Doane, Abigail
Birth Name | Doane, Abigail 1a 2a |
Married Name | Lothrop, Abigail 1a |
Gender | female |
Age at Death | 102 years, 11 months, 15 days |
Lived single until age 60, when she married Samuel, who lived ten years and then died.
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1631/2-01-29 (Julian) | 2a | ||
Death | 1735-01-23 | Norwich, New London, Connecticut | 2a | |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Doane, John | |||
Doane, Abigail | 1631/2-01-29 (Julian) | 1735-01-23 |
Family of Lothrop, Samuel and Doane, Abigail |
Married | Husband | Lothrop, Samuel ( * between 1620 and 1624 + 1701-02-19 ) | |||||||||||||
Doane, John
- Doane, Abigail
Source References
Otis, Amos: The Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families, Volume: 2
- Confidence: High
Obituary: Abigail Lothrop
- Confidence: Very High
Source text:
In the New England Weekly Journal for Monday, April 14, 1735
"Norwich (in Connecticut) March 3."On the 23d of January last, died here old Mrs. Abigail Lothrop, in the 104 [th] Year of her Age, and was decently interred the next day, numbers attending her Funeral, agreeable to what might be expected on so extraordinary an occasion.
Her Father Mr. John Done with his wife in 1630 came from England to Plymouth, where in the following Year this Daughter was Born, who continued in a single state of Life till the both Year of her Age, when Mr. John Lothrop of Norwich Married her, who lived very happily with her about ten Years, and then died, leaving her under the care of his Children; who have always discovered a very filial Respect and Duty to her, till the Day of her Death.
Her natural Accomplishments were rarely equalledd by any of her Sex; She was a person of quick Understanding, great Penetration, solid Judgment, strong Memory, and easy Elocution. And as it is rare to see these all meet in one Person, with such Eminence; so more especially to observe them continue unto, and through' old Age, and such an eminent old Age, as they did in Her; for she retained the most of them in such a degree, that at an 100 she did not discover those Decays, which are common at 60 or 70. The firmness of her Constitution and the vigor of her mind, made her the wonder of all observers, especially as they rendered her capable of very entertaining Conversation, particularly on divine & religious Subjects, almost to the end of her days.
The Family which she Married into, are one of the more considerable in the Town both for Numbers and Weight whose remarkable Prosperity may have been not a little in Answer of her Prayers for them. They are a very numerous Family which sprang from Mr. Lothrop, and the surviving at the day of her Death, taking in his Children's Children unto the fourth Generation, were reckoned 365, and 'tis supposed, that in all, who are scattered abroad, they are many more.
"When she was an 100 Years old, she desired that a Lecture might be attended at her House, and a Sermon preached on that Occasion, and accordingly was gratified with one, from Psalms 71 :18, 19. O God thou has taught me from my youth, and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now, also, when I am old, and gray-headed O God forsake me not
"And when she had begun a new Century, she still applied herself to her great work, with that vigor and diligence, as if she had a new race to run and all her time couldn't be too much to improve in order to finish well. The nearer she came to it, the stronger did the Attraction appear to be, and the greater her confidence and her pleasure in looking into Eternity; and when she came very nigh, being apprehensive of it, desired she might have an easy passage, which she was gratified in, and gave up the Ghost without a struggle or a groan.
On the Sabbath following, was preache'd her funeral Sermon from Gen. 25 :8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost & died in a good old age; an old man, and full of years, and was gathered to his people."