Crocker, Charles Wilson 1

Birth Name Crocker, Charles Wilson 1
Gender male
Age at Death 71 years, 10 days


Note: 1

Charles Wilson Crocker left the Cape at the age of 17 years to find employment in Boston. Shortly after the civil war began he volunteered in the union army. He was 2.5 years old when his mother died. He grew up in the home of his father and step-mother, Betsy C (Wright) Bearse Crocker, at the Homestead located on Round Pond in Marstons Mills; he attended local schools and at age 18 years was working in Boston at the dry goods and apparel store of Haughton Sawyer & Co. (HS&Co.)

In August 1862, Crocker volunteered in the Mass. 40th Reg't. Union forces, and served for three years in the Civil War. He kept a diary from January 1861 through December 1866, a copy of which is in the Osterville Historical Society archives, a gift in 1987 of his granddaughter, Joan (Thomas) Vos.

After the close of the war, Charles worked one year at HS&Co., his former employer; then another year in Centerville for F. G. Kelley before going west to seek his fortune.

Note: 2

Excerpts from Diary (1861-1866) of Charles Wilson Crocker (16344.211)
Boston Massachusetts

Charles W Crocker, age 17 years, lives in a Boston rooming house run by Mrs.Ephraim Lewis and pays room rent of $2.50 a week. Mr Lewis goes to sea. Charles is employed as a clerk by a dry goods store, Haughton Sawyer's (HS&Co) at a wage of approximately $25 a month. When he has time and the money, he returns to Cape Cod to visit his birthplace, the Homestead located on Round Pond at "the Plains," in Marstons Mills. He is the eldest of three sons and a daughter. His mother died when he was 2-1/2 years old; his father re-married. His step-mother raised him as her own and is the only mother he knows. His Aunt Martha, his step-mother's sister, is an active member of the family. When Cape people are in Boston for various reasons, they usually visit, and often stay at, the Lewis' house where Charles lives in the city.

1-1: Paid for glazed cover for cap: $.30. Busy in store putting stock back in place. Received a letter from Aunt Martha. Weigh this day 110 lbs, height of self, 5'3". Exciting times in So Carolina. President Buchanan begins to know his duty -- or rather to act it. This New Year finds times rather hard, a great many being out of employment.

4-10: Another splendid day. Quite busy in store. It looks a great deal like war in South Carolina.

4-11: Very pleasant, clear, dusty, a despatch from Norfolk states that Steamer SO CAROLINA put in that port and left 25 passengers. Horace Crocker called to see me. He is fierce to go to California in ship CHARGER.

4-13: April showers. Telegraph reports that war has begun, commenced by the secessionists, replied by Sumpter. Late report states that Fort Sumpter is surrendered to the d--d rebels. Exciting times everywhere.

4-15: Beautiful day. A proclamation issued by the President calling out 75,000 volunteers.

4-16 Rainstorm, warm, Steamer SOUTH CAROLINA arrived, having been to Norfolk; did not go the Charleston on account of the war.

4-17 Raining in morn; clearing in PM. Schooner NELSON HARVEY arrived. Three companies left the city, two for Port Monroe, one for Washington.

4-18: Pleasant, cool. Called for coat, pants, vest at Powers. One Regiment left the city for Washington. Major Anderson arrived at New York

4-19: Pleasant, warm. Qute an excitement at the store. William Read hung a palmetto flag out a window. A mob was on hand in a few minutes. No damage. News came that the sixth regiment were assaulted in Baltimore with (stones?). 3 killed; 10 wounded

4-20: Very pleasant, warm. Paid for having pants, vest, and coat made $10.50. Louisa Bearse came down to work at Marstons.

(Marstons, a restaurant run by the Marston family; they had a
home in Centerville. Bearses were a large Centerville family.)

4-21: Most beautiful day. Heard a very good sermon in AM delivered by Rev Hr Sheppard at Tremont Temple. Went for a walk with Floretta (Lewis) in eve. Great excitement in city for a Sunday.

4-23: Pleasant, warm. Sent Wendell Phillips speech to Father. Destruction of government vessels at Norfolk by the Union men to prevent the Rebels taking them.

4-24: Cloudy, drizzly, coo (sic), wind NE. Steamers SO CAROLINA & MASSACHUSETTS sold to the government. Business middling.

5-10: Pleasant; war, as usual. Steamer PEMBROKE sailed at 11 AM with troops and provisions for Ft Munroe. Barnes left for West

5-11: Pleasant, warm. Great excitement in St Louis; 800 rebel troops taken prisoners of war by federal troops. Federal troops adsaulted by a mob. Federal troops fire and fell abot (sic) 20 of the mob. Two women. Steamer GREAT EASTERN arrived New York.

