Crocker, Aurelia

Birth Name Crocker, Aurelia 1a
Married Name Richardson, Aurelia 1a
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1768-12-29 Willington, Tolland, Connecticut   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Seth1746-03-271809-11-20
Mother Hinckley, Maryabout 17431828-05-05
         Crocker, Aurelia 1768-12-29
    Sister     Crocker, Mary 1770-08-02 1857-04-23
    Brother     Crocker, John 1772-04-26
    Sister     Crocker, Abigail 1774-09-22
    Sister     Crocker, Hannah 1776-08-14 1791-09-25
    Sister     Crocker, Sarah 1779-03
    Brother     Crocker, Seth 1780-12-25
    Brother     Crocker, Benjamin 1784-04-01 1788-07-08


Family of Richardson, (Given name) and Crocker, Aurelia

Married Husband Richardson, (Given name) ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       1a

Source References

  1. Crocker, James Russell: Crocker Genealogy
      • Confidence: Low