This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Morse. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Partner |
Morse, Abiah Worth
1830-04-30 |
1911-11-15 |
Crocker, Samuel Hooker
Morse, Abner
1795-07-29 |
1858-08-28 |
Hicks, Margaret,
Parker, Mary,
Hicks, Caroline S.
Morse, Alexander
1793 |
1877-10-29 |
Chesley, Amy,
Truesdell, Mary Ann
Morse, Asarelah
1745-01-17 |
Ball, Hepsebeth
Morse, Berecynthia
1764 |
Morse, Calvin
1766 |
Morse, Chloe
1740-01-17 |
1760-09-16 |
Morse, Eliphahet
1723-07-29 |
Pettingill, Abigail
Morse, Hannah Maria
1806-04-08 |
1836-02-14 |
Parker, Obed
Morse, Isaac
1791 |
1871 |
Kendall, Mary
Morse, Jonna
1835 |
1915 |
Crocker, Frederick
Morse, Joseph
Adams, Rebecca
Morse, Joshua
Doty, Elizabeth
Morse, Judith
1791-09-13 |
1856-05-09 |
Newcomb, Guy
Morse, Lovina
1801-08-14 |
Morse, Luther
1798-05-28 |
1861-06-27 |
Woodbury, Mary,
Dodge, Emily
Morse, Micah
1741-12-01 |
Morse, Nancy
Whitcomb, Luke
Morse, Nathan R.
1835-06-12 |
Morse, Obadiah
1817-01-10 |
Chute, Hannah
Morse, Obadiah Jr.
1809-12-20 |
1837-12-30 |
Foster, Minetta,
Foster, Cynthia
Morse, Peter
1788-10 |
1868-09 |
Wheelock, Mary
Morse, Sally Breese
about 1798-01-13 |
1897-07-31 |
Mason, Leonard,
Dewey, Darius
Morse, Sarah
Stickney, Amos
Morse, Sophia
1786-04-09 |
1849-10-12 |
Neiley, Robert
Morse, Susannah
1746-07-21 |
1829-06-16 |
Phinney, Benjamin
Morse, Theodore
1714-08-20 |
1794-12-19 |
Davis, Susanna,
Crocker, Thankful
Morse, Theresa
1803 |
Hicks, John Jr.
Morse, William T.
1837 |
Morse, [Living]