7-11: Round Pond. [Charles has a week's vacation.] Cloudy & foggy most of the day, Cooler. Went fishing in the forenoon. Went to Hog Pond in PM with Mother, Aunt Sophia, & Ella. As we were about starting for home, the horse took to being ugly and sat down in arms to buggy, breaking them. No other damage. All hands walked down to the Ponds. Thomas brought us home from the Ponds with Uncle Joe's horse & lug wagon.

7-12: Round Pond. A most capital day. Went to Hog Pond in morn with Father to get the buggy. Went berrying a little while in AM. Got 1/2 a pint. Helped Father get in hay in afternoon. Over to Leonard's cranberry marsh & Mr Woods in eve. Paid Thomas Fuller for bringing us home last evening, $.25.

7-13: Round Pond. Very pleasant, quite cool for season. Went to Barnstable in AM. Drew from bank $35. Paid for whip and fixing harness, .25 ea.=.50., sugar, 2 lbs, .19., for boots made, including case, $3.75. Stayed at Kelley's in Centerville in eve.

7-15 Centerville, Round Pond, to Boston. Beautiful weather. Paid for having boots tapped, .50. From C'ville home in morn on horseback. Fare, Boston: $2.10. Called on Lydia & at Marstons' in eve.

7-16: Boston. Very comfortable day. Paid for having suit made, J E Powers, $8.00. Commenced work again after vacation Received new suit. Hr Haughton says I may stop in counting until Jacob returns -- very kind. Business dull.

7-18: Boston, warm. Nellie Kelley stopped to Mrs Lewis' last night. She & Louisa broke bedstead. Frank Bearse stopped with George last night. News came that the Schooner HERBERT MANTON was taken by one of Jeff Davis' privateers.

7-21: A most capital day. This day will be long remembered in the ages of the future as one when one of the greatest conflicts between army & army occurred. The federal troops are obliged to retreat. (Overwritten: The Battle of Bull Run.)

7-22: A charming awful day. The news comes giving an count of the severest battle we have had during the present crisis. Was fought yesterday. Mary G Crocker died this day in a fit, aged 21 years. Col Cardin supposed to be killed. Sad day to the North.

7-23: Pleasant, right kind of weather for the season. Conparatively good news comes today. Report that but about 500 troops were killed at Battle of Bull Run. Mass 3d & 4th Regts came up from fort and were disbanded. Webster Regt (Mass 12th) left by Cape Cod & Fall River routes for the seat of war. Mr. Jacob Childs died, 62 years.

7-29: Showerey, mugg, dog day weather. Col Leonard's, the 1st Regt left for the seat of war today. A noble set of men, too.

7-30: Very warm day. Wrote & sent letter to David. The Mass 5th Regt returned hone; a great gathering on the Common.

(Entries for the balance of the year, much the same.)


January 1862

Residence: 41 Northfield St, Boston MA

Employment: Haughton Sawyer & Co, 26 & Pearl St, Boston MA
On & After 8-14-1862, Camp Stanton

1-5: Weather clear, very cold, windy. Did not attend church. At home all day writing letters. Not improving the 1st Sunday of the year very piously.

1-14: Forwarded $1 in letter to S B Phinney for Patriot, 6 months.

1-15: Warm. Snow storm in morn turned to rain about noon. Very wet and slippery walking. Mr H cane to me just at night with an envelope containing $25 saying "Charles, here is a little thing for you -- we think you a nice young man." I was so SURPRISED couldn't thank him. Business very fair.

1-20: Harrison Lumbert & Addie Phinney married; also Elijah Lewis

1-23: A most lovely day, clear, warm, capital sleighing. Business middling. No news from Mr Ephraim Lewis as yet. Been out a week last Saturday for Fortress Munroe.

1-25: Most stormy day this season, raining very hard all day. Out on roof in afternoon, shovelling snow. Very bad passing. Water half up to knees in many places. Darius sails in ship SARACIN for San Francisco.

2-2: Shaved, first time.

2-5: Metropolitan R R Co running on runners.

2-12: Snow in AM, cleared about noon. Thawing rapidly. Business quiet. News of Barnside's expedition taking Roanoke Island & 3,000 prisoners.

2-13: Zeno Kelley married to Miss Sarah Bursley.

2-17: Clear & cold. Glorious war news. Report that Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River was taken yesterday; 15,000 prisoners. Great rejoicing.

2-21: Glorious holiday. Weather clear, very warn. Washington's birthday generally celebrated throughout the city. Closed store at 10 AM. Prescott & Mathews arrived home. Went skating on Washington Park, down-town, and to East Boston in afternoon with Mrs Lewis. Got pants and vest.

