Lothrop, Elizabeth

Birth Name Lothrop, Elizabeth 1a
Married Name (Surname), Elizabeth 1a
Gender female
Age at Death 77 years, 4 months, 29 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1690-09-15 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts   1a
Death 1768-02-14     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Lothrop, Barnabas1662/3-03-22 (Julian)1732-10-11
Mother Hodge, Elizabeth1747-09-18
    Sister     Lothrop, Mercy 1689-03-01 1741-07-30
         Lothrop, Elizabeth 1690-09-15 1768-02-14
    Brother     Lothrop, Barnabas 1692-11-10 1698-04-06
    Brother     Lothrop, Nathaniel 1693/4-02-28 (Julian)
    Sibling     Lothrop, Lemuel 1695-12-26
    Brother     Lothrop, Barnabas 1697/8-02-08 (Julian)
    Sister     Lothrop, Susannah 1699-10-08
    Sister     Lothrop, Thankful 1701-09-24
    Sister     Lothrop, Sarah 1703-04-22
    Sister     Lothrop, Mary 1705-07-15
    Sibling     Lothrop, Kembel 1708-06-21


Family of (Surname), Henry and Lothrop, Elizabeth

Married Husband (Surname), Henry ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1711-03-14     1a