Sennet, Nancy Agnes

Birth Name Sennet, Nancy Agnes 1 2
Married Name McLaughlin, Nancy Agnes 1
Also Known As Sennet, Anges

    Thus in 1851 Canada census

Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth between 1782 and 1783 United States   1
Immigration 1810 Canada From USA 1
Census (Witness) 1851 Saint David, Charlotte, New Brunswick, Canada Census of McLaughlin, Zachariah Sr 2a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Sennet, Williamabout 1750
         Sennet, Nancy Agnes between 1782 and 1783
    Brother     Sennet, William 1784
    Brother     Sennet, Samuel S between 1786 and 1787


Family of McLaughlin, Zachariah Sr and Sennet, Nancy Agnes

Married Husband McLaughlin, Zachariah Sr ( * 1783 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       1
Name Birth Date Death Date
McLaughlin, Nancy Mary1812
McLaughlin, Mark Langdonbetween 1815 and 1816
McLaughlin, Alfred18181886-11-02
McLaughlin, Langdon1819
McLaughlin, Hannah1825-06-081905
McLaughlin, George18281870
McLaughlin, Samuelbetween 1829 and 1830
McLaughlin, Zachariah Jr1832
McLaughlin, Mary E.1834

Source References

  1. Krause, Arnie: Forest of Trees: Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine "Plus Others"
  2. 1851 census of Canada
      • Page: ; Census Year: 1851 Item Number: 973848 Surname: Mclaughlin Given Name(s): Zachr Age: 68 Province: New Brunswick District Name: Charlotte (county) Sub-District Name: St. David