2-24: Warm with hard; in eve snow with terrific wind, very cold. Fire broke out about 10 PM in Commercial St. At times during night, the wind blew a perfect hurricane. Ned Wilson arrived home from NH and VT. Agricultural Hall in Barnstable blew down.

[Daily entries in diary continue during spring and early summer. We resume when Charies is home again on vacation.]

7-21: cloudy in morn clear in PM. At home in forenoon building _______ to ditch. Town Meeting in PM. Attended sane which was called to raise volunteers and bounty for same. Voted to give each volunteer the sum of $100 on entering service and $100 at end of service. Joseph M Day gave a very Patriotic speech. Town Meeting very interesting, enthusiastic, and patriotic. Four enlisted on the spot, among then, Henry Goodspeed. Took tea at Mrs Woods; Martha Ann and Martha Freeman, Waterman, and self called on Josephine in eve.

7-22: Round Pond & Nantucket: Clear, cool, easterly wind. Mother & I went to Nantucket in Packet from Cotuit. Left Cotuit 8-1/2 AM, arrived there 2:15 PM. Rough; both seasick. Nellie & Ella carried us to the Port. Found Aunt & Uncle at home. Called on C B Jagger. Cruising about the island. [This would be Aunt Martha.]

7-23: Nantucket. Clear, cool, easterly wind. Called on C B Jagger. Loafing about. Called on Capt Charles Luce & wife; took order from them for goods. Saw Rachell Cormick and sister in eve. Also the Coleman girls.

7-24: Nantucket; via Hyannis & West Barnstable to Round Pond. Very pleasant, warm. Went from Nantucket home, very smooth across Sound. Slow boat. Cars to West Barnstable, Bursley's barge home. Went to C'ville (Centerville) in eve.

7-25: Cloudy, showery in AM, clear in PM. Fishing in morn. Henry, Ella, & self went berrying in PM. Got about a quart apiece. Sailing in eve with Mrs Jepson, Martha Ann, Georgianne Baker.



7-26: Home, Marstons Mills. Good weather, quite warm. Went to Barnstable in morn. Drew fron bank, $50. Town Meeting in PM. The town have tonight 16 volunteers out of the quota of 48. Eve at Marstons Mills. Went up with load to meeting at Abram Fuller's. Called on Mr & Mrs Bassett & Capt Jas. Hamblen's family.

7-27: Round pond. Fair weather. At home until after noon, then vent to C'ville afoot. At Mr Kelley's in PM. In eve called on Mr Jona. Kelley's folks. Left C'ville for home a little after 9 PM and walked through the woods alone.

7-28: Round Pond, Boston. Very warm. Went to Boston, found all well. Met Charles Lincoln in cars bound to Boston from vacation in Brewster. At house in eve. At store PM. Met Daniel Hamblin on street. He works on Tremont St. Think strongly of enlisting.

7-29: Another warm day. At store. I decided to volunteer my services to my country. Spoke to Mr Haughton about it, meets his approval. He offers to give ne $100. The firm regrets to have me leave the store, yet glory in my pluck and say "G0!" Called on Willie Whelden in eve. Saw Willian Buckley. Aunt Clorida Bearse at house. [Note: Charles' step-mother's first husband was a Bearse. Clorida (Hinckley) Bearse, wife of Nelson Bearse, was Oliver & Louisa (Crocker) Hinckleyts daughter; one of Clorida and Nelson Bearse's sixteen children must have been his step-mother's first husband. ]

7-30: Thunderstorms all day and rained powerfully. Left store this day to enlist in U S Service. Lewis took me to dinner at Kendall's. Sixteen boys & salesnen in store made me a present of $29, a reward for ny patriotisn (which is not as great as should be.) Bid all hands at store good day. At home in eve. Called on Lydia. Alice & William Bearse and Frank Parker at house in eve.

8-3: Round Pond. At home in AM. Mr Fisk & Susan at house last night. Took Susan home. Went to C'ville in PM, took tea at Jona. Kelley's; attended Meeting in hall in eve. Saw large number of girls, Henry C Lumbert narried to Sophia G Howes.

8-4: Barnstable volunteers appear to be clever nice men. Considered by people generally a very warm day. Walked from C'ville to L L Lumbert's, then rode with William S Lumbert to Barnstable to be examined before Dr Smith at Court House. There nearly all day. Passed muster. Took a good dinner at Eldridge's at expense of town. Called at Phillips' house as went home. Home in eve.

8-5: Clear. Quite warm. Twenty-four Barnstable volunteers left home for Lynnfield (Camp Stanton) via Boston. Took dinner at Marstons. Went out to Camp about 3 PM. Called on HS&co. Heavy shower in eve. To commence Camp Life bread & coffee for supper.

