McLaughlin, George

Birth Name McLaughlin, George 1
Gender male
Age at Death 42 years


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father McLaughlin, Zachariah Sr1783
Mother Sennet, Nancy Agnesbetween 1782 and 1783
    Sister     McLaughlin, Nancy Mary 1812
    Brother     McLaughlin, Mark Langdon between 1815 and 1816
    Brother     McLaughlin, Alfred 1818 1886-11-02
    Brother     McLaughlin, Langdon 1819
    Sister     McLaughlin, Hannah 1825-06-08 1905
         McLaughlin, George 1828 1870
    Brother     McLaughlin, Samuel between 1829 and 1830
    Brother     McLaughlin, Zachariah Jr 1832
    Sister     McLaughlin, Mary E. 1834


Family of McLaughlin, George and Weeks, Cynthia

Married Wife Weeks, Cynthia ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       2a
Name Birth Date Death Date
McLaughlin, Alonzoabout 1849
McLaughlin, Amanda1850-05-221926-10

Source References

  1. Krause, Arnie: Forest of Trees: Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine "Plus Others"
  2. Kranzler, Leah: Kranzler, Ladner Family MN,SD,Russia/Germany
      • Confidence: Low
  3. 1851 census of Canada
      • Page: ; Census Year: 1851 Item Number: 973848 Surname: Mclaughlin Given Name(s): Zachr Age: 68 Province: New Brunswick District Name: Charlotte (county) Sub-District Name: St. David