Geneaological and Family History of the State of Maine, volume III
Author | Little, George Thomas |
Publication information | Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1909 |
Number | Title | Type | Call number |
1 | Chris Brown’s personal collection | Electronic |
p. 1067
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Nathaniel and Proctor, Abigail
- Barnes, Sally
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Jonathan and Rust, Polly
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Ebenezer and Silley, Huldah
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Thomas and Grover, Sarah
- Birth, Rust, Polly
- Pulsifer, Thomas
- Pulsifer, Augustus Moses
- Hadley, Susanna
- Pulsifer, Joanna
- Family of Pulsifer, David and Pulsifer, Hannah
- Pulsifer, Moses Rust
- Death, Pulsifer, Moses Rust
- Pulsifer, Jonathan
- Birth, Pulsifer, Joanna
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Thomas and Woodward, Hannah
- Family of Pulsifer, Jonathan and Rust, Polly
- Birth, Pulsifer, Augustus Moses
- Pulsifer, Nathan
- they are cousins
- Birth, Pulsifer, David
- Pulsifer, Jonathan
- Birth, Pulsifer, Mary
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Moses Rust and Dunn, Mary Strout
- Kent, Joanna
- Rust, Polly
- Soldier in the French and Indian War
- Family of Pulsifer, David and (Surname), Mary
- ae. 86 yrs
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Benjamin Franklin and Pulsifer, Caroline Persia
- Dunn, Josiah
- Pulsifer, John
- Pulsifer, Ebenezer
- He was a soldier in the revolution,from Gloucester, a private in Captain CharlesSmith's company, also matross in CaptainWilliam Ellery's company, First Artillery,1776.
- Family of Pulsifer, Thomas and Woodward, Hannah
- Birth, Pulsifer, Thomas
- Birth, Dunn, Mary Strout
- Pulsifer, Mary
- Birth, Pulsifer, Ebenezer
- Birth, Pulsifer, Moses Rust
- Family of Pulsifer, Nathaniel and Proctor, Abigail
- Pulsifer, Nathan Goldsmith Howard
- Death, Pulsifer, John
- Grover, Sarah
- Pulsifer, David
- Birth, Pulsifer, Nathaniel
- Death, Rust, Polly
- Birth, Pulsifer, Reuben
- Silley, Huldah
- Death, Dunn, Mary Strout
- Birth, Dunn, Josiah
- (Surname), Mary
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, Jonathan and Hadley, Susanna
- farmer
- Pulsifer, Josiah Dunn
- Birth, Barnes, Sally
- Birth, Pulsifer, David
- Birth, Pulsifer, John
- Birth, Pulsifer, Mary
- Birth, Pulsifer, Josiah Dunn
- Death, Dunn, Josiah
- Pulsifer, Reuben
- Pulsifer, Hannah
- Dunn, Mary Strout
- Pulsifer, Nathaniel
- Birth, Pulsifer, Jonathan
- Proctor, Abigail
- Pulsifer, David
- Family of Pulsifer, Ebenezer and Silley, Huldah
- Pulsifer, Caroline Persia
- Pulsifer, John
- Birth, Pulsifer, Jonathan
- Pulsifer, Mary
- Birth, Pulsifer, Nathan Goldsmith Howard
- Death, Barnes, Sally
- Crocker, Benjamin Franklin
- Woodward, Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Pulsifer, John and Kent, Joanna
- Death, Pulsifer, Thomas
p. 1136
- Winslow, Seth
- Birth, Winslow, Mercy
- White, Melthiah
- Winslow, Kenelm
- Hathaway, Martha
- Baptism, Winslow, Kenelm
- Clapp, Ebenezer
- Andrews, Bethia
- Hall, Bethia
- Winslow, Josiah
- Residence, Family of Crosby, Theophilus and Winslow, Thankful
- Birth, Winslow, Mercy
- Birth, Winslow, Seth
- Baptism, Winslow, Thomas
- Sears, Thankful
- Birth, (Surname), Sarah
- Winslow, Bethia
- Death, Winslow, Kenelm
- ae. 48 yrs
- Birth, Winslow, Thankful
- Marriage, Family of Clark, Andrew and Winslow, Elizabeth
- Clark, Andrew
- Birth, Winslow, Josiah
- Death, Winslow, Thomas
- Death, Winslow, Kenelm
- Birth, Winslow, Mary
- Winslow, Elizabeth
- Birth, Winslow, Thomas
- Winslow, Mercy
- Winston, Edward Jr
- "and afterward in Rochester"