8-6: Pleasant, very warm. Fifteen of 24 frorn Barnstable accepted and mustered into service; 9 rejected. Day and Bearse left for Cape. I am patiently waiting for uniform. Bread & coffee for breakfast and supper. No dinner. Camp very crowded.

8-7: Pleasant. Barnstable boys got furlough signed last night. Left camp about 1 PM and got dinner at House outside. Went to Boston in 3 PM train. Boys went home in eve. Went to Museum & Copeland's with Etta. Called at store.

8-8: Thunderstorm in morn; clear during day, thunderstorm in eve. Went from Boston home. Had 50 photographs taken at S&L. Called on Lydia. Took breakfast & dinner at Mrs Lewis. Train detained in Quincy about 1-1/2 hours. Did not get home until after 9 PM.

8-9: Both cloudy & clear; warm. At home in morn. To C'ville with Mr Bursley. Also to/from Town Meeting with him. West Barnstable Depot, and at the meeting at Marstons Mills in eve. Good meeting. Walked fron M Mills to C'ville with C B Jagger to spend night.

8-10: Lovely day, Stopped with Jagger last night. Arose 7:20 and hirried up to Jona. Kelley's house for breakfast, then Mr Crosby with Sylvia & self to Steamer ISLAND HOME to go to Camp Meeting. We arrived at steaner wharf 8:20, just one hour after stepping out of bed. Arrived Camp Grounds about 11 AM, travelled about grounds and saw many friends in the boat and at the Ground. Listened to a good address from Governor. Left Ground about 5 PM. Had a pleasant day. Influenced George Collins to put his nane on paper as one of the volunteers from Barnstable.

8-11: Pleasant. Stopped at Mr Kelley's last night. Called at Mr Bacon's, Capt N Bearse's, Ann Maria, Mr Jona. Kelley's and bade the folks good day.

8-12: Arose 4-1/2 AM and with horse took Father and Mr Nathan down to marsh. Came home, took breakfast, and went to the Ponds, Narstons Mills, and at Goodspeed's before dinner. At home in PM until 4 PM, then to C'ville and bid all hands farewell. Friends feel very bad about me going.




[Charles W Crocker continued keeping a daily record throughout his first year in service as a private in the 40th Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteers, and through several moves; he went with his regiment to Virgina and spent several months near the front there; then was moved to Long Island in Boston Harbor. Most of the year Charles was company clerk, keeping records, ordering supplies for the men, filling out payrolls, etc. On New Year's Day, 1864, he reviews the year 1863...]

January 1864

Long Island, Boston Harbor, Mass.

1-1: This New Year's day finds me on duty as Company Clerk, Co A, Provincial Guard (Conscript Co.) commanded by Capt. Wm A Phelan of the 9th Mass. Vol. Infantry, living in a double tent with a stove. Tentmates: C P Smith, Willian E Horton, and Ezra Heines.

The mud on this island almost equals that in Virginia. A happy year may this prove to all. At work transferring clothing account fron Meno's to book. Received a note fron a Miss Emma ________ of Worcester through Abellino S Bart wishing me (an entire stranger) a Happy Year. I answered same. All quiet in Virginia, Armies in winter quarters.

1-1: (Cont'd): The prospect of putting down Rebellion a sure thing. I think peace will dawn before the year expires. Prosperity and good luck have attended me during the past year; have been favorably blessed with good health. My finances are getting low, not increased as much as should have owing to expenses incurred by being on duty in Massachusetts, going on furloughs, etc. Reported: William S Lumbert died.

1-10: Another clear cold day. As I look out seaward beyond Boston Light, whose white tower loons up from the misty deep and sheds its warning light, I think to myself, I have no desire to take a sea voyage.

1-19: Disagreeable weather, wet & rainy. Letters from home report- ing the death of William S Lumbert. No particulars. William Lumbert's death sems to me almost impossible to be a fact, and I do not realize it.

1-23: Boston & New York: Attended to usual morning duties on Long Island and about noon started for New York from Boston as guard of a detachment of Maine Recruits. Arrived in Boston at 1 PM and marched from Long Wharf to Beach St Barracks where we left the recruits and had liberty until 4 PM. I improved the time in visiting Mrs Lewis at 41 Northfield St and Nellie Kelley, 27 Tremont Row. Was at the PC Depot when the Cape train left and saw E E Bearse, Joseph R Hall, Capt J N Hinckley, Asa Jenkins, & Gus Scudder. Left Boston with recruits at 5-1/2 PM for Fall River where arrived at 8 and took the BAY STATE for New York; touched at Newport.

