Butler, Elizabeth

Birth Name Butler, Elizabeth 1
Gender female


To Do

Person: Elizabeth Butler (4538)
Designed: 15 Sep 2013
Memo: Otis lists her as the third child, after Benjamin in 1727, but still lists 1720 as birthdate. Is that a typo? Should be 1730?



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1720-06-06 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts At noon. 1


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Butler, Isreal
Mother Blossom, Elizabeth1705-101734/5-01-07 (Julian)
         Butler, Elizabeth 1720-06-06
    Brother     Butler, Nathaniel 1726-04-11
    Brother     Butler, Benjamin 1727-12-18
    Sister     Butler, Sarah 1732-10-31
Father Butler, Isreal
Stepmother Parker, Maryabout 17101745
    Half-brother     Butler, James 1736-12-15
    Half-sister     Butler, Hannah 1738-05-11
    Half-sister     Butler, Mary 1739-09-26
    Half-brother     Butler, Daniel 1740/1-02-23 (Julian)