Gorham, Thankful

Birth Name Gorham, Thankful 1a
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1721/2-02-10 (Julian) Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a 2a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Gorham, John Esq.1688-09-28between 1769 and 1770
Mother Crocker, Prudence1692-07-261778
    Brother     Gorham, Joseph 1713-06-26
    Brother     Gorham, Benjamin 1715-06-18 1788-04-22
    Sister     Gorham, Ann 1716/7-01-13 (Julian)
    Sister     Gorham, Deborah 1718-11-13 1738-12-11
    Brother     Gorham, John 1720-11-10
         Gorham, Thankful 1721/2-02-10 (Julian)
    Sister     Gorham, Mary 1723/4-01-01 (Julian) 1768
    Brother     Gorham, Nathaniel 1726-09-30
    Sister     Gorham, Experience 1728-06-23
    Sister     Gorham, Mercy 1729-07-05
    Sister     Gorham, Abigail 1731-06-01 1765
    Sister     Gorham, Naomi 1731-06-16
    Sister     Gorham, Prudence 1734-08-16
    Sister     Gorham, Rachel


Type Value Notes Sources
Identification Number 11526

Leonard's "A Crocker Genealogy" identification number