Nye, Sarah

Birth Name Nye, Sarah 1
Married Name Bodfish, Sarah 1
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Nye, Jonathan1649-11-20
Mother (Surname), Hannah
    Brother     Nye, Jabez
         Nye, Sarah
    Sister     Nye, Joanna 1686-01-16 after 1744
    Brother     Nye, Ichabod 1689-05


Family of Bodfish, John and Nye, Sarah

Married Husband Bodfish, John ( * 1675-12-02 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1704-05-24     1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bodfish, Mary1705/6-03-09 (Julian)
Bodfish, John1708/9-02-05 (Julian)
Bodfish, Hannah1711-09-23
Bodfish, Joanna1714-10-22
Bodfish, Sarah1717-03-21
Bodfish, Elizabeth1720-03-30
Bodfish, Joseph1725-09-20