In the name of God Amen --- I Danl Pettingale of Abington In the County of Plymouth In New England Cowper being weak & Infirm in Body but of perfect mind & memory for wch I bless God Doe make this my last Will & Testament Reccommending my Soul into the hands of God yt Gave it & my body to the Dust to be Decently buryed according to the Descretion of my Executrix hereafter herein mentioned --- and as to my Worldly estate I Dispose of In manner & forme following viz ---
Imprimus --- I doe give unto my beloved wife Ester the sole Improvement of my homestead till my Two sons viz Obediah & Saml shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age & after that but one Third of ye Improvement thereof, I Doe also Give unto my Wife Aforsd all my Moveables wth-in Doors & wth-out door, I Doe also order that Right of Land wch I bought of Micah Pratt wch-lyes wth- land of Lieut. — Reed to be sold by my Executrix hereafter named to help pay my lawfull Debts
Item --- I Doe Give unto my son Akerman Pettingale fifteen pounds to be paid him by my two sons viz Obadiah & Samuel att such time or Within a year after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age to him his heirs or assigns.
Item 3 --- I Doe Give unto my son Danl Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid him or his heirs wth-in Two years after my two sons viz Obadiah & Samuel shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age, by my two sons last mentioned.
Item 4 --- I Doe give unto my son Obadiah Pettingale one Third part of my homestead wn he shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age & also one halfe of that third part wch his mother is to have the improvement of During her life after her decease to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item 5 --- I Doe Give unto my son Samuel Pettingale one Third part of my homestead wn he shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age & also one halfe of that third part wch his mother is to have the improvement of During her life after her Decease to him his heirs & assigns forever.
Item 6 — I Doe Give unto my son John Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid to him his heirs or assigns wth-in Six years after my Two sons viz Obadiah & Saml shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age by my Two sons last mentioned.
Item 7 --- I Doe Give unto my son Joseph Pettingale to his heirs or assigns Twenty pounds to be paid by my two sons viz Obadiah & Saml wth-in Seven years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 8 --- I Doe Give unto my Daughter Mahetabell Pettingale & assigns Twenty pounds to be paid by my Two Sam' Pettingale wth-in Three years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 9 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Mary Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid unto her her heirs or assigns by my two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale wth-in four years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 10 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Ester Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid to her or her heirs or assigns by my two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale wth-in five years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 11 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Joanna Pettingale to her her (sic) heirs or assigns Twenty pounds to be paid by my two sons viz Obadiah & Saml Pettingale wthin eight years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age
Item 12 --- I Doe Give unto my daughter Sarah Pettingale Twenty pounds to be paid unto her her heirs or assigns by my two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale wth-in nine years after they shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age — And I Doe hereby oblige my sd two sons & their heirs to pay out the Severall Legacys before mentioned according to ye times before herein specified therefor, as also the Legacy next mentioned.
Item 13 --- I Doe Give unto my son Benjamin Pettingale (wch should have been before mentioned) Twenty pounds to be paid to him his heirs or assigns wth-in Seven years after my Two sons viz Obadiah & Sam' Pettingale shall arrive unto Twenty & one years of age by my sd Two sons Last mentioned.
And I Doe hereby ordain and appoint my beloved wife Ester aforesd to be the sole executrix of this my Last Will & Testament and I Doe hereby make void all other former wills made by me & Declare this to be my Last Will & Testament on this Twelfth day of May Anno Dom. 1726 & in the twelfth year of our Sovereigne Lord George King of England &c.,
Note yt --- before the signing & sealing hereof there in Interlined In page 1 between lines 17 & 18 the following words viz Obadiah & Sam' Shall—
Signed sealed Published & Declared In the presence of
Samll Noyes
Thomas Tirrell
John Noyes