
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Kelley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Kelley, Ambrose     Crocker, Abigail
Kelley, David     Crocker, Bathsheba
Kelley, Freeman     (Surname), Deborah
Kelley, Herbert F 1852 1916 Crocker, Marcia Abigail
Kelley, James before 1894-09-19
Kelley, Mary Ellen 1871-07-10   McLaughlin, Laughlin M
Kelley, Paulina S. 1853-01-09 1884-08-24 Scudder, Charles O.
Kelley, Rachel 1815 1891-01-20 Crocker, William
Kelley, Roy 1905-08-19 1972-07 McLaughlin, Marion Zelinda
Kelley, Samuel 1811 1873 Crocker, Sarah
Kelley, Seth     Wing, Mehitable
Kelley, Una Jennie     Rowe, Ralph Eugene
Kelley, Zeno 1775-02-24   Wing, Rosa
Kelley, [Living]     Grant, [Living]
Kelley, [Living]     Grass, [Living]
Kelley, [Living]     Hayes, [Living]
Kelley, [Living]