1-24: On steamer BAY STATE last night. Up until about 12 midnight, having done but little guard duty. Turned in on a board and slept by jerks coolly until 7 AM. On guard from 8 until nearly 10 on the deck in rear of the Saloon. Had a beautiful view of the islands and shore. Passing up to NY at 11 AM and immediately proceeded with our recruits by steamer PORT ROYAL to the steamer ATLANTIC for Charleston SC where we left the recruits. The full number we left Long Island with. Very easy guard duty this trip and the men behaved very good.


1-24: (Cont'd): Landed by steamer PORT ROYAL at New York and proceded at once to New England Rooms where we obtained permission to grub, stay, & sleep while in the city, and were dismissed by Lt Beaumont, Comdg Guard, until 2 PM tomorrow. Had a good dinner on soup at NE Rooms. Broadway. After dinner & boots blackened proceeded with Chandler P Smith to his sister's on Tompkins Pl, Brooklyn, where we spent the PM and took tea. In eve went to listen to Henry Ward Beecher. Good as ever. From church went to NE Rooms for the night.

[Charles made several similar trips to & from Boston to southern parts in the next few months. We pick up his entries in June.]

6-14: Called on Capt Mitchell, Chelsea Hosp; he was wounded at Drury's Bluff and left with an arm amputated close. About 8 AM everyone went aboard steamer for Bermuda Hundreds. Arrived there 6 PM and got to Regt 18th Corp near Point of Rocks about 10 PM. Found the company greatly reduced by the late battles. Those that are with the Regt looking quite well. Turned in about 11 PM after a weary day. Boys all say, "Sorry to see you back at this time; such dangerous work."


On the Field, 18th Army Corp. Arose 1 AM from my bed (Mother Earth) cold and tired. Regt moved about 3 AM (Co E number 12 men for duty, viz: Sgt Stocker, Corp W D Holmes, Pvts Albert Finney, CG inkban, Geo W Ryder, E N Baker, W Nickerson, E Holmes, Lyons, Crocker, Jones, Wrightington) across the Appomattox River toward Petersburg. Lay in woods in sight of church spires of the city till night, under fire usually from their works. The colored troops led the advance & skirmishes with the enemy and drove them from their first line of field to the protection of their works. About sundown our troops charged, took an earthwork, several guns, and a number of prisoners, about 100. Our whole line ad- vanced. We lay tonight by the captured earthwork on a pleasant plantation, in an orchard of apples & peaches, close to a large pleasantly-located house. Have had shot & shell as near me as I wish. I got into the work pretty quick after joining the Regt. We Lost quite a number of colored soldiers; wounded today, about 200. Captured 15 or 16 pieces of artillery.

6-16: Very warm. During the day we make three or four moves, to occupy during the heat of the day our position of yesterday in the wood near the railroad from Petersburg to City Point. In the evening the ball again opens, and our Brigade moves to the front, on the extreme left of the 18th Corps, and before the Rebel works in front of the city. Lay flat on the ground under fire from infantry. The Johnny balls fly overhead, singing merrily.


Weather extremely hot and grease tries from one freely. Lay on belly all last night. Slept some, but we have heavy dew and chilly nights. Move early to support the skirmish line, but re- lieved before noon by 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, and taken back to the works. Sgt Berrick, Co K of Beverly, killed almost in- stantly while sleeping in his tent within 10 feet of me by a spent solid shot from the enemy. About sundown moved to the rear and back to campground across the Appomattox which we left Wed morn. Heavy firing in eve from infantry & artillery. Grant's army before Petersburg. Entrenched. Good position.


Letters from home. Nelson reported David B Coleman's marri- age to Miss Caroline E Phinney.

6-22: In trenches about 1/2 mile from Petersburg and near the enemy's skirmish line. Shot, shell passing over most of time all day. The balls just passing overhead, and many striking the earthwork. No one injured today in our reg't.


It being the close of the year 1864, one which will prove an eventful one in history, it is well to cast a look over the same and derive what benefit one can from his experiences of good or bad deeds or acts of the year just ended. I have witnessed more thrilling scenes, passed through greater dangers, seen more of human nature, and it has been a more eventful year for me in every way than any previous one of my existence.

The beginning of the year found me a private of E Co., 40th Mass. Volunteers, in the US Army serving on detached service at Draft Rendezvous, Mass., Long Island, Boston Harbor, as clerk with a drafted company commanded by Capt WA Phelan, 9th Mann Vols. Here I was situated where I could visit home and my friends in Boston often and with pleasant associates. If not immediately surrounded by good moral society, I was near its influence.

In February the Rendezvous was transferred from Long to Galloups Island, General Charles Nevins Commanded Post, and at the close of the year, 3rd Div. 24 AC, to which I belong. I con- tinued as Clerk with aforesaid Co until May 2 when I was relieved per Special Order & ordered to report to my regiment in the Field, Virginia, via Hart Island NY.

