type Value Notes Sources
Identification Number 17181.34

Leonard's "A Crocker Genealogy" identification number