Howland, Hannah

Birth Name Howland, Hannah 1a
Married Name Bosworth, Hannah 1a
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1637 Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts   1a 2a 3a

White says maybe born in Maine


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Howland, John15921672/3-02-23 (Julian)
Mother Tiley, Elizabethabout 16081687-12-21
    Sister     Howland, Desire about 1624 1683-10-13
    Brother     Howland, John Jr 1627-02-24 1699-06-18
    Sister     Howland, Hope 1629-08-30 1683-01-08
    Sister     Howland, Elizabeth about 1631 1693-10
    Sister     Howland, Lydia about 1633 1710/1-01 (Julian)
         Howland, Hannah about 1637
    Brother     Howland, Joseph about 1640 1703/4-01 (Julian)
    Brother     Howland, Jabez about 1644 before 1711/2-02-21 (Julian)
    Sister     Howland, Ruth about 1646 before 1679-10
    Brother     Howland, Isaac 1649-11-15 1723/4-03-09 (Julian)


Family of Bosworth, Jonathan and Howland, Hannah

Married Husband Bosworth, Jonathan ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1661-07-06 Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts   1a 2a
Type Value Notes Sources
Number of Children nine