Lothrop, Sarah

Birth Name Lothrop, Sarah 1a
Married Name Skeff, Sarah 1a
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1678     2a
Birth   Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Lothrop, Barnabas16361715-10-26
Mother Clark, Susanna1697-09-28
         Lothrop, Sarah
    Brother     Lothrop, John 1659-10 1666-04
    Sister     Lothrop, Abigail 1660-12-18
    Brother     Lothrop, Barnabas 1662/3-03-22 (Julian) 1732-10-11
    Sister     Lothrop, Susanna 1664/5-02-28 (Julian)
    Brother     Lothrop, John 1667 1695-10-23
    Brother     Lothrop, Nathaniel 1669-11-23 1700
    Sister     Lothrop, Bathshua 1671-06-25
    Sister     Lothrop, Anna 1673-08-10
    Brother     Lothrop, Thomas 1674/5-03-07 (Julian) 1675-10-13
    Sister     Lothrop, Mercy 1676-06-27 1677-07-03
    Sister     Lothrop, Thankful 1679-05-26 1752-06-02
    Brother     Lothrop, James
    Brother     Lothrop, Samuel 1685
Father Lothrop, Barnabas16361715-10-26
Stepmother Button, Abigail1715-12-21


Family of Skeff, (Given name) and Lothrop, Sarah

Married Husband Skeff, (Given name) ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       1a