This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Jones. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Partner |
Jones, (Given name)
Crocker, William H
Jones, Abigail
Fuller, Lemuel
Jones, Almena Holt
1931-12-04 |
1978-05-15 |
Cammett, [Living]
Jones, Asa
Snow, Lydia
Jones, Barnabas
Potter, Elizabeth
Jones, Benjamin
1690-01-05 |
after 1743 |
Gifford, Hannah
Jones, Benjamin
1721-07-14 |
Hoxy, Grace
Jones, Bethia
1706-04-09 |
Jones, Catherine
Spear, Moses
Jones, Catherine
1744-05-19 |
Jones, Clifford
Horne, Ruth
Jones, Cornelius
1709-07-30 |
Percival, Hannah
Jones, Cyrus C
1847 |
1928 |
Jones, David
1747-08-06 |
Jones, Deborah
1696-03 |
Jones, Deborah
1792-01-18 |
1875-07-31 |
Crocker, Ezekiel III
Jones, Deliverance
Crocker, Jabez
Jones, Eben
Crocker, Rebecca
Jones, Ebenezer
1706-06-06 |
Jones, Hannah
Jones, Eliza
1816-11-05 |
1902-04-27 |
Crocker, Stephen
Jones, Elizabeth
Thacher, Anthony
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Timothy
Jones, Elizabeth
1696-11-25 |
Jones, Ellen M
1840-11-22 |
1908-05-02 |
Crocker, Marcus M
Jones, Ephraim
Jones, Experience
1697-03-01 |
Jones, Hannah
Jones, Ebenezer
Jones, Hannah
1694-09 |
Jones, Hannah Maria
1828-03-11 |
1858-08-07 |
Crocker, George
Jones, Harvey Jr
1821-11-06 |
1899-05-16 |
Crocker, Mary Emily,
Crocker, Abigail P
Jones, Helene
1897-04-13 |
1967 |
Crocker, Ernest
Jones, Henry O
1849 |
Jones, Isaac
1690-04 |
(Surname), Patience
Jones, Isaac
1720-06-16 |
Goodspeed, Mercy
Jones, Jedediah
Fuller, Mariah
Jones, Jedediah
Hamlen, Olive
Jones, Jedediah
1656-01-04 |
Davis, Hannah
Jones, Jedediah
1714-04-01 |
Fuller, Mary
Jones, John
Crocker, Sarah
Jones, John
1659-08-14 |
after 1692 |
Jones, John
1812-11-23 |
1880-04-22 |
Greeley, Susan B
Jones, Joseph
1719-06-09 |
Jones, Joseph
1752-07-14 |
Jones, Josiah
1702-06-14 |
Jones, Jusia
1902-05-01 |
Crocker, Adeline
Jones, Lydia
1711/2-02-24 (Julian) |
Jones, Lylvia I
Crocker, Heman
Jones, Mabel Irene
Hanson, Gilbert E.
Jones, Marcia
Pickard, Frank Henry
Jones, Margaret
Grasse, James
Jones, Margaret McLellan
1862-11-05 |
Crocker, Samuel Goddard
Jones, Mary
Jones, Mary
Winslow, Josiah
Jones, Mary
1726 |
1767-03-28 |
Pratt, Noah
Jones, Mary
1727-04-13 |
Jones, Mary
1745-06-19 |
Jones, Mary Thurber
Crocker, Warren Perceval
Jones, Matthew
about 1668 |
Goodspeed, Mercy
Jones, Mehitabel
about 1651 |
Fuller, John Jr
Jones, Mercy
1666-11-14 |
Jones, Micah
1732-08-30 |
Jones, Nancy
1825-05-04 |
1909-02-13 |
Crocker, Oliver Alton
Jones, Nathan
1791 |
1872-10-28 |
Jones, Nathaniel
Wickware, Clara
Jones, Nathaniel
Fish, Abigail
Jones, Nellie Dexter
1870-06 |
Nye, Thomas Hinckley
Jones, Nye
1741-02-10 |
1837-03-08 |
Crocker, Deborah
Jones, Oliver
before 1885 |
Crocker, Mary Elizabeth
Jones, Oliver Bodfish
Crocker, Pamelia
Jones, Patience
1717/8-02-10 (Julian) |
Jones, Patience
1763-07-24 |
1838-01-21 |
Bourne, Nathan
Jones, Prudence
Mullins, William
Jones, Ralph
1692 |
Fuller, Mary
Jones, Ralph
1669-10-01 |
Jones, Ralph
1692-01-05 |
Linnell, Abigail
Jones, Rebecca
Green, James
Jones, Sallie
1780-03-02 |
Mellen, John
Jones, Samuel
Blush, Mary
Jones, Samuel
Blish, Mary
Jones, Samuel
1723-04-04 |
Jones, Sarah
1724-10-01 |
Jones, Saul
1743/4-01-16 (Julian) |
Jones, Shuabel
1654-08-27 |
after 1692 |
Jones, Shubael
1683-07-17 |
after 1744-01-12 |
Jones, Simeon Jr.
Linnell, Hannah
Jones, Simon
1685-04-05 |
Atkins, Hannah
Jones, Simon
1728-04-11 |
(Surname), Hannah
Jones, Stephen
(Surname), Eliza
Jones, Susan Augusta
1834-08-02 |
1914-09-13 |
Crocker, Zenas III
Jones, Temperance
1788-12-25 |
1865-07 |
Crocker, Ruphus
Jones, Thankful
1701-04-12 |
Hallett, Timothy
Jones, Thomas E
Stratton, Mabel
Jones, Timothy
1692-05 |
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, William
Crocker, Elizabeth
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Bodfish, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Hardy, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Fuller, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
Crosby, [Living]
Jones, [Living]