Crocker, [Living]

Birth Name Crocker, [Living]
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Anselmbetween 1780 and 17901859-01-18
         Crocker, [Living]
    Brother     Crocker, [Living]
Father Crocker, Anselmbetween 1780 and 17901859-01-18
Clark, Lucyabout 17951819-10-17
    Brother     Crocker, John Clark 1819 1824-09-02
Father Crocker, Anselmbetween 1780 and 17901859-01-18
Stepmother Taylor, Sarah
    Sister     Crocker, Lucy Clark 1825-01-15
    Sister     Crocker, Eliza Jane about 1832