- Baptism, Winslow, Hannah
- Birth, Winslow, Edward
- Winslow, Thomas
- Death, Winslow, Bethia
- Marriage, Family of Wing, John and Winslow, Bethia
- Briggs, Ruth
- Tisdale, Margaret
- Booth, Hannah
- Winslow, Hannah
- Freeman, Priscilla
- Birth, Winslow, Hannah
- Winslow, Nathaniel
- Bangs, Bethia
- probably, because her husband Joseph Hawes married someone else that day
- Marriage, Family of Vincent, Philip and Winslow, Mercy
- Baptism, Winslow, Mary
- Winslow, Kenelm
- Holbrook, Bethia
- Birth, Winslow, Samuel
- Marriage, Family of Hamblin, Shubael and Winslow, Eleanor
- Winslow, Mercy
- Holbrook, Elizabeth
- Winslow, Edward
- Winslow, Samuel
- Winslow, John
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, John and Andrews, Bethia
- Birth, Winslow, Bethia
- Burial, Worden, Mercy
- (Surname), Sarah
- Winslow, Rebecca
- Death, Winslow, John
- King, Mary
- Marriage Banns, Family of Hawes, Joseph and Hall, Bethia
- Crosby, Theophilus
- Birth, Worden, Mercy
- Death, Winslow, Thomas
- Winslow, Thomas
- Death, Winslow, Edward
- Winslow, Eleanor
- Vincent, Philip
- Marriage, Family of Hawes, Joseph and Hall, Bethia
- Birth, Winslow, Nathaniel
- Hawes, Joseph
- Marriage, Family of Clapp, Ebenezer and Winslow, Mary
- Winslow, Mary
- Worden, Mercy
- Winslow, Thankful
- Wing, John
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, Nathaniel and Holbrook, Elizabeth
- Birth, Winslow, Rebecca
- Marriage, Family of Crosby, Theophilus and Winslow, Thankful
- Hamblin, Shubael
- Marriage, Family of Winston, Edward Jr and Winslow, Hannah
- Winslow, Hannah
- Death, White, Melthiah
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Worden, Mercy
- Jones, Mary
- Birth, Winslow, John
p. 1135
- Birth, Winslow, Kenelm
- Winslow, Job
- Winslow, Kenelm
- Winslow, Kenelm
- Winslow, Ellen
- Winslow, Nathaniel
- Death, Winslow, Ellen
- Birth, Winslow, Ellen
- Newton, Eleanor
- Death, Winslow, Nathaniel
- Barker, Samuel
- on the Mayflower, see notes
- ae. 83 yrs
- Death, Winslow, Kenelm
- Marriage, Family of Barker, Samuel and Winslow, Ellen
- Winslow, Edward
- Birth, Winslow, Edward
- Birth, Winslow, Nathaniel
- Birth, Winslow, Kenelm
- p. 1066
p. 1137
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Rider, Zerivah
- Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Rider, Zerivah
- Death, Winslow, Isaac
- ae. 83 yrs
- Birth, Winslow, Isaac
- Birth, Winslow, Berthia
- Marriage, Family of Marston, Prince and Winslow, Sarah
- Birth, Winslow, John
- Burial, Winslow, Kenelm
- Marriage, Family of Snow, Thomas and Winslow, Berthia
- Birth, Winslow, Mary
- Winslow, Mary
- Winslow, Berthia
- Winslow, John
- Marston, Prince
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, Joshua and Delano, Salome
- Winslow, Isaac
- Clapp, Dorcas
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, Joshua and Delano, Hannah
- Crocker, Ebenezer
- Sturgis, Abigail
- Death, Winslow, Mary
- Marriage, Family of Winslow, Kenelm and Sturgis, Abigail
- Winslow, John
- Birth, Winslow, Sarah
- Winslow, Phebe
- Birth, Winslow, John
- Death, Winslow, Isaac
- ae. 52 yrs
- Delano, Hannah
- Birth, Winslow, Zerivah
- Winslow, Zerivah
- Death, Winslow, John
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Daniel and Winslow, Phebe
- ae. 77 yrs
- Winslow, Isaac
- Winslow, Joshua
- Marriage Contract, Family of Clapp, Dorcas
- Delano, Salome
- Birth, Winslow, Phebe
- Winslow, Kenelm
- Winslow, Sarah
- Snow, Thomas
- Crocker, Daniel
- Burial, Rider, Zerivah
- Burial, Sturgis, Abigail
- Rider, Zerivah
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Ebenezer and Winslow, Zerivah
- Birth, Winslow, Isaac
- Birth, Winslow, Kenelm
- Birth, Winslow, Joshua