Rogers, Clarance

Birth Name Rogers, Clarance
Gender male



There is evidence in birth records of a female with the same parents and a same or similar date. Perhaps a twin??


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1896-04-29 Hillsborough, Albert, New Brunswick, Canada   1a 2a
Census 1901-03-31 Hillsborough, Albert, New Brunswick, Canada   3a
  Schedule: 1 3a
  Province: New Brunswick 3a
  District: 13 Albert 3a
  SubDistrict: E 3a
  PollSub: 2 3a
  Locality: Hillsborough 3a
  Page: 12 3a
  Enumerator: Edward (unreadable) 3a
  Line: 12 3a
  Name: Rogers, Clarance 3a
  Sex: M 3a
  Colour: W 3a
  Relation: Son 3a
  MaritalStatus: S 3a
  BirthMonth: 29 April 3a
  BirthYear: 1896 3a
  Age: 4 3a
  BirthPlace: NB 3a
  Race: Scotch 3a
  Nationality: Canadian 3a
  Religion: Meth 3a
  Language: English 3a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Rogers, [Living]
Mother Fox, Adeline Eabout 1865before 1922-06-12
    Brother     Rogers, Joseph Wesley 1883-09-12 1950-12-19
    Sister     Rogers, [Living]
    Brother     Rogers, [Living]
    Sister     Rogers, [Living]
    Brother     Rogers, [Living]
         Rogers, Clarance 1896-04-29
    Brother     Rogers, [Living]
    Sister     Rogers, Addie Mildred 1902-06-19 1989

Source References

  1. 1901 census of Canada
      • Page: Page: 12; Family No: 119
  2. New Brunswick, Provincial Returns of Births and Late Registrations
      • Page: PANB film no. F16155, image 836 of 1353
  3. 1901 Census of Canada (Schedule 1)
      • Date: 1901-03-31
      • Page: ; Census Year: 1901 Item Number: 691760 Surname: Rogers Given Name(s): John Age: 39 Province: New Brunswick District Name: Albert Sub-District Name: Hillsborough