Crocker, Sara 1

Birth Name Crocker, Sara 1a
Gender female



Little is known of her, whether she was the youngest or in between the four boys.


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Isaacabout 17821856-02-11
Mother Wright, Eliza1798-04-201839-09-20
         Crocker, Sara
    Brother     Crocker, Edwin Bryant 1818-04-26 1875-06-24
    Brother     Crocker, Charles 1822-09-16 1888-08-14
    Brother     Crocker, Clark Wright 1828-11-24 1890-06-27
    Brother     Crocker, Henry Smith 1832-01-31 1904-07-18
Father Crocker, Isaacabout 17821856-02-11
    Brother     Crocker, Isaac about 1806
Father Crocker, Isaacabout 17821856-02-11
Taylor, Nancyabout 17921854-12-24

Source References

  1. Crocker, James Russell: Crocker Genealogy
      • Confidence: Low