On 5-3 reported at Hart Island for transportation to my regiment; was delayed there for same until June 11th. While avaiting transportatiion, made a pleasant vsit to Brooklyn WY. Arrived at my Reg't near Bermuda Hundred VA June 14th and

found it sadly reduced by battle & disease during my eleven month's absence. June 15 marched upon the enemy's fortifications before Petersburg VA and the enemy's fire. Here I begin to see and realize the fruits of war. Men wounded, dying, dead.

Continued with my reg't in the trenches before the Rebel City until July 2d when I was detailed as clerk with Capt Elder, AATG at Brigade HQ. Continued until July 11 when I was detached for duty with Capt Wetherbee CSV of the Division and with whom I remain at present.

While at Brigade HQ in July had dysentary quite severely for about two weeks, the only sickness during the year. With Capt, a fine man, from July to present, and with Armies operating against Richmond under command of Lt General Grant. In November received a 15-day furlough; arrived home Thanksgiving Day. Stopped 12 days; a delightful visit. Visited Boston. But one incident I regret -- an accident which happened to Mrs F G Kelley being thrown from my carriage Thanksgiving eve and from which she is now an invalid. Lost no friends during the year nearer than Cousin James G Crocker and the Wright boys. I never commenced a year with a more contented mind than 1865.

think it prudent for one to do it while in service and living at Have not made any advancement toward matrimony as I don't great risk. And again my circumstances, financial and otherwise, are not in proper condition, and I have no definite lady in view. In my estimation I stand before the world, & truthful, cherishing no ill feeling toward anyone. Am satisfied with the performance of my duty and feel as if it had been done properly and satisfactory. Have to a considerable degree acquired a habit of profanity which I deeply regret and which I must determine to dispose of. That is the only fault of importance that I possess to my knowledge that a young man of good character should not have. I can but feel grateful to the Giver of All for the health and numerous blessings bestowed upon me and my friends during the

past year. Feeling satisfied with the results of the year, the performance of every duty properly and promptly, I bid 1864 adieu and enter upon the new year with a clear conscience and the experiences of the past to guide me.

April 1865

4:16: Fine weather. Drew stores & bread in AM. Rode over to Man- chester in PM. CP Smith dined with me. Took a walk with him. Reported: assassination of President Lincoln.

4-17: Lovely weather, but sad news. President Lincoln died Saturday morning, April 15 between 7 & 8 AM from wounds received by pistol ball, the weapon being in the hands of J Wilkes-Booth, the actor. The Richmond Whig appears in mourning. Every thinking mind feels this blow greater than if his own father had been stricken down. It is the most awful event of any one incident during the war.

I never had anything to arouse my passions to such an extent ... I can but feel that every traitor, so proved, should be hung without comment. Let the war be prosecuted with renewed energy and show no mercy to the traitor no matter in what form he comes. The Great and Good mortal who would have shown and tendered to the South every mercy and kindness has been brutally murdered, and now way the guilty suffer accordingly. I feel as if I would enlist for life today in defense of the Government, Right, and Liberty. We are yet to learn the good which is to result from this severe calamity. A Generous and Liberty-loving people must deeply feel and mourn the loss of their fellow man, the Guiding Star, the Magnet, of the United States and its people.

Merciful God, teach us to look calmly upon thy works and not to cherish too bitter feelings toward our treacherous enemies. Butler ought to be Rilitary Governor of Richmond and wake use of these beautiful shade trees by suspending the guilty authors of this Rebellion to them by the necks with hepen cord.

4-22: Another very warm day with abundance of business. Since the death of Abraham Lincoln nearly every U.S. officer has worn a piece of black Crepe about the arm. No military news of account, but during the week news has come of the capture of Mobile.

4-23: Attended worship at the M.E. church with Capt Wetherbee. officers & soldiers of both Federal and (so called) Confederate Armies. Men, women and children in civil garb. Many haughty, proud-looking young ladies, I suppose they wish to be called. Well, they did possess beauty, if that a lady, but I fear little heart or principle were in attendance.

Dined at 3rd Brigade Commissary. Called at my Company. The brave lads are well. They, many of them, harbor the idea that they go home soon. Many rumors in regard to it. If affairs progress favorably elsewhere, they may go home 'ere their time expires, and I think they will, but I doubt if any official steps have been taken that way as yet.


Clear cool beautiful weather. Finished up muster rolls. Met a number of my reg't on the street. All of them going home soon.

6-5: Hot. Supplied 3rd Brigade with food. Stevens goes to City Point today. Called at Reg't a few moments. All have home fever.

