Grant, [Living]

Birth Name Grant, [Living]
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Grant, Irving Baker1926-02-262016-01-30
Mother Brown, Elizabeth May1926-11-291995-04-22
         Grant, [Living]
    Brother     Grant, [Living]
    Brother     Grant, [Living]
    Brother     Grant, [Living]
Father Grant, Irving Baker1926-02-262016-01-30
Martin, Charlotte Brackett2012
Father Grant, Irving Baker1926-02-262016-01-30
Stepmother Duchette, Opal


Family of Grant, [Living] and Danforth, [Living]

Married Wife Danforth, [Living] ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Grant, [Living]
Grant, [Living]