Geneaological and Family History of the State of Maine, volume III

Author Little, George Thomas
Publication information Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1909


Number Title Type Call number
1 Chris Brown’s personal collection Electronic


  1. p. 1067
    1. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Nathaniel and Proctor, Abigail
    2. Barnes, Sally
    3. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Jonathan and Rust, Polly
    4. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Ebenezer and Silley, Huldah
    5. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Thomas and Grover, Sarah
    6. Birth, Rust, Polly
    7. Pulsifer, Thomas
    8. Pulsifer, Augustus Moses
    9. Hadley, Susanna
    10. Pulsifer, Joanna
    11. Family of Pulsifer, David and Pulsifer, Hannah
    12. Pulsifer, Moses Rust
    13. Death, Pulsifer, Moses Rust
    14. Pulsifer, Jonathan
    15. Birth, Pulsifer, Joanna
    16. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Thomas and Woodward, Hannah
    17. Family of Pulsifer, Jonathan and Rust, Polly
    18. Birth, Pulsifer, Augustus Moses
    19. Pulsifer, Nathan
    20. they are cousins
    21. Birth, Pulsifer, David
    22. Pulsifer, Jonathan
    23. Birth, Pulsifer, Mary
    24. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Moses Rust and Dunn, Mary Strout
    25. Kent, Joanna
    26. Rust, Polly
    27. Soldier in the French and Indian War
    28. Family of Pulsifer, David and (Surname), Mary
    29. ae. 86 yrs
    30. Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin Franklin and Pulsifer, Caroline Persia
    31. Dunn, Josiah
    32. Pulsifer, John
    33. Pulsifer, Ebenezer
    34. He was a soldier in the revolution,from Gloucester, a private in Captain CharlesSmith's company, also matross in CaptainWilliam Ellery's company, First Artillery,1776.
    35. Family of Pulsifer, Thomas and Woodward, Hannah
    36. Birth, Pulsifer, Thomas
    37. Birth, Dunn, Mary Strout
    38. Pulsifer, Mary
    39. Birth, Pulsifer, Ebenezer
    40. Birth, Pulsifer, Moses Rust
    41. Family of Pulsifer, Nathaniel and Proctor, Abigail
    42. Pulsifer, Nathan Goldsmith Howard
    43. Death, Pulsifer, John
    44. Grover, Sarah
    45. Pulsifer, David
    46. Birth, Pulsifer, Nathaniel
    47. Death, Rust, Polly
    48. Birth, Pulsifer, Reuben
    49. Silley, Huldah
    50. Death, Dunn, Mary Strout
    51. Birth, Dunn, Josiah
    52. (Surname), Mary
    53. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Jonathan and Hadley, Susanna
    54. farmer
    55. Pulsifer, Josiah Dunn
    56. Birth, Barnes, Sally
    57. Birth, Pulsifer, David
    58. Birth, Pulsifer, John
    59. Birth, Pulsifer, Mary
    60. Birth, Pulsifer, Josiah Dunn
    61. Death, Dunn, Josiah
    62. Pulsifer, Reuben
    63. Pulsifer, Hannah
    64. Dunn, Mary Strout
    65. Pulsifer, Nathaniel
    66. Birth, Pulsifer, Jonathan
    67. Proctor, Abigail
    68. Pulsifer, David
    69. Family of Pulsifer, Ebenezer and Silley, Huldah
    70. Pulsifer, Caroline Persia
    71. Pulsifer, John
    72. Birth, Pulsifer, Jonathan
    73. Pulsifer, Mary
    74. Birth, Pulsifer, Nathan Goldsmith Howard
    75. Death, Barnes, Sally
    76. Crocker, Benjamin Franklin
    77. Woodward, Hannah
    78. Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, John and Kent, Joanna
    79. Death, Pulsifer, Thomas
  2. p. 1136
    1. Winslow, Seth
    2. Birth, Winslow, Mercy
    3. White, Melthiah
    4. Winslow, Kenelm
    5. Hathaway, Martha
    6. Baptism, Winslow, Kenelm
    7. Clapp, Ebenezer
    8. Andrews, Bethia
    9. Hall, Bethia
    10. Winslow, Josiah
    11. Residence, Family of Crosby, Theophilus and Winslow, Thankful
    12. Birth, Winslow, Mercy
    13. Birth, Winslow, Seth
    14. Baptism, Winslow, Thomas
    15. Sears, Thankful
    16. Birth, (Surname), Sarah
    17. Winslow, Bethia
    18. Death, Winslow, Kenelm
    19. ae. 48 yrs
    20. Birth, Winslow, Thankful
    21. Marriage, Family of Clark, Andrew and Winslow, Elizabeth
    22. Clark, Andrew
    23. Birth, Winslow, Josiah
    24. Death, Winslow, Thomas
    25. Death, Winslow, Kenelm
    26. Birth, Winslow, Mary
    27. Winslow, Elizabeth
    28. Birth, Winslow, Thomas
    29. Winslow, Mercy
    30. Winston, Edward Jr
    31. "and afterward in Rochester"
    32. Baptism, Winslow, Hannah
    33. Birth, Winslow, Edward
