
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ingersoll. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Ingersoll, Albert Kirland     Crocker, Eliza Jane
Ingersoll, Bathsheba     Knight, John
Ingersoll, Joanna     Pettingill, Richard
Ingersoll, Lydia Mercy 1840-07-18 1922-01-04 Bowerman, William
Ingersoll, Reuben Simmons 1810-05-12 1887-08-05 Avery, Sally
Ingersoll, Richard    
Ingersoll, Seth Crocker 1785-05-01 1859-02-15 Whiting, Polly
Ingersoll, William Jr 1761-10-17 1837-11-10 Crocker, Mercy