Family of Coffin, Richard and Chudleigh, Wilmot


Married Husband Coffin, Richard ( * 1505 + 1555-12-24 )
Married Wife Chudleigh, Wilmot ( * 1488 + 1569-06-13 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage   Cornwall, South West England, England, United Kingdom   1a
Note: 1

Wayne's site says 1510, but that makes him only 5.

Note: 2

Wayne's site says 1510, but that makes him only 5.

Note: 3

Wayne's site says 1510, but that makes him only 5.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Coffin, James15051566-12-15
Coffin, Anne15261592-03-01
Coffin, Christian1528
Coffin, Elizabeth1530
Coffin, Joanna1532
Coffin, Margaret1534
Coffin, John1536-12-291608-03-28
Coffin, Edward1538
Coffin, William15421567