Small, Hannah Smith

Birth Name Small, Hannah Smith 1a 2
Married Name Crocker, Hannah Smith 1a
Gender female
Age at Death 83 years, 3 months, 18 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1811-12-20 Dexter, Penobscot, Maine   2
Death 1895-04-07 Mankato, Minnesota   1a 2


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Small, Ebenezer
Mother Smith, Hannah
    Brother     Small, Josiah 1810-01-01
         Small, Hannah Smith 1811-12-20 1895-04-07


Family of Crocker, Lovell Jackson Ransom and Small, Hannah Smith

Married Husband Crocker, Lovell Jackson Ransom ( * 1810-01-12 + 1872-05-01 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1832-12-06 Dexter, Penobscot, Maine   1a 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Crocker, Helen
Crocker, Abel
Crocker, Alvina
Crocker, (Given name)
Crocker, George Rbetween 1861 and 1865
Crocker, Lovell Ransom1852-09-201920-12-01