Crocker, Nathaniel

Birth Name Crocker, Nathaniel 1a
Gender male


To Do

Person: Nathaniel Crocker (10705)
Source: James Russell Crocker. Crocker Genealogy. n.p.:
Designed: 4 Mar 2015
Memo: James Russell Crocker assigned his children a number, but has no info.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1806     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Crocker, David1775-10-271854-05-04
Mother Swift, Betsey1781
    Brother     Crocker, Charles 1804-01-14 1888-10-27
         Crocker, Nathaniel 1806
    Sister     Crocker, Betsey 1808-05-26 1826-01-18
    Sister     Crocker, Henrietta 1810 1902
    Sister     Crocker, Deborah 1812 1812
    Brother     Crocker, Warren 1814 1899
    Brother     Crocker, David 1814-06-26 1888-10-14
    Sister     Crocker, Abigail Swift 1817 1877
    Sister     Crocker, Harriet 1821-02-03 1884-10-01

Source References

  1. Crocker, James Russell: Crocker Genealogy
      • Confidence: Low