This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Holmes. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Partner |
Holmes, (Given name)
Hodges, Sarah
Holmes, (Given name)
1888 |
Holmes, Charles
1850-10-17 |
Wadleigh, Mary A.,
Low, Helen
Holmes, Charles J Esq.
Crocker, Cynthia
Holmes, Clara
1887 |
Holmes, Curtis D.
1852-09-02 |
Smith, Mary E.
Holmes, Dorothy A.
1847-02-17 |
Greeley, Solomon
Holmes, Ellis
Howe, Susan
Holmes, Emma J.
1855-08-10 |
Weeks, Henry M.
Holmes, Frank Leroy
1881-02-18 |
Holmes, Fred W.
1876-10-20 |
Holmes, George
1843-10-18 |
Dearborn, Orissa M.
Holmes, Huldah
Tribou, Walter Spooner
Holmes, Jeanette
Paine, Levi Leonard
Holmes, Joseph
Lucas, Lydia
Holmes, Joseph Thomas
1802 |
Crocker, Lucy Jackson
Holmes, Leland
1870-05-09 |
Holmes, Nathaniel Jr.
Clark, Joanna
Holmes, Nellie M.
1857-03-08 |
Dearborn, Howard E.
Holmes, Phebe
Hinckley, Thomas
Holmes, Ruth
Doty, William
Holmes, Sarah
Holmes, Susan Howe
about 1837 |
1858-08-10 |
Crocker, William Henry
Holmes, Thomas
Holmes, William
1818-04-04 |
Johnson, Mehitable
Holmes, William J.
1867-06-23 |
Shaw, Naomi
Holmes, [Living]
Leathers, [Living]