Pettingill, Joseph

Birth Name Pettingill, Joseph 1a
Gender male
Age at Death less than 9 years, 5 months, 11 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death before 1727   probably, because his mother was named guardian of his siblings, but not him 1a
Birth 1717-07-21     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pettingill, Nathaniel1654-09-21
Mother Goodridge, Hannah
    Brother     Pettingill, Richard 1694-09-29
    Sister     Pettingill, Mary 1697-06-13 1698-03-03
    Brother     Pettingill, Joseph 1705-05-27
    Brother     Pettingill, Benjamin 1707-09-10 1775-09-14
    Sister     Pettingill, Elizabeth 1709-11-08 1736/7 (Julian)
    Brother     Pettingill, Humphrey 1712-01-27
         Pettingill, Joseph 1717-07-21 before 1727
Father Pettingill, Nathaniel1654-09-21
Stepmother (Surname), Mary