
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hooker. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Hooker, Cortez Allen 1835-08-08 1883-12-18 Broughton, Rachael
Hooker, Harrison Frederick 1892-02-02 1971-01-03 Kibbe, Madge Anable
Hooker, James 1720-01-30 1798-06-18 Parmele, Dorothy
Hooker, James Porter 1803-10-08 1850 Allen, Rachel
Hooker, Laura 1791-07-20 1839-11-18 Fuller, John
Hooker, Mark Broughton 1859-02-06 1938-09-07 Scott, Harrietta Ann
Hooker, Mary Martin 1795-03-18 1880-05-14 Crocker, Thomas
Hooker, Samuel 1762-08-03 1835-06-02 Martin, Elizabeth
Hooker, Sarah 1792-12-25 1873-12-06 Warren, Abel