Crocker, Mary E

Birth Name Crocker, Mary E 1a
Married Name Barker, Mary E 1a
Gender female
Age at Death 37 years, 11 months, 13 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1839-01-19     1a
Death 1877     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, Isaiah1813-08-111892-06-13
Mother Holway, Elizabeth B1815-11-251893-07-29
    Brother     Crocker, Edmond 1836 1917-06-08
         Crocker, Mary E 1839-01-19 1877
    Sister     Crocker, Martha Washingon 1841 1915
    Brother     Crocker, William H 1847 1927
    Sister     Crocker, Ellen 1851 1934
    Brother     Crocker, Wallace F 1856 1884


Family of Barker, John and Crocker, Mary E

Married Husband Barker, John ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1860     1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Barker, Lizzie S18611888-02-19


Type Value Notes Sources
Identification Number 16344.342

Leonard's "A Crocker Genealogy" identification number


Source References

  1. Leonard, Andrea: A Crocker Genealogy, Volume: 1
      • Confidence: High