Hopkins, Elizabeth 1a

Birth Name Hopkins, Elizabeth
Gender female
Age at Death about 25 years, 9 months



She had left Plymouth by 29 7m [Sept.] 1659, when the process of settling her es-
tate began; the records, however, are careful not to state that she was dead.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death between 1657-10 and 1659-10-06   unmarried 2a 3a 4a
Birth about 1632 Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts   2a 3a 4a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hopkins, Stephenabout 1578between 1644-06-06 and 1644-07-17
Mother Fisher, Elizabethabout 1585between 1638 and 1644
    Sister     Hopkins, Damaris about 1618
    Brother     Hopkins, Oceanus between 1620-09-16 and 1620-11-11 before 1627-05-22
    Brother     Hopkins, Caleb about 1624 between 1644 and 1651
    Sister     Hopkins, Deborah about 1626 before 1674
    Sister     Hopkins, Damaris abt 1627/28 between 1665/6-01 and 1668/9-11-18 (Julian)
    Sister     Hopkins, Ruth about 1630 between 1641-11-30 and 1651
         Hopkins, Elizabeth about 1632 between 1657-10 and 1659-10-06
Father Hopkins, Stephenabout 1578between 1644-06-06 and 1644-07-17
Kent, Mary1613-05-09
    Half-sister     Hopkins, Elizabeth 1604-05-13 after 1613
    Half-sister     Hopkins, Constance about 1607 1677-10
    Half-brother     Hopkins, William 1607 about 1609
    Half-brother     Hopkins, Giles about 1609 between 1688/9-03-05 and 1689/90-04-16 (Julian)
    Half-brother     Hopkins, (Given name) 1609 about 1609

Source References

  1. Johnson, Caleb: The True Origins of Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower
      • Page: p. 171
  2. Crocker, Tracy: Crocker ~ Ashley Genealogy
      • Date: 2019-06-15
      • Page: https://tacrocker.com/tacrocker/p109.htm#i3755
  3. Wikipedia: Elizabeth Hopkins
      • Date: 2019-06-15
      • Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Hopkins
  4. Wikipedia: Stephen Hopkins (Mayflower Passenger)
      • Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hopkins_(Mayflower_passenger)