Crocker, Luther 1

Birth Name Crocker, Luther 1a
Gender male
Age at Death 39 years, 10 months, 27 days


Note: 1

Luther and his brother Thomas invested in land in North Franklin county, Maine, where the village Crockertown was named after them.

Note: 2 (To Do)

Second wife?
Person: Luther Crocker (10242)
Source: James Russell Crocker. Crocker Genealogy. n.p.:
Designed: 24 Feb 2015
Memo: The text for Luther says "She m2. as his 2nd wife, Cyrus Bridgham." I'm so confused on genders here. Is that Luther married Cyrus second, or is that Caroline marrying Cyrus?


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1804-05-24 Conway, Carroll, New Hampshire   1a
Death 1844-04-20 Oxford, Maine "on the shores of Labrador Pond, near Buckfield" 1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Rowland1757-04-081839-02-08
Mother Merrill, Mehitable17561836-10-31
    Brother     Crocker, Daniel 1782-05-07 1782-07-28
    Brother     Crocker, David 1783-07-02 1783
    Sister     Crocker, Elizabeth 1784-06-10 1857-07-02
    Brother     Crocker, Ira 1786-04-17 1863-12-26
    Brother     Crocker, Thomas 1788-04-14 1872-08-22
    Brother     Crocker, Calvin 1790-08-20
    Brother     Crocker, Enoch 1793-01-08 1853-08-10
    Brother     Crocker, John 1795-05-28 1848-02-16
    Brother     Crocker, Daniel Dunham 1797-09-20 1857-01-07
    Sister     Crocker, Mehitable M. 1799-12-16 1802-05-06
    Brother     Crocker, Samuel Eastman 1802-12-09 1860-09-27
         Crocker, Luther 1804-05-24 1844-04-20
    Sister     Crocker, Susan 1806-11-03 1836
    Brother     Crocker, Roland 1816-01-14 1895-06-02


Family of Crocker, Luther and Bridgham, Caroline

Married Wife Bridgham, Caroline ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1830     1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Crocker, Emily Stetsonabout 1833about 1876

Source References

  1. Crocker, James Russell: Crocker Genealogy
      • Confidence: Low