6-9: Thermometer 93 in the shade. Called at Reg't in eve. They have received muster rolls but as yet not commenced to make them out. It appears the officers wish to delay the matter as long as possible. The fact is, they get $5 per day for doing nothing while the private gets but 50 cents.

[The Civil War ended and Charles W Crocker was mustered out with an honorable discharge from the US Army.]


December 1866

In reviewing the year just past there seems but little of general interest worthy of comment. To realize that another year has departed one must feel that he has taken another long stride toward the brilliant yet unknown future. Place the average age of man at sixty, and then, to illustrate that time flies, we will suppose each year a step in our earthly journey of joy, sadness, and ignorance. The child at birth has the journey before him and has to make it in sixty steps, more or less.

Bach year a pace forward, and but sixty of them to complete our earthly career; does not life seem short, and a "fleeting show?" Can I realize that I am making my twenty-fifth advance? Comprehending the fact that life is brief, one can but ask hin- self these questions: Am I making the best of life? Do I lead a life that is beneficial to myself and others? Should we live for ourselves or for others? Do we ever keep the Golden Rule before us?

Are we controlled by the higher and better element of the man (the mind and reason, soul, conscience, and heart) or by the lower and baser element? The passions, appetites, and every sensual, selfish, ambitious desire? Look well to it, and see which element should control the man, his words and acts, and see that the right power prevails and holds supreme control.

The Situation

At the opening of the year in the employ of Messrs Haughton Perkins & Co, Boston, on a salary of $600 per annum. Hy duties after February 1st being to enter and look after the entire sales made in the store. Boarding with Ephraim Lewis, 41 Northfield St, $4.50 per week. Continue in this situation and at the same board- ing place until September 1 when I leave the employ of HP&CO, WY year, for which engagement having been made, expiring, and cannot make satisfactory arrangements with them for the future, so accept an offer from F G Kelley for one year at $300 per annum and board, which is by far too little. But I accept this proposal with the feeling that Mr Kelley will do better than this by me.

If all is satisfactory, he gives me to understand that an interest with him shall be given me when the year is up.

HP&CO desired that I should continue with thes in the same vocation and for a time on the same pay, but they having failed so many times in fulfilling their promises, I have no faith to accept their promise of "We will do better by you by-and-by." Therefore I begin the year as clerk in a wholesale dry goods house, and at its close, find myself comfortably situated in a retail country store in Centerville.


At the close of the year built on Father's premises an Ice House costing about $70 and holding about 20 ton. Not having made any other investments, there has been but little increase in y finances. The only method I can adopt for gain is: "Live within your means," and my experience teaches me that the Country is preferable to the City for economy.


December 1867

With F G Kelley in Centerville during the year. Endeavor to better my situation, but he thinks he cannot afford to do better by me. Therefore, at the close of the year, I decide to move West and make arrangements accordingly.

The year in a business way has been a dull and monotonous one to me. Trade dull throughout the country. Visited Boston in June, November & December. In December started for the West, but owing to detention by snow, could not meet my appointment with Seth Lewis in Cleveland. Stopped in Boston a week with Enna Crosby who was very sick which created intense talk at the Cape.

Mother, Susan, Mary, Lizzie, and self visited Nantucket in September and enjoyed a pleasant visit. In the Spring invested $50 in Centerville Fish Weir Co

(5 shares), which the past year has not been successful.

My disappointment with Sylvia has been very keen, although she engaged herself to W.A.P. in August. She and others have very many times wronged me by not understanding me and misinterpreting me, etc., which has caused many unpleasant feelings at times, but I do dearly love her as a sister, and hope someday she may know me truly. I have been pained to learn that Ella had formed an attachment for me. Upon learning these facts, I held interviews with her, telling her my present and past position, and I think she is quite well reconciled to her disappointment, as she had loved W.A.P. heretofore. I pity her and sympathize with anyone whose hopes have been thus swamped. But we should all learn the lessons these disappointments teach us.

May good will from their many friends and happiness dwell with my dear friends, Ella & Sylvia, as also with all my other friends and relatives. (Learn to Live Right.)





Throughout Charles W Crocker's diary, and in particular during the years he was in the Army, he referred again and again to "Aunt Martha without ever mentioning her surname or saying how she was re- lated to him. In earlier times people often referred to a neighbor or close friend of the family as "Aunt" or "Uncle" or even "Grandmother when there was no blood relationship. Descendants have been wondering just who Aunt Martha was. With thanks to Barbara (Wissing) Shaw, I am pleased to include the following, written by Henry Ellis Crocker upon the occasion of Martha's death, published in The Barnstable Patriot.


