Pettingill, Daniel

Birth Name Pettingill, Daniel 1a
Gender male
Age at Death 46 years, 2 months, 15 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1679/80-02-16 (Julian) Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts   1b
Death 1726-05-12 Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts   1b
Occupation     Cooper 1b
Will       1b

In the name of God Amen --- I Danl Pettingale of Abington In the County of Plymouth In New England Cowper being weak & Infirm in Body but of perfect mind & memory for wch I bless God Doe make this my last Will & Testament Reccommending my Soul into the hands of God yt Gave it & my body to the Dust to be Decently buryed according to the Descretion of my Executrix hereafter herein mentioned --- and as to my Worldly estate I Dispose of In manner & forme following viz ---
Imprimus --- I doe give unto my beloved wife Ester the sole Improvement of my homestead till my Two sons viz Obediah & Saml shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age & after that but one Third of ye Improvement thereof, I Doe also Give unto my Wife Aforsd all my Moveables wth-in Doors & wth-out door, I Doe also order that Right of Land wch I bought of Micah Pratt wch-lyes wth- land of Lieut. — Reed to be sold by my Executrix hereafter named to help pay my lawfull Debts
Item --- I Doe Give unto my son Akerman Pettingale fifteen pounds to be paid him by my two sons viz Obadiah & Samuel att such time or Within a year after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age to him his heirs or assigns.
Item 3 --- I Doe Give unto my son Danl Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid him or his heirs wth-in Two years after my two sons viz Obadiah & Samuel shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age, by my two sons last mentioned.
Item 4 --- I Doe give unto my son Obadiah Pettingale one Third part of my homestead wn he shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age & also one halfe of that third part wch his mother is to have the improvement of During her life after her decease to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item 5 --- I Doe Give unto my son Samuel Pettingale one Third part of my homestead wn he shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age & also one halfe of that third part wch his mother is to have the improvement of During her life after her Decease to him his heirs & assigns forever.
Item 6 — I Doe Give unto my son John Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid to him his heirs or assigns wth-in Six years after my Two sons viz Obadiah & Saml shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age by my Two sons last mentioned.
Item 7 --- I Doe Give unto my son Joseph Pettingale to his heirs or assigns Twenty pounds to be paid by my two sons viz Obadiah & Saml wth-in Seven years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 8 --- I Doe Give unto my Daughter Mahetabell Pettingale & assigns Twenty pounds to be paid by my Two Sam' Pettingale wth-in Three years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 9 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Mary Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid unto her her heirs or assigns by my two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale wth-in four years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 10 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Ester Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid to her or her heirs or assigns by my two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale wth-in five years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 11 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Joanna Pettingale to her her (sic) heirs or assigns Twenty pounds to be paid by my two sons viz Obadiah & Saml Pettingale wthin eight years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 12 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Sarah Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid unto her her heirs or assigns by my two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale wth-in nine years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age — And I Doe hereby oblige my sd two sons & their heirs to pay out the Severall Legacys before mentioned according to ye times before herein specified therefor, as also the Legacy next mentioned.
Item 13 --- I Doe Give unto my son Benjamin Pettingale (wch should have been before mentioned) Twenty pounds to be paid to him his heirs or assigns wth-in Seven years after my Two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age by my sd Two sons Last mentioned.
And I Doe hereby ordain and appoint my beloved wife Ester aforesd to be the sole executrix of this my Last Will & Testament and I Doe hereby make void all other former wills made by me & Declare this to be my Last Will & Testament on this Twelfth day of May Anno Dom. 1726 & in the twelfth year of our Sovereigne Lord George King of England &c.,
Note yt --- before the signing & sealing hereof there in Interlined In page 1 between lines 17 & 18 the following words viz Obadiah & Sam' Shall—


Signed sealed Published & Declared In the presence of
Samll Noyes
Thomas Tirrell
John Noyes


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pettingill, Samuel1644/5-02-09 (Julian)1711
Mother Poore, Sarah1655-06-05
    Sister     Pettingill, (Given name) 1674/5-03-13 (Julian)
    Brother     Pettingill, Samuel 1675/6-02-03 (Julian) 1746
    Brother     Pettingill, Richard 1677-08-26
    Brother     Pettingill, Richard 1678/9-01-24 (Julian)
         Pettingill, Daniel 1679/80-02-16 (Julian) 1726-05-12
    Brother     Pettingill, John 1680-09-20 1742-05-22
    Brother     Pettingill, Thomas 1682-11-12
    Brother     Pettingill, Joseph 1684-11-27
    Sister     Pettingill, Mary 1685/6-01-20 (Julian)
    Sister     Pettingill, Sarah 1685/6-01-20 (Julian)
    Sister     Pettingill, Joanna 1688/9-02-10 (Julian)
    Brother     Pettingill, Benjamin 1692-12-18 1781-11


Family of Pettingill, Daniel and Stickney, Mary

Married Wife Stickney, Mary ( * + 1706/7-03-07 (Julian) )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1699-11-13     1b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Pettingill, Mehitable
Pettingill, Akerman1700-06-301770
Pettingill, Daniel1704/5-01-05 (Julian)
Pettingill, Mary1707-03-04

Family of Pettingill, Daniel and French, Ester

Married Wife French, Ester ( * 1688-09-22 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1707/8-03-26 (Julian)     1b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Pettingill, (Given name)1708/9-03-06 (Julian)
Pettingill, Samuelabout 1710
Pettingill, Obadiahabout 17101743-10-18
Pettingill, Esther1712-10-241735-07-19
Pettingill, John1714-02-04before 1747-06-01
Pettingill, Joseph1717-05-281777-03-05
Pettingill, Benjamin1719/20-02-16 (Julian)1796
Pettingill, Joanna1722-11-101810-02-18
Pettingill, Sarah1724-02-23