Cobb, Elisha

Birth Name Cobb, Elisha 1
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1702-12-24 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Cobb, James1673-07-08
Mother Hallett, Elizabethabout 16791759-04-01
    Brother     Cobb, James 1698-09-13
    Brother     Cobb, Sylvanus 1700-11-25 1756-09-30
         Cobb, Elisha 1702-12-24
    Brother     Cobb, Jesse 1704-04-15 1777-12
    Brother     Cobb, Seth 1707-04-15
    Brother     Cobb, Ebenezer 1709-03-07 1710-09
    Brother     Cobb, Jude 1711-06-24
    Brother     Cobb, Nathan 1713-06-15
    Brother     Cobb, Stephen 1716-01-27
    Sister     Cobb, Elizabeth 1718-04-18


Family of Cobb, Elisha and Harding, Mary

Married Wife Harding, Mary ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1724/5-02-25 (Julian)     1