Lothrop, Mary

Birth Name Lothrop, Mary 1a 2 3
Married Name Childs, Mary 2
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1748/9-03-24 (Julian) Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Lothrop, Seth1712-03
Mother Fuller, Mary1763-01-16
    Brother     Lothrop, Nathaniel 1737-12-27
    Brother     Lothrop, Joseph 1740-05-01
    Sister     Lothrop, Thankful 1741-08-02
    Brother     Lothrop, John 1745-04-05
    Sister     Lothrop, Thankful 1746/7-02-18 (Julian)
         Lothrop, Mary 1748/9-03-24 (Julian)
    Brother     Lothrop, Benjamin
    Brother     Lothrop, Seth 1756-12-05
    Brother     Lothrop, Thomas 1762-07-04
Father Lothrop, Seth1712-03
Stepmother Fuller, Mary


Family of Childs, Edward and Lothrop, Mary

Married Husband Childs, Edward ( * 1749-09-13 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       2 3