Lothrop, Thomas

Birth Name Lothrop, Thomas 1a
Gender male


To Do

Person: Thomas Lothrop (8718)
Designed: 6 Sep 2014
Memo: Otis says that both this Thomas and the father Thomas married Deborah Loring on the same date. Was she a second wife of the father or the wife of the son?


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1705-07-08 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Lothrop, Thomas1673-01-061757
Mother Gorham, Experience1678-07-281733-12-23
    Sister     Lothrop, Elizabeth
    Sibling     Lothrop, Mehitabel 1764-11
    Sister     Lothrop, Rebecca
    Brother     Lothrop, (Given name) 1697/8-01-10 (Julian) 1697/8-02-03 (Julian)
    Sister     Lothrop, Deborah 1699-04-21
    Sister     Lothrop, Mary 1701-04-04
    Brother     Lothrop, James 1703-08-09 1748-04
         Lothrop, Thomas 1705-07-08
    Brother     Lothrop, Ansel 1707-07
    Brother     Lothrop, Joseph 1709-12-08 1761
    Brother     Lothrop, Seth 1712-03
    Sister     Lothrop, Mehitable 1725-06-27 1764-11
    Brother     Lothrop, John
    Sister     Lothrop, Lydia
    Brother     Lothrop, Ansel 1725-07-25
Father Lothrop, Thomas1673-01-061757
Stepmother Loring, Deborah