The death of Mrs Martha C Starbuck at the home of Mr Nelson W Crocker, Plains, Osterville, on Friday evening, April 18th, removed from earth a most estimable woman, whose unselfish life and many lov- able qualities greatly endeared her to a wide circle of friends.

Mrs Starbuck was born at Pondsville near Marstons Mills, May 25th 1813, and was therefore at the time of her death nearly eighty-nine years of age. She was the daughter of Mr Benjamin Wright, and one of a family of fourteen children, most of whom lived to mature years. Among her brothers were Capt Asa Wright, formerly of Hyannis, Capt Benjamin Wright of Pondsville, and Mr William Wright, one of the survivors of the ship ESSEX which was destroyed by an angry whale in the Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of a century ago.

Mrs Starbuck was married in early life to Capt William Crocker, a brother of Mr Aurin B Crocker, a well-known citizen of Hyannis. Capt Crocker became a shipmaster soon after attaining his majority and was lost off the Azores shortly after his marriage. A daughter, born after his death, was buried in the cemetery at West Barnstable where the body of Mrs Starbuck was laid to rest a week ago.

Hrs Starbuck lived for many years with her sister, Mrs George C Bussey, at Nantucket, and several years after the death of her sister, Married Mr Hussey. Some years subsequent to Mr Hussey's death, Martha married Capt Obed Starbuck, a successful whaling captain of Nantucket, whose voyages form one of the most interesting chapters in the history of the industry which made the island town one of the leading whaling ports of the world.

The vessel of Capt Starbuck, on one of his many voyages, was captured by pirates, but was afterwards retaken by him and his men, and the pirate crew were conveyed to a South American port where some of them were executed.

Mrs Starbuck's home in Nantucket was greatly prized by her, and here she received for many years her relatives and friends from far and near who were always glad to avail themselves of her generous hos- pitality. While not a native of Nantucket, she was devotedly attached to the island and its people.

About four years ago, on account of advancing years, she removed

to the home of her nephew where she received the most devoted care. In the house where she died had lived for nearly a half century her sis- ter, Hrs Wilson Crocker, who died seven years ago, aged nearly eighty five years. Here Mrs Starbuck lingered, the last survivor of her father's family, or as she sometimes quaintly expressed it, "the last leaf on the tree," until her sudden transition from earth to Heaven.

To the last she retained her faculties to a wonderful degree. Possessing a gift of rare humor, her conversation and letters were a source of delight to her friends. Her unselfishness of spirit as mani- fested in unnumbered acts of kindness, her uprightness of life, and her nobility of character will long remain as an influence for good with those who loved her and cherish her memory.

Funeral services conducted by Rev Charles N Hinckley of Oster- ville and Rev E B French, pastor of the Congregational Church at West Barnstable, were held Monday afternoon. The remarks of Hr Hinckley, who was Mrs Starbuck's pastor at Nantucket, were based upon the text "Thou shalt coas to thy grave in full age, like a shock of corn cometh is in bis season. B.B.C. (Henry Bills crocker, a nephew.--ED]


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1842-09-16 West Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1
Military Service 1862-08   Union Army, 40th Mass. Reg't. 1
Death 1913-09-26 Chicago, Cook, Illinois   1


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Wilson1808-04-281885-12-18
Mother Freeman, Tabitha1809-07-241845-05-14
         Crocker, Charles Wilson 1842-09-16 1913-09-26
Father Crocker, Wilson1808-04-281885-12-18
Stepmother Wright, Betsey Crocker1811-05-221895-02-22
    Half-brother     Crocker, Nelson W
    Half-brother     Crocker, Alexander Holway 1842 1880-03-05
    Half-brother     Crocker, Henry Ellis 1848-06-14 1918-02-11
    Half-sister     Crocker, Sarah Abby 1850 1850-06-12
Father Crocker, Wilson1808-04-281885-12-18
Stepmother Hinckley, Almira


Family of Crocker, Charles Wilson and Moseley, Mary Whiting

Married Wife Moseley, Mary Whiting ( * 1849-08-24 + 1889-03-06 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1871-06-18 Union City, Branch, Michigan   1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Crocker, Lillian M1872-02-171964-02-13
Crocker, Frank Wilson1874-03-161874-10-02
Crocker, Charles Henry1883-10-03

Family of Crocker, Charles Wilson and Moseley, Arabel

Married Wife Moseley, Arabel ( * 1857-05-24 + 1930-07-31 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1890-03-19     1
Family Note

his third marriage, to the first cousin of his second wife.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Crocker, Catherine1892-10-181984-05-15

Family of Crocker, Charles Wilson and (Surname), (Given name)

Married Wife (Surname), (Given name) ( * + before 1871 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage   Michigan   1


Type Value Notes Sources
Identification Number 16344.211

Leonard's "A Crocker Genealogy" identification number