Pomerleau, Andre

Birth Name Pomerleau, Andre 1a 2a
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Residence 1854-01-10 Sainte-Marie, Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec, Canada   2a
Census 1861-01-14 Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce, Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec, Canada   1b
  EnumDistrict: Trois 1b
  Township: St Joseph 1b
  Page: 289 1b
  Line: 40 1b
  Name: Pomerleau, Andre 1b
  Occupation: Cultivateur 1b
  BirthPlace: Bas-Canada 1b
  Religion: Catholique Romain 1b
  Age: 33 1b
  SexMale: / 1b
  MaritalStatus: Mar 1b
  MemberMale: / 1b
  CantReadMale: / 1b
  Houses: en bois 1b
  HousesStories: 1 1b
  HousesFamilies: 1 1b
Birth about 1828     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pomerleau, Pierre
Mother Bilodeau, Josephette
         Pomerleau, Andre about 1828


Family of Pomerleau, Andre and Rancourt, Julie

Married Wife Rancourt, Julie ( * 1835-11-08 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1854-01-10 Sainte-Marie, Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec, Canada   2a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Pomerleau, [Living]
Pomerleau, Ezildaabout 1854
Pomerleau, Anneabout 1857
Pomerleau, Tancredeabout 1858

Source References

  1. 1861 Canada census
      • Date: 1861-01-14
      • Page: https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861/Pages/item.aspx?itemid=349344 ; Sheet Number 289 Line Number 32 GS Film Number 517357 Digital Folder Number 4108661 Digital Folder Number 004108661 Image Number 87 Indexing Project (Batch) Number N03189-6
      • Date: 1861-01-14
      • Page: https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861/Pages/item.aspx?itemid=349344 ; Sheet Number 289 Line Number 32 GS Film Number 517357 Digital Folder Number 4108661 Digital Folder Number 004108661 Image Number 87 Indexing Project (Batch) Number N03189-6
      • Page: https://www.genealogiequebec.com/Membership/LAFRANCE/acte/4801690
      • Confidence: High
      • Transcript:

        Le treize Mai, mil neuf cent un après la publication de deux bans de mariage faite au prône de nos messes paroissiales, vu (?) ladispense de l’autre accordée par Sa Grandeur Mgr Paul Larocque évêque de Sherbrook en date du dix courant entre Alphonse Morin journalier domicilié en cette paroisse fils majeur de Octave Morin cultivateur et de Philomène Dub?é de St. Léon de Standon d’une part et de Camille Rancourt fille mineure de Richard Rancourt journalier et de défunte Sarah Biz?ier de cette paroisse d’autre part, ne s’étant décou-vert aucun empêchement de mariage et avec le consentement des parents de la partie mineure. Nous prêtre soussigné Curé de cette paroisse avons reçu leur mutuel consentement de mariage et leur avons donné la bénédiction nuptiale en présence de Richard Rancourt père de l’épouse et de Etienne Morin frère de l’époux qui ainsi que les époux ont déclaré ne savoir signer, lecture faite.

        J. A. Hamet (?) P(rê)tre curé (?)



        The thirteenth of May, nineteen hundred and one after the publication of two marriage banns made in favor of our parish masses, seen (?) The dispensation of the other granted by His Greatness Mgr Paul Larocque bishop of Sherbrook on the tenth current between Alphonse Morin day laborer domiciled in this parish major son of Octave Morin farmer and Philomène Dub? É of St. Léon de Standon on the one hand and of Camille Rancourt minor daughter of Richard Rancourt day laborer and the late Sarah Biz? Ier of this parish of on the other hand, not having discovered any impediment to marriage and with the consent of the parents of the minor. We, the undersigned priest of this parish, received their mutual consent to marriage and gave them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Richard Rancourt father of the wife and Etienne Morin brother of the husband who as well as the husband and wife declared not knowing how to sign , reading done.

        J. A. Hamet (?) P (re) be parish priest (?)