Crocker, Sarah Choate

Birth Name Crocker, Sarah Choate 1a
Married Name Wolcott, Sarah Choate 1a
Gender female
Age at Death 46 years, 11 months, 18 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1797-08-17     1a
Death 1844-08-04     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, John1760-03-131814-07-15
Mother Choate, Margaret1764-03-08
    Sister     Crocker, Mary 1787-08-26 1827-04-15
    Sister     Crocker, Hannah 1790-08-09 1859-12
    Sister     Crocker, Peggy 1792-07-18 1864
    Sister     Crocker, Mehitable 1795-08-09
         Crocker, Sarah Choate 1797-08-17 1844-08-04
    Sister     Crocker, Elizabeth 1800-08-11
    Sister     Crocker, Lydia 1802-08-26 1804-03-03
    Brother     Crocker, John 1804-08-02 1879-04-06
    Sister     Crocker, Lydia 1808-11-20


Family of Wolcott, Elihu and Crocker, Sarah Choate

Married Husband Wolcott, Elihu ( * 1784-02-12 + 1858-12-02 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1835-09-17     1a

Source References

  1. Crocker, James Russell: Crocker Genealogy
      • Confidence: Low