Shaw, John

Birth Name Shaw, John
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Shaw, Abrahambefore 1639-03-25
Mother Best, Bridget1592-04-09before 1638
    Brother     Shaw, Joseph 1618-03-14
    Sister     Shaw, Grace 1621-08-15
    Sister     Shaw, Martha 1623-12-01 1625-03-31
    Sister     Shaw, Maria 1626-06-18
    Brother     Shaw, John 1628-02-16 1629-04-12
         Shaw, John 1630-05-23 1704-09-16
    Sister     Shaw, Martha 1632-01-06


Family of Shaw, John and Phillips, Alice

Married Wife Phillips, Alice ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Shaw, Elizabeth1655
Shaw, Abraham1657
Shaw, Mary1660
Shaw, Nicholas1662
Shaw, Joseph1664
Shaw, Alice1666
Shaw, Hannah1668
Shaw, Benjamin1670-06-161723-06-16
Shaw, Abigail1672
Shaw, Ebenezer1674