
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Percival. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Percival, Abigail 1765-07-09 1833-09-22 Crocker, John
Percival, Abigail 1798-02-22   Sherman, Daniel
Percival, Almira 1801-08-01    
Percival, Betsy 1777-10-20   Ladd, Elias
Percival, Content 1796-02-28   Baker, (Given name)
Percival, Elizabeth     Howland, Jabez
Percival, Emily 1818-05-31 1845-02-02 Harding, Hugh
Percival, Flavia Antoinette 1832-07-28 1918-10-30 Carter, Frederick
Percival, Hannah     Jones, Cornelius
Percival, Hannah Gates 1793-01-12 1861-07-29 Allen, Marsena
Percival, Isaac     Hallett, Penelope
Percival, James 1788-06-05   (Surname), Sarah
Percival, John     Snow, Mary
Percival, John     Fuller, Lydia
Percival, John II 1754-11-06 1837-06-13 Crocker, Ruth
Percival, John 1779-04-03 1862-09-17  
Percival, John III 1781-04-25 1858-01-14 Parsons, Catherine
Percival, Lydia 1779-02-12   Elmore, James
Percival, Lydia 1792-03-03 1843-12-10 Crocker, Enoch
Percival, Montgomery EITHER 25 SEP 1790 OR 27 SEP 1790 1876-09-01 Cook, Eunice
Percival, Ruth 1783-04-25 Gardiner, Henry
Percival, Sally 1803-10-03  
Percival, Samuel 1785-08-27   (Surname), Cinda
Percival, Timothy 1792-02-04 1869-03-26 Crocker, Hannah, Keene, (Given name)