    34. Winslow, Thomas
    35. Death, Winslow, Bethia
    36. Marriage, Family of Wing, John and Winslow, Bethia
    37. Briggs, Ruth
    38. Tisdale, Margaret
    39. Booth, Hannah
    40. Winslow, Hannah
    41. Freeman, Priscilla
    42. Birth, Winslow, Hannah
    43. Winslow, Nathaniel
    44. Bangs, Bethia
    45. probably, because her husband Joseph Hawes married someone else that day
    46. Marriage, Family of Vincent, Philip and Winslow, Mercy
    47. Baptism, Winslow, Mary
    48. Winslow, Kenelm
    49. Holbrook, Bethia
    50. Birth, Winslow, Samuel
    51. Marriage, Family of Hamblin, Shubael and Winslow, Eleanor
    52. Winslow, Mercy
    53. Holbrook, Elizabeth
    54. Winslow, Edward
    55. Winslow, Samuel
    56. Winslow, John
    57. Marriage, Family of Winslow, John and Andrews, Bethia
    58. Birth, Winslow, Bethia
    59. Burial, Worden, Mercy
    60. (Surname), Sarah
    61. Winslow, Rebecca
    62. Death, Winslow, John
    63. King, Mary
    64. Marriage Banns, Family of Hawes, Joseph and Hall, Bethia
    65. Crosby, Theophilus
    66. Birth, Worden, Mercy
    67. Death, Winslow, Thomas
    68. Winslow, Thomas
    69. Death, Winslow, Edward
    70. Winslow, Eleanor
    71. Vincent, Philip
    72. Marriage, Family of Hawes, Joseph and Hall, Bethia
    73. Birth, Winslow, Nathaniel
    74. Hawes, Joseph
    75. Marriage, Family of Clapp, Ebenezer and Winslow, Mary
    76. Winslow, Mary
    77. Worden, Mercy
    78. Winslow, Thankful
    79. Wing, John
    80. Marriage, Family of Winslow, Nathaniel and Holbrook, Elizabeth
    81. Birth, Winslow, Rebecca
    82. Marriage, Family of Crosby, Theophilus and Winslow, Thankful
    83. Hamblin, Shubael
    84. Marriage, Family of Winston, Edward Jr and Winslow, Hannah
    85. Winslow, Hannah
    86. Death, White, Melthiah
    87. Marriage, Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Worden, Mercy
    88. Jones, Mary
    89. Birth, Winslow, John
  3. p. 1135
    1. Birth, Winslow, Kenelm
    2. Winslow, Job
    3. Winslow, Kenelm
    4. Winslow, Kenelm
    5. Winslow, Ellen
    6. Winslow, Nathaniel
    7. Death, Winslow, Ellen
    8. Birth, Winslow, Ellen
    9. Newton, Eleanor
    10. Death, Winslow, Nathaniel
    11. Barker, Samuel
    12. on the Mayflower, see notes
    13. ae. 83 yrs
    14. Death, Winslow, Kenelm
    15. Marriage, Family of Barker, Samuel and Winslow, Ellen
    16. Winslow, Edward
    17. Birth, Winslow, Edward
    18. Birth, Winslow, Nathaniel
    19. Birth, Winslow, Kenelm
  4. p. 1066
    1. Residence, Pulsifer, John
    2. Birth, Pulsifer, John
    3. Pulsifer, John
  5. p. 1137
    1. Marriage, Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Rider, Zerivah
    2. Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Rider, Zerivah
    3. Death, Winslow, Isaac
    4. ae. 83 yrs
    5. Birth, Winslow, Isaac
    6. Birth, Winslow, Berthia
    7. Marriage, Family of Marston, Prince and Winslow, Sarah
    8. Birth, Winslow, John
    9. Burial, Winslow, Kenelm
    10. Marriage, Family of Snow, Thomas and Winslow, Berthia
    11. Birth, Winslow, Mary
    12. Winslow, Mary
    13. Winslow, Berthia
    14. Winslow, John
    15. Marston, Prince
    16. Marriage, Family of Winslow, Joshua and Delano, Salome
    17. Winslow, Isaac
    18. Clapp, Dorcas
    19. Marriage, Family of Winslow, Joshua and Delano, Hannah
    20. Crocker, Ebenezer
    21. Sturgis, Abigail
    22. Death, Winslow, Mary
    23. Marriage, Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Sturgis, Abigail
    24. Winslow, John
    25. Birth, Winslow, Sarah
    26. Winslow, Phebe
    27. Birth, Winslow, John
    28. Death, Winslow, Isaac
    29. ae. 52 yrs
    30. Delano, Hannah
    31. Birth, Winslow, Zerivah
    32. Winslow, Zerivah
    33. Death, Winslow, John
    34. Marriage, Family of Crocker, Daniel and Winslow, Phebe
    35. ae. 77 yrs
    36. Winslow, Isaac
    37. Winslow, Joshua
    38. Marriage Contract, Family of Clapp, Dorcas
    39. Delano, Salome
    40. Birth, Winslow, Phebe
    41. Winslow, Kenelm
    42. Winslow, Sarah
    43. Snow, Thomas
    44. Crocker, Daniel
    45. Burial, Rider, Zerivah
    46. Burial, Sturgis, Abigail
    47. Rider, Zerivah
    48. Marriage, Family of Crocker, Ebenezer and Winslow, Zerivah
    49. Birth, Winslow, Isaac
    50. Birth, Winslow, Kenelm
    51. Birth, Winslow, Joshua