Crocker ~ Ashley Genealogy

Author Crocker, Tracy


Number Title Type Call number
1 Crocker ~ Ashley Genealogy Electronic


    1. Family of Snow, Nicholas and Hopkins, Constance
    2. Snow, Joseph
    3. Snow, Stephen
    4. Birth, Hopkins, Giles
    5. Birth, Snow, Mark
    6. Death, Walker, William
    7. Marriage, Family of Snow, Nicholas and Hopkins, Constance
    8. Snow, Mark
    9. Death, Hopkins, Constance
    10. Birth, Walker, William
    11. Birth, Walker, Sarah
    12. Walker, Jabez
    13. Birth, Snow, John
    14. Birth, Walker, Elizabeth
    15. Burial, Hopkins, Constance
    16. Death, Snow, Sarah
    17. Birth, Snow, Ruth
    18. Snow, Ruth
    19. Snow, John
    20. Death, Hopkins, Giles
    21. Snow, Elizabeth
    22. Birth, Hopkins, Stephen
    23. Kent, Mary
    24. Birth, Snow, Sarah
    25. Snow, Nicholas
    26. Walker, William
    27. Birth, Snow, Stephen
    28. Walker, Sarah
    29. Burial, Hopkins, Giles
    30. Snow, Jabez
    31. Marriage, Family of Hopkins, Stephen and Kent, Mary
    32. Birth, Walker, John
    33. Snow, Sarah
    34. Birth, Walker, Jabez
    35. Hopkins, Giles
    36. Engagement, Family of Walker, William and Snow, Sarah
    37. Birth, Snow, Mary
    38. Walker, John
    39. Birth, Walker, William
    40. Hopkins, Elizabeth
    41. Birth, Hopkins, Elizabeth
    42. Birth, Snow, Elizabeth
    43. Snow, Mary
    44. Birth, Hopkins, Constance
    45. Birth, Snow, Joseph
    46. Death, Walker, Sarah
    47. Walker, William
    48. Death, Walker, John
    49. Marriage, Family of Walker, William and Snow, Sarah
    50. Walker, William
    51. Birth, Snow, Jabez
    52. Walker, Elizabeth
    53. Hopkins, Constance
    54. Hopkins, Stephen
    1. Death, Hopkins, Deborah
    2. after 22 May 1627
    3. Hopkins, Damaris
    4. Birth, Hopkins, Damaris
    5. Birth, Hopkins, Caleb
    6. Death, Fisher, Elizabeth
    7. Hopkins, Caleb
    8. Birth, Hopkins, Elizabeth
    9. Birth, Hopkins, Deborah
    10. unmarried
    11. Death, Hopkins, Caleb
    12. She might have been his second, third, or even fourth wife
    13. Probably before 1623, since his father's family was listed as having six people
    14. Death, Hopkins, Damaris
    15. Hopkins, Elizabeth
    16. Hopkins, Damaris
    17. Hopkins, Ruth
    18. Fisher, Elizabeth
    19. in the fall, on board the Mayflower
    20. Birth, Hopkins, Ruth
    21. unmarried
    22. Hopkins, Deborah
    23. Hopkins, Oceanus
    24. Hopkins, Stephen