The Rev Orsen Parda Bllen, youngest son of Deacon Harsena Allen, studied for the ministry and was stationed as Missionary in Turkey for 37 years, most of the tine at Harpoot4 His earliest memories are best told in his own words extracted fron a letter: "I have very distinct remeubrances of living in two different places in Sherburne; one at Hatch's Hill, then med by Hr. Wells Hatch, and the other at Paddlefordts Mill, at each of which places my father was a nillere Especially the first place is distinct to me, and ny first recollections are connected with the house where we lived near Hatch's Hill, There I should have lost my life when four years old had not Mr Hatch snatched ne fron the water just as I was being drawn in by the current toward the water wheel. It is a singular coincidence that Gen J Watts Depeyster cane near being drowned by falling into the sane hill pond a few years later, when a boy, as he recently informed ne. "When I was about five years old, father moved to Smyrna, and fron there to Mt Morris. I left Mt Morris for Inherst College in 1848, was at Bangor and Andover Seminaries, and cane to Turkey in 1855. I lived in Constantinople for six months, then a year at Trebitond, and in 1857 cane to this place with my brother-in-law, Mr Wheeler. Here I have renained since, with the exception of two visits to America." Rev Orsen P Allen and his bride sailed fron Boston to Turkey 10-27-1855 and arrived there 12-9-1855. six months later they were transferred to Trebizond. A year later they were transferred to Harpoot and reached there in company with Rev and Mrs Crosby wheeler in July 1857. Crosby Wheeler, although five years older than his sister, went out to Turkey two years later than the Allens, and the two couples were sent to Harpoot in 1857. The association of brother and sister continued for nearly forty years in fruitful and blessed results, Mrs Allen's health had never been very firm and finally broke with the terrible experiences of the massacres of Arnenians, a shattering blow to their special Armenian constituency. Mrs Allen's life in the mission field was narked by intense earnestness, activity and zeal, always sustained by a firm faith that all efforts were ultimately to be crowned With success. They had the joy of having their son Herbert and their daughter Annie join them as missionaries in the Eastern Mission, but three of their children were buried within two years at Harpoot, Katie, Mary, and Hattie. Mr Allen toured the field, had his share in the local preaching and evangelistic work, taught in the theological seminary using the Armenian language. In a statement dated 1872, he lists machinery he had imported to Turkey, including q53 flax wheels, two hand spinning nachines, six spindles, one hand loon, two hand threshing machines, two circular sawing machines, two knitting machines, one grain mill, one cotton gin, and one plow. Through trials and blessings, in the midst of famine, pestilence and violence, as well as through revivals of spiritual life, Allen was very close to the people and deeply appreciated. In 1890-91 the Allens spent the winter in Van helping out in special need. They went through the terrible sufferings of the massacres of 1895/6 and at length were so worn that Mrs Allen's health failed and the Allens returned to Anerica in the summer of 1896. Mrs Allen died in Auburndale MA in November 1898. Mr Allen re- signed his commission and remained several years in America, but in the summer of 1903 he returned to Turkey to live with his son and daughter, Mr & Mrs H Il Allen, first at Barditag and later in Constantinople, for five years. After his son's death, he went with his daughter Annie in 1912 where she cared tenderly for him until the pressure of Great War compelled them to withdraw to Constantinople Where he died 6-21-1918, the last of that group of pioneers which had made Harpoot Station such a power.